H 164
Consumer Protection
Relates to consumer protection; provides legislative findings; provides definitions; provides age-verification requirements for the distribution of sexual material harmful to minors through certain adult websites, applications and digital and virtual platforms; prohibits the retention of certain personally identifying information; assesses an additional tax on the gross proceeds received through sales, distribution, memberships, subscriptions and performances of material deemed harmful.
H 364
District-owned Devices Internet Safety Policy
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to public K-12 education; requires each local board of education to adopt an internet safety policy for district-owned devices used in schools; prohibits the use of certain platforms; requires instruction in grades six through 12 on the potential effects of social media use; requires the state Department of Education to publish instructional material used online; and to require the state Board of Education to adopt rules.
H 393
Age Verification Procedures Requirement
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to consumer protection; provides prohibitions on the online distribution of material harmful to minors; provides registration and age-verification requirements to access such material; and to prohibit the retention of certain personally identifying information.
H 254
Publishing Pornography Liability
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to minors and the internet; relates to use of social media by minors; relates to civil liability for publishing or distributing pornography to minors on the internet.
H 271
Social Media and Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to social media and minors.
H 2565
Vloggers and Minors and Compensation and Trust Account
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to vloggers; relates to minors; relates to compensation; relates to trust account.
H 2586
Harmful Website Content and Age Verification
Relates to harmful website content; relates to age verification.
H 2656
Internet Pornography and Age Verification
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to internet pornography; relates to age verification.
H 2699
Internet Safety Instruction and Public Schools
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to internet safety instruction; relates to public schools.
H 2793
School Policies and Internet
Relates to school policies; relates to internet; relates to wireless devices.
H 2858
Social Media Protections and Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to social media protections; relates to minors.
S 1125
Internet And Material Harmful To Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to internet; relates to material harmful to minors.
S 1298
Internet and Material Harmful to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to internet; relates to material harmful to minors.
S 1573
Digital and Media Instruction
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the Arizona Department of Education; relates to digital and media instruction.
AB 955
Controlled Substances
Failed - Adjourned
Makes the sale of fentanyl on a social media platform in the state punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for a specified period of time.
A 1282
Mental Health: Impacts of Social Media
Requires the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission to explore, among other things, the persons and populations that use social media and the negative mental health risks associated with social media. Requires the commission to report to specified policy committees of the Legislature a statewide strategy to understand, communicate and mitigate mental health risks associated with the use of social media by children and youth.
A 1501
Business Regulations: Sexually Explicit Material
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a commercial entity that knowingly and intentionally publishes or distributes sexually explicit material on the internet from a sexually explicit website to use an age verification method that prevents minors from accessing sexually explicit material. Makes a commercial entity that violates these provisions liable to the parent or legal guardian of a minor who accessed the sexually explicit material.
A 1800
Controlled Substances: Social Media Companies
Failed - Adjourned
Entitles a person who suffers injury that is proximately caused by the illegal purchase of a controlled substance through a social media platform to recover specified statutory and actual damages if it is shown that the injury was occasioned, in whole or in part, by the want of ordinary care or skill in the management of the platform pursuant to the above-described civil law provision. Entitles a prevailing plaintiff to reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
A 1880
Minors: Artistic Employment
Provides that existing law regulates certain contracts for artistic employment between an unemancipated minor and third parties, including employment as an actor, dancer, musician, or other performer or entertainer, or sports participant. Includes content creator in these provisions and defines content creator as an individual who creates, posts, shares, or otherwise interacts with digital content on an online platform and engages in a direct contractual relationship with third parties.
A 2390
Social Media Harm Reduction Pilot Program
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes, until a specified date, the Social Media Harm Reduction Pilot Program and requires the California Health and Human Services Agency to designate a nonprofit organization to undertake the responsibilities of the program. Requires the program to do various specified tasks, including recommending statewide standards for the use of online social networks by kindergarten and grades 1 to 12 pupils. Requires the program to coordinate with existing laws regulating social media platforms.
A 2461
User Authentication
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a social media platform that authenticates the identity of a user to delete any personal information submitted by the user to the social media platform for that purpose within a specified number of days of the date upon which the social media platform authenticates the user's identity.
A 2481
Social Media-Related Threats: Reporting
Relates to the Cyberbullying Protection Act. Requires a social media platform to establish a mechanism that allows an individual to report a social media-related threat or any content that violates the platform's terms of service. Requires a large social media platform to, among other things, create a process to verify certain individuals as verified reporters, including a school principal or counselor. Authorizes a person to bring a civil action for a violation under certain circumstances.
A 2529
Social Media Platforms: Video Games: Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that the state Age-Appropriate Design Code Act prohibits a business that provides an online service, product, or feature likely to be accessed by children from collecting, selling, sharing, or retaining any personal information that is not necessary to provide such services, with certain exceptions. Prohibits a social media platform or video game from collecting the personal information of a minor unless otherwise required by law to do so. Defines minor.
A 2657
Social Media Commission
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Social Media Commission to provide a comprehensive report with formal recommendations for regulation of social media as it relates to child and adolescent mental health and well-being. Requests the University of California to send an informational briefing to committee members containing, among other things, a review of research on the outcomes of enacted legislation on adolescent social media use and mental health.
A 2876
Pupil Instruction: Media Literacy
Requires the Instructional Quality Commission to consider including the Model Library Standards, including media literacy content, in its criteria for evaluating instructional materials when the state Board of Education next adopts English language arts/English language development instructional materials. Requires the commission to consider including media literacy content in its criteria when the state board next adopts mathematics, science and history-social science instructional materials.
A 3080
The Parent's Accountability and Child Protection Act
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a person or business in the state that seeks to sell or make available products or services that are illegal to make available to minors to take reasonable steps to ensure that the purchaser or user is of legal age. Steps include, but are not limited to, requiring the user or purchaser to display ID. Requires the attorney general to define reasonable steps. Provides that the penalty for a violation may be assessed and recovered only in a civil action brought by the attorney general.
A 3216
Pupils: Use of Smartphones
Requires the governing body of a school district, a county office of education, or a charter school to develop and adopt, and to update every specified number of years, a policy to limit or prohibit the use by its pupils of smartphones while the pupils are at a school site or while the pupils are under the supervision and control of an employee or employees of that school district, county office of education, or charter school.
ACR 219
California Social Media Users' Bill of Rights
Failed - Adjourned
Urges social media platforms to universally commit to recognize, implement, and protect certain reasonable rights of their users recognized and declared in the California Social Media Users' Bill of Rights, including protecting children's data.
S 287
Features that Harm Child Users: Civil Penalty
Failed - Adjourned
Prohibits a social media platform from using a design, algorithm or feature that the platform knows, or which by the exercise of reasonable care should have known, causes child users, as defined to do any of certain things, including experience addiction to the social media platform. Subjects a social media platform that knowingly and willfully violates these provisions to a civil penalty and an award of litigation costs and attorney's fees in an action brought only by certain public attorneys.
S 764
Minors: Online Platforms
Requires a vlogger to compensate a minor under a specified age if the minor is engaged in the work of vlogging. Requires the vlogger to set aside gross earnings on the content in a trust account to be preserved for the benefit of the minor. Requires the vlogger to prepare a written statement, under penalty of perjury, that includes specified information relating to the trust account.
S 845
Let Parents Choose Protect Act
Failed - Adjourned
Requires large social media platform providers to create, maintain, and make available to specified third-party safety software providers a set of third-party-accessible application programming interfaces to allow a third-party safety software provider, upon authorization by a child or a parent or legal guardian of a child, to monitor a child's online interactions, content, and account settings and initiate secure transfers of the child's user data for these purposes.
