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Running on Empty: Refilling the Gas Tax Tank

For over 100 years, states have relied on gas taxes to support the construction and maintenance of surface transportation systems. Now, the growing use of electric vehicles and improvements in vehicle fuel efficiency are threatening state transportation budgets. This story covers the looming funding crisis and the options states are exploring to ensure adequate transportation funding.

State Legislatures News

Criminal Status of State Drunken Driving Laws

Every state has penalties for drivers who operate vehicles while intoxicated. Some do not classify impaired driving offenses as crimes, while others consider driving while intoxicated a misdemeanor criminal offense. This chart provides information about criminal charges related to driving while intoxicated for every state.

Autonomous Vehicles Legislation Database

This database covers topics related to autonomous vehicles, including definitions, licensing and registration, operation requirements, inspections, testing and more. It includes all introduced legislation from 2017 to the present and is updated monthly as legislation is identified by NCSL staff.

Traffic Safety State Bill Tracking

NCSL works in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to bring you up to date, real-time information about traffic safety bills that have been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

NCSL Traffic Safety Preconference, August 2024

NCSL hosted a Traffic Safety Preconference, on Aug. 4, 2024, in Louisville, Ky. Attendees heard from state legislators and national experts on the latest state traffic safety policy challenges and opportunities. 


Multi-Drug Use Among Drivers Creates Challenge for Police

Drugs create complex problems for law enforcement officers trying to determine the causes of traffic accidents and press charges. Blood alcohol levels can reliably show if someone is unfit to drive, but there are no established standards for impairment by drugs.

State Legislatures News

Distracted Driving | Cellphone Use

Distracted driving is a significant public health and safety issue, particularly as the prevalence of new communication technologies increases the potential for driving distracted.