Topic Descriptions
Airports and aviation
Legislation addressing funding for airports and vertiports.
Alternative fuels and electric vehicles
Legislation addressing special taxes and fees for alternative fuel vehicles.
Bonding and debt
Legislation addressing use of bonds to pay for transportation projects and maintenance.
Legislation addressing policies that allow design-build process for project delivery.
Local transportation funding
Legislation allowing local governments to raise fees or taxes for transportation purposes.
Legislation addressing other transportation funding topics.
Ports and waterways
Legislation addressing funding for water transportation systems.
Public transit and rail
Legislation addressing state funding and support for public transportation.
Public-private partnerships
Legislation allowing or revising the use of public-private partnerships for project delivery.
State DMV fees
Legislation addressing fees charged for various services and special registration fees.
State general sales taxes
Legislation addressing allocation of state sales tax for transportation purposes.
State infrastructure banks
Legislation addressing creation and use of infrastructure banks.
State taxes on aviation and jet fuels
Legislation addressing aviation fuel taxes.
State taxes on gasoline and diesel
Legislation addressing motor fuel taxes.
Studies and pilot projects
Legislation addressing pilot program or studies for alternative transportation revenue sources.
Legislation addressing authorization or imposition of tolls, rules regarding toll collections, penalties and reciprocity with other states.
Transportation appropriations
Legislation addressing state appropriation of funds for transportation purposes.
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) fees
Also known as road user charges (RUC), legislation addressing collecting a fee based on miles driven.