S 918
Law Enforcement Contact Process: Search Warrants
Requires a social media platform to always make available by telephone to a law enforcement agency a law enforcement liaison for the purpose of receiving, and responding to, requests for information. Requires, with certain exceptions, a social media platform to immediately comply with a search warrant provided to the social media platform by a law enforcement agency if the subject of the search warrant is an account on the social media platform owned by a user of the social media platform.
S 976
Protecting Our Kids from Social Media Addiction Act
Provides for the Protecting our Kids from Social Media Addiction Act. Makes it unlawful for the operator of an addictive internet-based service or application to provide an addictive feed to a user, unless the operator does not have actual knowledge that the user is a minor, has reasonably determined that the user is not a minor, or has obtained verifiable parental consent to provide an addictive feed to the user who is a minor.
S 981
Sexually Explicit Digital Images
Requires a social media platform to provide a mechanism to a reporting user who is a state resident who has an account with the platform to report digital identify theft. Defines sexually explicit digital identity theft. Requires a platform to immediately remove a reported instance of sexually explicit digital identity theft from being publicly viewable on the platform if the platform determines there is a reasonable basis to believe the reported theft is sexually explicit digital identity theft.
S 1283
Pupils: Use of Social Media
Provides that existing law explicitly authorizes the governing body of a school district, a county office of education, or a charter school to adopt a policy to limit or prohibit the use by its pupils of smartphones. Expands the authority to cover the use of social media. Requires, if a local educational agency requests a student to voluntarily disclose or give access to electronic information, the request to be accompanied by a written disclosure of the pupil's rights, including that the pupil can refuse.
S 1444
Let Parents Choose Protection Act of 2024
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to online privacy rights for minors. Requires the Department of Technology to issue guidance for large social media providers and third-party software providers regarding the implementation and maintenance of technical standards to protect user data. Requires a third-party safety software provider receiving any data pursuant to these provisions to at least annually enlist a qualified independent auditing firm to audit its privacy, security and legal compliance.
S 1504
Cyberbullying Protection Act
Relates to the Cyberbullying Protection Act, which requires a social media platform to disclose all cyberbullying reporting procedures in the social media platforms terms of service and to establish a reporting mechanism. Authorizes a parent or legal guardian of a minor, or a teacher or administrator in the school that the minor attends who submits a report of cyberbullying to the social media platform, a city attorney, a district attorney, or a county counsel to bring an action to enforce the act.
H 1136
Encouraging Healthier Social Media Use by Youth
Concerns measures to encourage healthier social media use by youth, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Requires the Department of Education to create and maintain a resource bank of evidence-based, research-based and promising program materials and curricula pertaining to the mental health impacts of social media use by children and teens; requires the department to convene a stakeholder group; requires the department to expand local student wellness programs to include programs that address the impacts of problematic technology use on the mental and physical well-being of state youth; appropriates funds.
S 84
Attorney General Duties
Concerns a requirement that the attorney general coordinate with the Department of Education to prevent the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation by sharing resources to encourage respectful discourse.
S 158
Social Media Companies
Failed - Adjourned
Requires that a social media company must post published policies for each of its platforms, and must post any updates to the policies; provides that such policies must include, among other things, contact information that allows a user to ask the company questions about the published policies; prohibits a social media company from, among other things, alerting a user to the fact that a law enforcement agency is investigating the users activity and account; appropriates funds to the Department of Law.
HB 265
(Special Session)
Pushing Harmful Materials to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a commercial entity that knowingly or intentionally provides pornography and other materials defined as harmful to minors to verify the age of individuals accessing the material; imposes civil liability and a civil penalty on commercial entities that fail to comply with verification requirements; provides that an internet provider or user of an interactive computer service on the internet is not subject to liability.
District of Columbia
H 1
Social Media Use for Minors
Requires certain social media platforms to prohibit certain minors from creating new accounts and to verify the age of account holders; specifies the age verification methods the social media platform is required and authorized to offer; authorizes the Department of Legal Affairs to bring actions for knowing or reckless violations under the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.
H 3
Online Access to Materials Harmful to Minors
Provides that a commercial entity that knowingly and intentionally publishes or distributes material harmful to minors on a website or application, if the website or application contains a substantial portion of material harmful to minors, must use either anonymous age verification or standard age verification to verify that the age of a person attempting to access the material is a certain age or older and prevent access to the material by a person younger than a certain age; provides for civil penalties.
H 207
Social Media Protection for Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Requires social media platforms to disclose policies and provide resources, measures and disclaimers; authorizes social media platforms to post compliance statements on internet home.
H 1377
Public Records and Investigations
Relates to social media violations; provides that during an active investigation, information made confidential and exempt may be disclosed by the Department of Legal Affairs in the furtherance of its official duties and responsibilities, for print, publication, or broadcast if the department determines that such release would assist in notifying the public or locating a person that the department believes to be a victim of an improper use or disposal of customer records, and to another governmental entity.
H 1491
Public Records and Investigations
Provides an exemption from public records requirements for information relating to investigations by the Department of Legal Affairs of certain social media violations; authorizes the department to disclose such information for certain purposes; defines proprietary information; provides an exemption from public records requirements for information relating to investigations by the department of certain age verification violations; authorizes the department to disclose such information for certain purposes.
S 454
Protection of Minors on Social Media Platforms
Defines the terms account holder and social media platform; requires social media platforms to develop and implement a content moderation strategy to prevent a minor from being exposed to certain materials on the social media platform; requires social media platforms to verify the ages of users creating accounts on the platforms; requires social media platforms to provide parents or legal guardians with parental control settings that place controls on a minor child account.
S 1196
Protect Our Children Act
Cites this act as the Protect Our Children Act; requires manufacturers of tablets or smartphones to manufacture such devices so that a filter meeting certain requirements is enabled upon activation of the device in the state; authorizes the attorney general to enforce the act; provides for damages; increases criminal penalties for adults who intentionally lure or entice, or who attempt to lure or entice, children under a specified age into a structure, dwelling or conveyance for other than a lawful purpose.
S 1430
Social Media Protection for Minors
Requires social media platforms to disclose specified policies and provide specified resources, measures and disclaimers, beginning on a specified date; authorizes social media platforms to post specified compliance statements on their internet homepage or platform user login page; prohibits certain schools from using or having an account on certain social media platforms and from requiring students to register, enroll, or participate in social media platforms for educational purposes, etc.
S 1788
Age Verification for Social Media Platform Accounts
Requires social media platforms to prohibit certain minors from creating new accounts, use reasonable age-verification methods to verify the ages of account holders, to terminate certain accounts and provide additional options for termination of such accounts, and to disclose specified policies and provide specified resources, measures and disclaimers; authorizes the Department of Legal Affairs to bring actions for violations under the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.
S 1792
Online Access To Materials Harmful To Minors
Requires a commercial entity that knowingly and intentionally publishes or distributes material harmful to minors on a website or application that contains a substantial portion of such material to perform reasonable age verification methods and methods for reporting unauthorized or unlawful access; prohibits the retention of certain personal identifying information.
H 338
Student Technology Protection Act
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to elementary and secondary education, so as to provide for the inclusion of methods for the promotion of the safe and appropriate use of technology and responsible digital citizenship in the comprehensive character education program; revises requirements for internet safety policies in public schools; revises existing definitions and provide for new definitions; requires local boards of education and governing bodies of charter schools to annually submit acceptable-use policies and tech.
