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Related Topic: Energy

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Topic Descriptions

Building Electrification

Legislation to decarbonize energy usage for buildings, including heating and electrification, and other emissions reduction strategies. Does not include measures to reduce carbon intensity of construction materials.

Climate Change

Legislation addressing issues related to climate change, including emissions reductions and carbon pricing and new technologies such as carbon capture and storage.

Climate Change – Carbon Capture and Storage

Legislation addressing carbon capture and storage and other technologies. Subtopic of Climate Change.

Climate Change – Emissions Reduction

Legislation addressing energy issues related to climate change, including emissions reductions targets and carbon pricing. Subtopic of Climate Change.

Distribution System and Distributed Energy Resources

Legislation relating to electric distribution systems and distributed energy resources, or DERs, including solar photovoltaic technologies, energy storage, cogeneration and other small generating resources located at or near the distribution grid.

Electric Grid and Transmission

Legislation related to the bulk electric grid and electric transmission infrastructure.

Electric Vehicles and EV Infrastructure

Legislation specifically addressing electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Does not include vehicles that run on both gasoline and electricity (see: Transportation – Alternate Fuel/Hybrid).

Energy Efficiency and Demand-Side Management

Legislation aimed at bolstering energy efficiency or promoting practices to manage energy demand through energy conservation strategies, including demand response and dynamic rates.

Energy Resilience - Disasters and Restoration/Recovery

Legislation focusing on the resilience of the energy system to disasters and other natural hazards, disruptions, etc. Also includes legislation on restoration of service and recovery from energy emergencies.

Energy Security - Energy Supply and Human-Caused Threats

Legislation focusing on securing the energy system from physical and cyber threats. Also includes legislation aimed at ensuring energy supply meets demand/avoiding capacity shortfalls.

Energy Storage

Legislation relating to energy storage technologies, including incentives and regulations.

Energy Workforce Development and Green Jobs

Legislation related to the energy workforce and workforce development. This includes clean energy job creation and training, education, certification and licensing for fossil fuel workers affected by the clean energy transition.

Fossil Energy – Coal

Legislation related to the development or end use of coal as an energy source.

Fossil Energy – Oil and Natural Gas

Legislation related to the development, transmission or end use of oil and natural gas.

Hydrogen Energy

Legislation focused on hydrogen energy development, distribution and end use.

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act—State Implementation

State legislation focused on implementing various aspects of these two major federal acts.

Nuclear Energy Facilities

Legislation related to nuclear power, including fuel fabrication and commercial reactors. 

Nuclear / Radioactive Waste

Legislation related to spent fuel and waste storage, transportation and disposition. Subcategory of Nuclear Energy Facilities.

Renewable Energy

Legislation addressing renewable energy topics, including funding and renewable energy development incentives and regulations.

Renewable Energy – Life Cycle and Waste Management

Legislation addressing the disposal, storage and/or recycling of renewable energy materials. Subcategory of Renewable Energy.

Renewable Energy – Solar

Legislation addressing solar energy resources. Subcategory of Renewable Energy.

Renewable Energy – Wind

Legislation addressing wind energy resources. Subcategory of Renewable Energy.


Legislation addressing various fuels for transportation purposes.

Transportation – Alternative Fuel/Hybrid

Legislation covering biofuel or other non-electric alternate fuels or vehicles that use both gasoline and electricity.

Utility Regulation

Legislation affecting state utility commissions or requiring industry or organizations to seek PUC approval for certain actions or programs. It also includes bills with provisions related to electric and natural gas utility operations and rate design.

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