Women’s Legislative Network Women in State Legislatures for 2025 There are 2,451 women serving in state legislatures in 2025, representing approximately one-third or 32.43% of the total number of state legislators in the 50 states and territories.
Education Supporting Safe and Inclusive Schools A report highlighting state policies that support safe, inclusive schools through prevention, mental health, positive climate, and crisis response strategies.
About State Legislatures 2025 State Legislative Session Calendar The interactive map below provides information on legislative sessions in each state, district and territory. Refer to the legend to determine whether a state is in or out of session.
Map Monday: Statehouses Ring in the New Almost every state has newly elected state legislators and most of them are beginning their first sessions this month.
Human Services Strengthening Families Through Housing Stability A safe, stable place to live is a key ingredient for a child’s healthy physical, emotional and cognitive development.
Energy Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration This issue brief provides an overview of the various methods to capture carbon, and how carbon is then utilized or sequestered for long-term storage.
State Legislatures News Special Report: A Look at 2025’s Trending Legislative Topics Insights from NCSL policy experts on what lies ahead for state lawmakers in 2025.