H 910
Entities That Distribute Material Harmful to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Creates a civil remedy for damages against commercial entities that distribute material harmful to minors without performing age verification methods; provides for reasonable age verification process requirements for commercial entities; provides for standards for liability; provides for exceptions; provides that age verification information shall not be retained by commercial entities; provides for the Attorney Generals imposition of fines; provides for liability for damages; relates to internet safety.
H 968
Child Performer Empowerment and Protection Act
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to regulation of employment of minors, so as to require the establishment of blocked trust accounts for minors rendering artistic or creative services in this state; provides for definitions; provides for the Commissioner of Labor to investigate and determine conditions of employment of child performers prior to the commencement of such employment; provides for requirements related to blocked trust accounts for child performers.
H 993
Crimes and Offenses
Relates to offenses related to minors generally, to provide for limitations of defense that a sexually exploitive visual medium is digitally altered for the offense of sexual exploitation of children; provides for the offense of grooming a minor; provides for a penalty; prohibits a certain defense; provides for venue for certain conduct involving a minor.
H 1296
Online Internet Safety
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to online internet safety; provides for social media age verification; provides for definitions; provides for parental permission; provides for restrictions on minors social media account activity; provides for parental supervision; requires the Consumer Protection Division of the Department of Law to investigate complaints; provides for civil remedies; provides for annual reporting; provides for exceptions; provides for redesignation of certain Code sections.
H 1365
Protecting Children's Mental Health
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to minors, so as to create a civil remedy for damages against commercial entities that allow minors to access a social media platform without performing reasonable age verification methods; provides for definitions; provides for reasonable age verification requirements for commercial entities; provides for standards for liability; provides for exceptions; provides that age verification information shall not be retained by commercial entities; provides for the attorney general's imposition of fines.
S 351
Protecting Georgias Children on Social Media Act
Provides for social media platform access by minors; provides for social media policies in public schools; requires the Department of Education to develop and periodically update model programs for educating students regarding online safety; provides for inclusion of parental measures and controls in such technology protection measures; provides for the withholding of funds allotted for public schools that have not provided for adequate measures; revises provisions relating to bullying and cyberbullying.
SR 806
Senate Study Committee
Failed - Adjourned
Creates the Senate Study Committee on the Impact of Social Media on Children and Platform Privacy Protection.
S 2309
Children Data Protections
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the state Age-Appropriate Design Code to promote privacy protections for children and ensure that online products, services, or features that are likely to be accessed by children are designed in a manner that recognizes the distinct needs of children at different age ranges; establishes a children's data protection working group, administratively attached to the Department of the Attorney General, to assess and develop recommendations on the best practices for the implementation.
SCR 18
Addictive Online Activities Study
Failed - Adjourned
Urges the Department of Health to conduct a study to evaluate state's residents' engagement with addictive online activities.
SR 10
Addictive Online Activities Study
Failed - Adjourned
Urges the Department of Health to conduct a study to evaluate state's residents' engagement with addictive online activities.
H 448
Publishers and Distributors Liability
Failed - Adjourned
Adds to existing law to establish provisions to protect minors from harmful material on the internet.
H 498
Internet Publishers and Distributors Liability
Provides legislative findings and intent, to define terms, to prohibit the intentional publication or distribution of material harmful to minors on the internet, to provide for a private cause of action, to provide affirmative defenses, to provide for venue for civil actions, to provide for the exclusivity of private civil enforcement, to provide for certain immunity and limits on state court jurisdiction.
H 663
Failed - Adjourned
Amends and adds to existing law to require school districts to establish internet access policies to block certain content and to establish digital literacy instruction for students in grades 6 through 12.
S 1417
Parental Rights In Social Media
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Parental Rights in Social Media Act.
H 1522
Study Article of the School Code
Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code; provides that, beginning Jan. 1, 2024, and at least once every three years thereafter, the state Board of Education shall review and submit a report to the General Assembly of recommended revisions to the internet safety education curriculum provisions to ensure the internet safety education curriculum aligns with current best practices and reflects current technology and customary uses of the internet.
H 4247
Online Age Verification for Material Harmful to Minors
Creates the Online Age Verification for Material Harmful to Minors Act; requires any commercial entity that knowingly or intentionally publishes or distributes material harmful to minors on the Internet from a website that contains a substantial portion of such material to verify that any person attempting to access such material is 18 years of age or older; provides that verification must be done through the use of a commercially available database that is regularly used by businesses.
H 4625
Courses of Study Article of the School Code
Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code; provides that all school districts shall, with guidance and standards provided by the state Board of Education and a group of educators convened by the state Board of Education, ensure that students receive developmentally appropriate opportunities to gain digital literacy skills beginning in elementary school; provides that digital literacy instruction shall include developmentally appropriate instruction in digital citizenship skills, media.
H 4879
Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act
Amends the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act; provides that it is an unlawful practice within the meaning of the Act for a high-impact social media company in the State to fail to make available to its customers, at no cost, a customer support service to address customer issues and complaints during the hours the high-impact social media company regularly conducts business; provides that the customer support service must respond to customers within one business day after a customer.
H 5380
Let Parents Choose Protection Act
Creates the Let Parents Choose Protection Act; provides that the Act may be referred to as Sammy's Law; provides that, before a specified date, or within 30 days after a service becomes a large social media platform after specified date, a large social media platform provider shall create, maintain, and make available to any third-party safety software provider a set of third-party-accessible real time application programming interfaces, including any information necessary to use the interfaces.
H 5454
Personal Information Protection Act
Amends the Personal Information Protection Act; provides protections for social media users and creates a private cause of action for them if their accounts have been hacked and not restored by social media websites under certain circumstances; defines a social media website as an internet website or mobile application that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, or images is open to the public has more than 75 million subscribers.
S 1413
Pharmaceuticals on Social Media Act
Creates the Sale of Pharmaceuticals on Social Media Act; provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, no individual shall sell or advertise the sale of a pharmaceutical on social media unless the individual has completed a verification process with specified requirements.
S 1739
Minor Online Data Privacy Act
Creates the Minor Online Data Privacy Act; contains only a short title provision.
S 1784
Child Labor Law
Amends the Child Labor Law; provides that a vlogger who features a minor child in a specified amount of the vlogger's content shared on an online platform must set aside a specified amount of gross earnings on the video content in a trust account to be preserved for the benefit of the minor upon reaching the age of majority; provides for the requirements of the trust account; defines terms.
S 2590
Adult Content Age Verification Act
Creates the Adult Content Age Verification Act; defines terms; provides that a commercial entity that knowingly and intentionally publishes or distributes material harmful to minors on the internet from a website that contains a substantial portion of material harmful to minors shall be subject to civil penalties if the entity fails to perform reasonable age verification methods to verify the age of individuals attempting to access the material; provides that the attorney general may investigate.
S 3324
Sammy's Law of 2024
Creates Sammy's Law of 2024; requires, before specified date, or within specified days after a service becomes a large social media platform, a large social media platform provider to create, maintain, and make available to any third-party safety software provider a set of third-party-accessible real time application programming interfaces by which a child, or a parent or legal guardian of a child, may delegate permission to the third-party safety software provider to monitor the child's online interaction.
S 3334
Age-Appropriate Design Code Act
Creates the Age-Appropriate Design Code Act; provides that all covered entities that operate in the state and process children's data in any capacity shall do so in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.
S 3337
State Commemorative Dates Act
Amends the State Commemorative Dates Act; designates the third Friday of May of each year as Take a Break from Social Media Day.
S 3355
Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act
Amends the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act; provides that it is an unlawful practice for a high-impact social media company in the state to fail to make available to its customers, at no cost, a customer support service for customers to notify the company of any harmful content that the customer believes is illegal or violates the high-impact social media company's terms of service; provides that the customer support service must timely respond to customers within one business day.
S 3440
Parental Consent for Social Media Act
Creates the Parental Consent for Social Media Act; provides that a social media company shall not permit an user who is a minor to be an account holder on the social media company's social media platform unless the minor has the express consent of a parent or legal guardian; provides that a social media company shall verify the age of an account holder using a third-party vendor to perform reasonable age verification before allowing access to the social media company's social media platform.
S 3510
Social Media Protection Act
Creates the Minor User of Social Media Protection Act; provides that a social media company that has account holders shall develop a written policy, made available to the public, that complies with the procedures set forth in the Act and establish a reporting function that permits account holders to report that an account holder is a minor.
S 3646
Child Labor Law of 2024
Provides that a person shall not employ, allow, or permit a minor to work in the state unless that work meets the requirements of the Child Labor Law of 2024; provides that a person may employ, allow or permit a minor 14 or 15 years of age to work outside of school hours, except at prohibited work sites, after being issued a certificate authorizing that employment; provides that a person shall not employ, allow or permit a minor 13 years of age or younger to work; provides for criminal and civil penalties.
SR 882
Calendar Resolution
Declares May 17, 2024 as Take Break from Social Media Day in the state.
H 1036
Age Verification to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to age verification for material harmful to minors; requires an adult oriented website operator that displays material harmful to minors to use a reasonable age verification method to prevent a minor from accessing an adult oriented website.
H 1063
Age Verification
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to age verification; requires an adult oriented website operator that displays material harmful to minors to use a reasonable age verification method to prevent a minor from accessing an adult oriented website; creates a cause of action to permit, the parent or guardian of a child harmed by a violation of the age verification requirement to obtain monetary damages, injunctive relief and reasonable attorney's fees, and the attorney general to bring an action based on a violation of the age verification requirement or data retention requirements to obtain injunctive relief, and, after providing notice and an opportunity to cure, a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 per day of violation. Prohibits a person that conducts age verification from: (1) retaining the identifying information of an individual seeking to access an adult oriented website; (2) using identifying information for a purpose other than age verification; or (3) collecting identifying information that is not reasonably necessary for purposes of age verification. Permits an individual whose identifying information is misused to bring an action to obtain monetary damages, injunctive relief and reasonable attorney's fees.
H 1140
Age Verification for Material Harmful to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to age verification for material harmful to minors; requires an adult oriented website operator that displays material harmful to minors to use a reasonable age verification method to prevent a minor from accessing an adult oriented website; creates a cause of action to permit, the parent or guardian of a child harmed by a violation of the age verification requirement to obtain monetary damages, injunctive relief and reasonable attorney's fees, and any other person to bring an action.
H 1198
Student Use of a Wireless Communication Device
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to student use of a wireless communication device, requires that each school corporation and charter school adopt and implement a wireless communication device policy that governs, with certain exceptions, student use of a wireless communication device and publish the policy on the school corporation's or charter school's website.
H 1243
Various Education and Workforce Related Matters
Makes various changes to the education law concerning the state diploma requirements and designations and satisfying certain course requirement by obtaining a diploma, provides that each school corporation may include instruction regarding internet safety in the school corporation's curriculum.
H 1253
Internet and Social Media Literacy Education
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to internet and social media literacy education; requires the Department of Education to develop curricula concerning internet and social media literacy; permits a school corporation to offer an elective course on internet and social media literacy.
H 1295
Material Harmful to Minors Age Verification
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to age verification for material harmful to minors; requires an adult oriented website operator that displays material harmful to minors to use a reasonable age verification method to prevent a minor from accessing an adult oriented website; creates a cause of action to permit, the parent or guardian of a child harmed by a violation of the age verification requirement to obtain monetary damages, injunctive relief and reasonable attorney's fees.
H 1314
Social Media Use By Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to social media use by minors; provides that a social media service may not allow a state resident who is a minor to hold an account with the social media service unless the social media service receives written consent to the minors use of the social media service from the minors parent or guardian; requires a social media service to configure the account of a registered user that the social media service knows, or reasonably should know, is, a minor.
S 17
Trade Regulation
Provides that an adult oriented website operator may not knowingly or intentionally publish an adult oriented website unless the adult oriented website operator uses a reasonable age verification method to prevent a minor from accessing the site.
S 185
Student Use of Wireless Communication Devices
Requires each school corporation and charter school to adopt and implement a wireless communication device policy that governs student use of a wireless communication device and publish the policy on the school corporations or charter schools website, provides that the policy may not prohibit a student from using a wireless communication device during instructional time if the use of the wireless communication device is included in the students individualized education program or plan.
S 201
Minor Use of Mobile Devices and Social Media
Failed - Adjourned
Requires the manufacturer of a mobile smart device that incorporates an adult content filter and that is sold in Indiana after Jan. 1, 2025, to configure the operating system of the mobile smart device: (1) such that the adult content filter is enabled upon activation of the mobile smart device; and (2) in a manner that reasonably ensures that a minor cannot disable the adult content filter. Provides that a manufacturer of mobile smart devices commits a deceptive consumer sale that is actionable by the attorney general for each sale in Indiana of a noncompliant mobile smart device manufactured by the manufacturer. Requires a social media provider (provider) that receives a request for creation of an account with the provider's social media service to: (1) determine the age of the individual requesting creation of the account; (2) if the provider determines that the individual is a minor, create the account only if the provider receives written consent to creation of the account from the minor's parent, guardian, or custodian; and (3) if the provider creates an account for the individual, electronically provide specified information to the minor's parent, guardian, or custodian. Provides that a provider has a duty of care to a user of the provider's social media service that the provider knows, or reasonably should know, is a minor and shall: (1) implement reasonable measures in the design and operation of the features of the provider's social media service to mitigate the possibility of a minor's use of the social media service resulting in, or increasing the likelihood of, the minor experiencing specified harms; (2) configure the account of a minor in a specified manner; (3) provide a minor user with access to specified features of the social media service only upon affirmative activation of the feature by the user; (4) provide a means for a minor user's parent, guardian, or custodian to: (A) modify specified settings of the minor's account; and (B) access specified information regarding the minor's account; and (5) provide a minor user with an easily understandable and readily available means of deleting the minor's account and any information associated with the minor's account. Prohibits a provider from disclosing personal information of a registered user of the social media service that the provider knows, or reasonably should know, is a minor. Provides that a provider that knowingly and intentionally violates these regulations commits a deceptive act that is actionable by the attorney general.
S 287
Schools Internet Safety Curricula
Failed - Adjourned
Amends requirements regarding eligibility for career coaching grants and instruction on career awareness; repeals a provision that provides that each school corporation may include cursive writing in the school corporation's curriculum; provides that each school corporation may include instruction regarding internet safety in the school corporations curriculum; provides that each curriculum developed or approved must include age appropriate instruction regarding specified subjects.
H 2051
Obscene Material
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to obscene material available on devices and imposes civil liability on entities who publish or distribute obscene material on the internet.
H 2255
Minor Accounts on Social Media
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to parental authorization for minors to create accounts on social media platforms; provides civil penalties; includes applicability provisions.
H 2523
Minor Accounts on Social Media Platforms
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to parental authorization for minors to create accounts on social media platforms; provides civil penalties; includes applicability provisions.
H 2546
Minors Using the Internet
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to minors using the internet, including social media and internet safety instruction and education requirements in public schools and liability for publication of obscene material available to minors on the internet.
S 2044
Use of Cellular Telephones by Students in Public School
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the use of cellular telephones by students in public schools.
S 2219
Regulation of Access to Obscene Material by Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the regulation of access to obscene material by minors on social media platforms; includes effective date provisions.
S 2227
Obscene Material Available on Devices
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to obscene material available on devices and imposing civil liability on platforms who publish or distribute obscene material on the internet and includes effective date provisions.
H 2592
Consumer Protection Regarding Internet Content
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to requiring the use of age-verification technology to permit access to internet websites containing material that is harmful to minors.
H 2641
Use of Privately Owned Electronic Communication Devices
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to requiring school districts to prohibit the use of privately owned electronic communication devices during school hours.
S 394
Consumer Protection Regarding Internet Content
Concerns consumer protection; relates to internet content that is harmful to minors; requires age verification for access to such content; provides for civil penalties for violations; establishes a civil cause of action for damages, attorney fees and costs.
H 241
Protection of Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Declares legislative findings relating to pornography; defines terms; establishes a civil cause of action against any commercial entity that publishes matter harmful to minors on the internet without obtaining age verification; requires removal of personal data following review for access; establishes civil causes of action for violations; establishes limitations on applicability and liability.
H 278
Protection of Children
Provides that the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet shall design, print, and distribute to law enforcement agencies a reporting form which provides statistical information relating to the crimes involving, among other things, childhood sexual assault or abuse; provides that any covered platform that knowingly and intentionally publishes or distributes material on the internet, more than one-third of which is matter harmful to minors, and fails to perform age verification shall be liable for certain damages.
H 383
Technology in Public Schools
Failed - Adjourned
Requires local boards of education to adopt a policy to, at a minimum, prohibit use of a personal telecommunications device during instructional time with specific exceptions.
H 450
Protection of Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Defines terms; prohibits social media companies from allowing minors to create accounts without parental consent; provides means for establishing age and providing parental consent; prohibits retention of personal information obtained through consent process; requires social media companies to provide parents with means for account supervision; authorizes the attorney general to enforce through administrative and judicial action; establishes a private civil cause of action.
H 463
Protection of Children Using Social Media
Failed - Adjourned
Defines terms; specifies what entities are subject to this act; requires digital service providers to register the age of the user; specifies the duties of digital services providers relating to agreements with minors; requires digital service providers to develop internal controls to prevent minors from being exposed to obscene matter, create parental monitoring tools, prevent advertising certain goods and services to minors and provide information related to algorithms and content promotion.
H 767
Internet Safety Instruction for Children
Failed - Adjourned
Requires school districts to implement social media safety mechanisms in internet access policies; requires social media safety policies; requires social media safety instruction for students in grades 6 through 12; allows parents or guardians to opt children out of social media safety instruction.
S 249
Sex Offenders
Defines social media platform; requires sex offenders who have committed a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor to display their full legal name on social media platforms; provides penalties.
S 276
Protection of Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Declares legislative findings relating to pornography; defines terms; establishes a civil cause of action against any commercial entity that publishes matter harmful to minors on the internet without obtaining age verification; requires removal of personal data following review for access; establishes civil causes of action for violations; establishes limitations on applicability and liability.
S 345
Protection of Children and Internet Usage
Failed - Adjourned
Defines terms; requires covered entities to complete data protection impact assessments before releasing new products or services; requires covered entities to make data protection impact assessments available to the attorney general upon request; requires covered entities to configure default privacy settings for children at a high level of privacy; requires covered entities to provide tools for parents and guardians to exercise privacy and report concerns.
H 123
Contracts with Minors
Declares that minors are to be protected in the online environment and that interactive computer services shall be discouraged from contracting with minors without the consent of a legal representative; provides that any contract entered into between a minor and an interactive computer service without the express consent of the legal representative of the minor shall be a relative nullity; provides that the confirmation of a contract that is relatively null shall be express and in writing.
H 175
Unlawful Posting of Criminal Activity
Relates to unlawful posting of criminal activity for notoriety and publicity; provides relative to the elements of the offense; provides for a definition; provides for related matters.
H 577
Commercial Regulations
Relates to data collection of minors; to provide for definitions; provides for legislative findings; provides for prohibitions; provides for protection from liability under certain circumstances; provides for civil fines; provides for enforcement; prohibits social media companies from collecting data to use for targeted advertising to minors.
S 207
Electronic Telecommunication Devices
Provides that present law prohibits the unauthorized use or operation by a student of any electronic telecommunications device in public school buildings and school buses and on school grounds, provides that any electronic telecommunications device must either be turned off and properly stowed away throughout the duration of the instructional day or prohibited from being turned on and used during the instructional day.
H 603
Online Products and Services Consumer Data Protection
Requiring a covered entity that offers an online product reasonably likely to be accessed by children to complete a certain data protection impact assessment under certain circumstances; requires certain privacy protections for certain online products; prohibits certain data collection and sharing practices; authorizes certain monitoring practices.
H 645
Social Media Platforms Vloggers and Video Content
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a vlogger who creates video content that is posted on a social media platform and features a certain minor child to compensate the child under certain circumstances; establishes requirements on social media platforms relating to deleting video content featuring minor children; applies certain requirements related to the labor of minors to children compensated by vloggers.
H 672
Website Age Verification Standards
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a website operator or other person who displays, exhibits, sells, shows, or advertises for sale obscene material to adhere to certain age verification standards.
H 1119
Algorithmic Addiction Fund
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Algorithmic Addiction Fund; provides that the Fund includes all revenue received by the state from a judgment against, or settlement with, technology conglomerates, technology companies, social media conglomerates, or social media companies relating to claims made by the state; requires the secretary of health to develop certain goals, objectives and indicators relating to algorithmic addiction treatment and prevention efforts; requires the secretary to establish a certain grant program.
H 1372
Mental Health Care Fund for Children and Youth
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Mental Health Care Fund for Children and Youth as to support improved access to mental health care services to children and youth in the state; imposes a tax on certain annual revenues derived from certain digital social media services in the state; provides for the calculation and collection of the tax; requires the comptroller to distribute revenue from the tax in a certain manner.
H 1460
Personal Identifying Information and Images of Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Prohibits a person from intentionally disseminating the personal identifying information or image of a minor without express permission and with the intent to intimidate or harm the minor; establishes that a person who violates the act is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding $5,000 or both.
S 112
County Boards of Education Policy on Cellular Phone
Failed - Adjourned
Requires county boards of education to develop and adopt a policy that prohibits students from using a cellular phone during instructional time unless a teacher expressly directs the student to use a cellular phone for educational purposes, exempts a county board that has an existing policy on the student use of cellular phones during school hours from the requirement to develop or adopt a new policy.
S 382
Display of Obscene Materials to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a website operator or other person who displays, exhibits, sells, shows, or advertises for sale obscene material to adhere to certain age verification standards.
S 571
Online Products and Services Data of Children
Requires a covered entity that offers an online product reasonably likely to be accessed by children to complete a certain data protection impact assessment under certain circumstances; requiring certain privacy protections for certain online products; prohibiting certain data collection and sharing practices; authorizing certain monitoring practices.
S 739
Algorithmic Addiction Fund Establishment
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Algorithmic Addiction Fund; provides that the fund includes all revenue received by the state from a judgment against, or settlement with, technology conglomerates, technology companies, social media conglomerates, or social media companies relating to claims made by the state; requires the secretary of health to develop certain goals, objectives and indicators relating to algorithm addiction treatment and prevention efforts; requires the secretary to establish a certain grant program.
S 1162
Vloggers and Video Content Featuring Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a vlogger who creates video content that is posted on a social media platform and features a certain minor child to compensate the child under certain circumstances; establishes requirements on social media platforms relating to deleting video content featuring minor children; applies certain requirements related to the labor of minors to children compensated by vloggers.
H 80
Internet Privacy Rights for Children
Relates to internet privacy rights for children.
H 560
Media Literacy in Schools
Relates to media literacy in schools.
H 1893
Social Media Consumer Privacy Protection
Relates to social media consumer privacy protection.
H 1986
Social Media Safety
Relates to the investigation by a special commission to promote safe social media use, identify best practices for social media platforms to safeguard children's mental health, and develop guidelines for safe social media use.
H 4241
Abuse and Exploitation
Prevents abuse and exploitation. Encourages school districts to implement instruction in media literacy skills at all grade levels. Establishes measures relating to abuse and exploitation.
S 2703
Prevent Abuse and Exploitation
Relates to prevent abuse and exploitation.
S 2710
Abuse and Exploitation Prevention
Requires the development and implementation of a comprehensive educational diversion program about the activity commonly known as "sexting." Requires the Department of Education to encourage school districts to implement instruction in age-appropriate media literacy skills at all grade levels and in any of the core subjects under section 1D of chapter 69, life skills programming or other subjects to equip students with the knowledge and skills for accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating all types of media.
H 4414
Data Security
Provides department to create resources concerning digital literacy and cyber safety on public website.
H 5009
Pornographic Websites
Requires age verification to visit adult-only pornographic websites.
H 5920
Social Media Regulation Act
Establishes age verification and consent requirements related to the opening and use of social media accounts by residents of the state; establishes certain standards for social media accounts of minors; establishes certain requirements related to accessing the social media accounts of minors; provides for the powers and duties of certain state governmental officers and entities; prohibits certain acts related to social media accounts of minors; prescribes civil sanctions and provides remedies.
H 5921
Wireless Communications Device Policy
Provides that the board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall implement a wireless communications device policy for students who are enrolled in specified grades that prohibits those students from possessing a wireless communications device on school grounds.
H 2257
Minnesota Age-Appropriate Design Code Act
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that a business that develops and provides online services, products, or features that children are likely to access must consider the best interests of children when designing, developing, and providing that online service, product, or feature; provides for civil penalties.
H 3488
Labor Compensation for Minors
Relates to labor; provides compensation for minors appearing in internet content creation.
H 4400
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to consumer protection; creates the Prohibiting Social Media Manipulation Act; regulates social media platforms; provides for attorney general enforcement.
H 4456
Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, Counsel
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to education; establishes the Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, and Media Literacy Advisory Council; requires a report.
H 4581
Phones in School Policy
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to education, requests the State School Boards Association to develop a model policy for cellphones in schools.
H 5409
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to consumer protection; requires age verification for websites with material harmful to minors; provides for enforcement by the attorney general; creates a private right of action.
H 5452
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to consumer protection; regulates the use of social media for minors ages 15 and younger; requires anonymous age verification for websites harmful to minors.
S 3474
Media Literacy Advisory Council
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, and Media Literacy Advisory Council.
S 3496
Labor Compensation for Minors
Relates to labor; provides compensation for minors appearing in Internet content creation; provides at least specified percent of the content creator's compensated content produced within a specified number of days period included the likeness, name, or photograph of the minor.
S 3567
Provisions for Prekindergarten Through Grade 12
Modifies provisions for prekindergarten through grade 12 education including general education, education excellence, teachers, the Read Act, special education, charter schools, nutrition and libraries, health and safety, early learning, and education partnerships and compacts, provides that a school district or charter school must adopt a policy on students possession and use of cellphones in school, provides for criteria for evaluating a districts application to use a four-day school week.
S 4696
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to consumer protection; creates the Prohibiting Social Media Manipulation Act; regulates social media platforms; provides a private right of action and attorney general enforcement.
S 4749
Policy for Cellphones in Schools
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to education; requests the State School Boards Association to develop a model policy for cellphones in schools.
S 5266
State Government
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to state government; modifies combative sports regulations; modifies supplemental appropriations and other provisions related to the Bureau of Mediation Services; makes technical and policy changes to certain public employee labor relations provisions; modifies earned sick and safe time; authorizes rulemaking; provides compensation for minors appearing in Internet content creation; modifies previous appropriations; appropriates money.
S 5518
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to consumer protection; requires age verification for websites with material harmful to minors; provides for enforcement by the attorney general; creates a private right of action.
H 925
Restrict Use of Wireless Devices by Students
Requires each district school board and charter school governing board to adopt an internet safety policy for student access to the internet provided by the school district; prescribes the requirements for the policy; requires each school district and charter school governing board to prohibit and prevent student access to social media through internet access provided by the school district; prohibits the use of certain platforms on district owned devices and through internet access provided by the school.
H 1126
Walker Montgomery Protecting Children Online Act
Creates the Walker Montgomery Protecting Children Online Act; requires digital service users to register their age.
H 1558
Social Media Platform Owners or Operators
Requires the owners or operators of social media websites, applications or other platforms who contract with a social media user in the state to ensure that the content policies of the social media platform address and respond to risks harmful to youth related to the sell and misuse of tobacco or nicotine products.
S 2256
Child Pornography and Obscenity
Provides that any commercial entity that knowingly and intentionally publishes or distributes obscene matter, or matter that depicts, describes or promotes child pornography or child sexual exploitation on the internet may be held liable to an individual for nominal damages, actual damages, punitive damages, court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
S 2378
Requires a court of original jurisdiction to issue an injunction where a plaintiff demonstrates the violation of a social media company's community standards or policies by a defendant's communications on the social media company's platform; authorizes the court of original jurisdiction to enjoin the defendant, any social media company that distributes, hosts or disseminates the defendant's communication, or any corporate sponsor of the defendant.
S 2531
Walker Montgomery Protecting Children Online Act
Enacts the Walker Montgomery Protecting Children Online Act; defines terms; specifies the types of digital service providers to be affected by this act; prohibits digital service providers from entering agreements to create accounts with individuals who have not registered their age with the provider; requires the digital service providers to limit collection and use of personal identifying information when entering into an agreement with a known minor.
S 2706
Social Media Depicting Tobacco Misuse
Prohibits social media platforms from displaying material that could easily influence minors to engage in the harmful misuse of tobacco or nicotine products; notes that the Legislature is opposed to social media content depicting harmful misuse of tobacco or nicotine products; notes that the state has an interest in protecting minors from such content; defines terms; requires owners and operators of social media platforms to enact policies which address and respond to risks of harm to minors.
H 1426
Distributing Material Harmful to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes provisions relating to civil liability for publishing or distributing material harmful to minors on the internet.
H 1513
Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Act
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Act.
H 1855
Civil Liability for Publishing or Distributing Material
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes provisions relating to civil liability for publishing or distributing material harmful to minors on the internet.
H 1993
Publication of Material Harmful to Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes provisions relating to civil liability for publishing or distributing material harmful to minors on the internet.
H 1998
Child Labor Laws and Vlogging
Failed - Adjourned
Modifies provisions of child labor laws and provides additional employment requirements for children engaged in online content creation or vlogging.
H 2157
Standards To Promote Digital Safety of Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes standards to promote the safety of minors using the internet and social media.
H 2375
ID Requirements for Pornographic Materials
Failed - Adjourned
Creates requirement that users must provide government-issued identification prior to viewing pornographic materials provided by commercial entities on the internet.
H 2889
Student Use of Electronic Communications Devices
Failed - Adjourned
Requires public school districts and charter schools to prevent student use of electronic personal communications devices during regularly scheduled instructional activities.
S 961
Material Harmful to Minors
Relates to material harmful to minors.
S 976
Technological Education
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes provisions relating to technological education in public schools and creates the STEM Career Awareness Activity Fund.
S 1305
Age Verification On Dating Sites
Failed - Adjourned
Creates new provisions relating to age verification on dating sites.
S 1311
Media Literacy and Critical Thinking
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Media Literacy and Critical Thinking pilot program requiring DESE to select five to seven school districts to address the components of media literacy during the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years.
S 1481
Cellular Schools School Districts and Charter Schools
Failed - Adjourned
Requires school districts and charter schools to promulgate a written policy regarding student possession and use of cellular phones.
No regular 2024 session
L 1092
Online Age Verification Liability Act
Provides that a commercial entity shall not knowingly and intentionally publish or distribute material harmful to minors on the internet on a website that contains a substantial portion of such material unless the entity uses a reasonable age verification method to verify the age of an individual attempting to access the material; provides that a person aggrieved by a violation of this act may bring a civil action against the commercial entity or third party which engaged in that violation.
No regular 2024 session
New Hampshire
H 1256
Internet Material Harmful to Minors
Establishes liability for publisher and distributors of Internet material harmful to minors.
New Jersey
A 1580
Online Gaming Platforms Human Trafficking Prevention
Requires the Commission on Human Trafficking to identify methods to prevent human trafficking through online gaming platforms.
New Jersey
A 1883
Social Media Platforms Child Safety
Prohibits social media platforms from using certain practices or features that cause child users to become addicted to a platform.
New Jersey
A 2367
Social Media Dangers Public Awareness Campaign
Establishes public awareness campaign on dangers of social media use to minors; appropriates funds.
New Jersey
A 2389
Harassment or Bullying Minors
Establishes offense of harassing, intimidating, or bullying a minor; establishes diversionary program for juveniles charged with offense.
New Jersey
A 2949
Social Network Websites Offensive Communication
Provides penalties for sexually offensive or abusive communication through social networking websites.
New Jersey
A 2981
Online Safe User Practices Instruction
Requires a provision of instruction on safe user practices for certain websites and mobile applications as part of the state Student Learning Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.
New Jersey
A 3918
Schools Social Media Harassment Guidance and Training
Requires development of guidance and training to address social media in harassment, intimidation, and bullying in schools; revises student learning standards to include instruction on social media in school bullying.
New Jersey
A 4101
Social Media Fraudulent Account Reporting
Requires social media companies to establish toll free telephone number for the state account holders to report fraudulent account actions.
New Jersey
A 4146
Online Material Age Verification Requirements
Requires entities to verify age of persons accessing certain online material and prohibits minors from accessing certain online material.
New Jersey
A 4302
Minors Working as Vloggers Compensation
Requires family member to compensate minor working as vlogger in certain circumstances.
New Jersey
A 4479
Social Media Platforms Nonconsensual Intimate Images
Requires social media platforms to cooperate with nonprofit organization initiatives to remove nonconsensual intimate images or videos.
New Jersey
A 4635
Online Video Blogs Children Rights and Privacy
Protects monetary rights and privacy of minor children featured in online video blogs.
New Jersey
A 4643
Social Media Child Endangerment
Creates penalty for child endangerment via use of social media.
New Jersey
A 4644
Minor Related Social Media Accounts
Requires social media companies to take certain actions concerning accounts maintained by or featuring minors.
New Jersey
A 4664
Social Media Platforms Child Protections
Prohibits social media platforms from promoting certain practices or features of eating disorders to child users.
New Jersey
A 4855
Students Cellphone and Social Media Use
Concerns policies governing student use of cellphones and social media platforms in schools.
New Jersey
A 4856
Schools Lockable Cellphone Pouches
Establishes a pilot program in the Department of Education to use lockable cell phone pouches in certain public schools, appropriates monies.
New Jersey
A 4864
Distraction Free Schools Grant Program
Establishes the Distraction Free Schools Grant Program, appropriates monies.
New Jersey
AR 115
Kids Online Safety Act
Urges Congress and President of the United States to enact the Kids Online Safety Act.
New Jersey
AR 141
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Content Sharing
Urges generative artificial intelligence and content sharing platforms to make voluntary commitments to prevent and remove harmful content.
New Jersey
S 1142
Cyber Harassment of Minor Criminalization
Broadens statute that criminalizes cyber-harassment of minor.
New Jersey
S 1959
Children Data Protection Commission
Concerns social media privacy and data management for children and establishes the State Children's Data Protection Commission.
New Jersey
S 1964
Social Media Platforms Child User Protections
Prohibits social media platforms from using certain practices or features that cause child users to become addicted to platform.
New Jersey
S 1982
Social Media Platform Age Verification
Requires age verification and parent or guardian consent for minor's use of social media platforms; prohibits certain messaging between adults and minors; provides that the term social media platform shall not include an internet-based service or application for which interactions between users are solely related to the provision of direct messages, commercial and financial transactions, peer-to-peer payments, consumer engagement around products, product reviews, sellers, services, events, or places.
New Jersey
S 3017
Social Media Companies Fraudulent Account Reporting
Requires social media companies to establish toll free telephone number for the state account holders to report fraudulent account actions.
New Jersey
S 3183
Minors Working as Vloggers Compensation
Requires family member to compensate minor working as vlogger in certain circumstances.
New Jersey
S 3568
Student Use of Cellphones Phones and Social Media
Concerns policies governing student use of cellphones and social media platforms in schools.
New Jersey
S 3583
Cellphone and Social Media Use by Students
Concerns policies governing student use of cell phones and social media platforms in public schools.
New Jersey
S 3695
Schools Cellphone and Social Media Policy
Requires a cellphone and social media policy to be developed by the Department of Education and adopted in schools.
New Jersey
SR 75
Kids Online Safety Act
Urges Congress and President of the United States to enact the Kids Online Safety Act.
New Mexico
H 295
Protection of Minors from Harmful Material
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to protection of minors from harmful material.
New Mexico
S 68
Age Appropriate Design Code Act
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to Age-Appropriate Design Code Act.
New York
A 35
Commissioner of Education
Directs the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory group to study the teaching of media literacy; requires such group to survey all school districts.
New York
A 94
Commissioner of Education
Directs the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory committee to study the teaching of media literacy; requires such committee to annually review policy on media literacy.
New York
A 312
Laws Benefiting Child Performers
Relates to establishing protections for minors who are featured in influencer-generated content; provides that a minor engaged in work as an influencer shall not be deemed a child performer in regard to such work as an influencer.
New York
A 927
Interactive Computer Service Providers
Prevents interactive computer service providers from knowingly or negligently promoting developed content that is dangerous or otherwise injurious to minors; assesses a civil penalty to social media networks that knowingly or negligently promote such content.
New York
A 936
Parental Disclosures by Internet Platforms
Provides that upon request from a verified parent of a minor, an operator service who collects or maintains personal information from or about the user of or visitors to an platform or online service shall, to the extent practicable provide the verified parent with digital or physical copies of all advertisements and other content which the minor was shown by the operator on the operator's platform that were shown solely based on the minor's identifiers.
New York
A 1108
Interactive Computer Service Providers
Prohibits interactive computer service providers from knowingly promoting content to a targeted user and with the intention of developing the content, cause the user extreme emotional harm, physical injury or financial injury.
New York
A 1695
Set of Media Literacy Standards for Students
Creates a set of media literacy standards for students in grades kindergarten through twelve which focuses on internet safety, civility and digital citizenship.
New York
A 1942
Knowing and Reckless Promotion of False Material
Prohibits the knowing and reckless promotion of unlawful or false material; provides remedies for the violation of such prohibition.
New York
A 4967
Child Data Privacy Protection Act
Amends the General Business Law; enacts the State child data privacy protection act to prevent the exploitation of children's data; requires data controllers to assess the impact of its products on children for review by the bureau of internet and technology; bans certain data collection and targeted advertising.
New York
A 5318
Provisions Relating to Dignity for All Students
Requires the regents, in conjunction with the commissioner, to ensure that the course of instruction in grades kindergarten through twelve includes a component on media literacy. Such component shall include instruction of internet safety, civility, and digital citizenship with a focus on the principles of safe, responsible use of the internet and electronic communications.
New York
A 6789
Social Media Companies Terms of Service
Provides that a social media company shall post terms of service for each social media platform owned or operated by the company in a manner reasonably designed to inform all users of the social media platform of the existence and contents of the terms of service; provides that the terms of service shall include specified information; provides that a social media company shall electronically submit a semiannual terms of service report to the attorney general.
New York
A 8101
Social Media Networks
Requires social media networks to use a third party vendor to verify the age of new and existing social media account holders.
New York
A 8148
Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation For Kids Act
Establishes the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act prohibiting the provision of addictive feeds to minors by addictive social media platforms; establishes remedies and penalties.
New York
A 8314
Online Products Targeted Towards Children
Requires online products targeted towards children provide features to protect child users including providing screen time controls, prohibiting the promotion of harmful or illegal activities; removes features which inappropriately amplify the level of engagement a child user has with the online product.
New York
A 8891
Media Literacy Act of 2024
Enacts the Media Literacy Act of 2024; requires teachers and library media specialists to complete professional development related to media literacy education; requires a school library media specialist in each elementary, intermediate, middle, junior high and senior high school; directs the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory committee to study the teaching of media literacy; creates a media literacy advisory committee to annually review policy and procedures.
New York
A 9181
Swift Act
Enacts the Swift Act; defines terms; requires social media platforms to promptly remove unlawful publications of intimate images within twenty-four hours of the submission of the report; provides for attorney general enforcement; makes unlawful dissemination or publication of an intimate image a class E felony.
New York
A 9687
Student Possession of Cellphones During Class
Amends the education law, prohibits students from possessing cellphones during classroom instruction.
New York
A 10174
Conduct Regarding Cellphone Use on School Property
Directs the Department of Education to establish model codes of conduct on school property regarding cellphone use.
New York
A 10390
Department of Education Codes of Conduct
Directs the Department of Education to establish model codes of conduct on school property regarding cellphone use.
New York
S 577
Promotion of Unlawful or False Material
Prohibits the knowing and reckless promotion of unlawful or false material; provides remedies for the violation of such prohibition.
New York
S 895
Social Media Companies
To governor
Requires social media companies to post terms of service for each social media platform owned or operated by the company in a manner reasonably designed to inform all users of the social media platform of the existence and contents of the terms of service; requires social media companies to submit to the attorney general certain terms of service reports; provides remedies for violations.
New York
S 1433
Social Media Monitoring Safety Act
Enacts the Social Media Monitoring Safety Act to provide data analytic resources and funding to every school district to facilitate the monitoring of social media activities to provide early-detection information of possible threats to a student's health and the safety of the school; makes an appropriation therefor.
New York
S 1583
Internet Media Freedom Task Force
Establishes the internet media freedom task force to study the practices and policies of social media companies that allow the posting of third-party content by users, as well as other issues relating to dissemination of such content, including but not limited to, forms of censorship employed by social media companies.
New York
S 2319
Interactive Computer Service Providers
Prevents interactive computer service providers from knowingly or negligently promoting developed content that is dangerous or otherwise injurious to minors; assesses a civil penalty to social media networks that knowingly or negligently promote such content.
New York
S 2324
Parental Disclosures by Internet Platforms
Discloses to a parent the personal information and content about a minor collected by an operator of an internet platform when a parent requests such information.
New York
S 3281
State Child Data Privacy Protection Act
Enacts the New York Child Data Privacy Protection Act to prevent the exploitation of children's data; requires data controllers to assess the impact of its products on children for review by the Bureau of Internet and Technology; bans certain data collection and targeted advertising.
New York
S 4848
Interactive Computer Service Providers
Prohibits interactive computer service providers from knowingly promoting content to a targeted user and with the intention of developing the content, cause the user extreme emotional harm, physical injury or financial injury.
New York
S 6418
Regulation of Social Media Companies and Platforms
Relates to the regulation of social media companies and social media platforms; provides for age requirements for the use of social media and parental consent; prohibits certain data collection from social media accounts; limits the hours a minor can have access to social media; establishes penalties for violations.
New York
S 6686
Social Media Open Application Programming
Relates to social media open application programming; requires social media platform to implement and maintain a standards-based application programming interface that permits third-party applications to retrieve data at no cost to be used for the user's benefit and to provide certain information to users; requires social media companies to submit a report to the attorney general.
New York
S 7662
Statewide Youth Mental Health and Social Media Campaign
Establishes a statewide youth mental health and social media campaign to promote public awareness of the impacts of social media usage on mental health; requires a course of study on social media usage for all students.
New York
S 7694
Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act
Provides that it shall be unlawful for a covered operator to provide an addictive feed to a covered user unless the covered operator has used commercially reasonable and technically feasible methods to determine that the covered user is not a covered minor or the covered operator has obtained verifiable parental consent to provide an addictive feed to a covered minor.
New York
S 8217
Media Literacy Act of 2024
Enacts the Media Literacy Act of 2024; requires teachers and library media specialists to complete professional development related to media literacy education; requires a school library media specialist in each elementary, intermediate, middle, junior high and senior high school; directs the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory committee to study the teaching of media literacy.
New York
S 8305
Penal Law
Amends the Penal Law, in relation to assault in the second degree of a retail worker; establishes the crime of fostering the sale of stolen goods; relates to specified offenses that constitute a hate crime; relates to the closure of correctional facilities; amends the Tax Law, in relation to suspending the transfer of monies into the Emergency Services Revolving Loan Fund from the Public Safety Communications Account; increases the safety and security of court officials and their immediate families.
New York
S 8735
Protections for Minors Featured in Social Media Content
Establishes protections for minors who are featured in influencer-generated content that generate earnings from being shared on social media or other video-sharing websites.
New York
S 8380
Provisions Relating to Dignity for All Students
Updates provisions relating to dignity for all students including establishing the student suicide prevention act which includes curriculum and teacher training requirements designed to prevent student suicide with a focus on LGBTQ students, makes an appropriation.
New York
S 9810
Wireless Communication Devices by Students
Provides that during the school day, students are prohibited from accessing their device on school property, unless authorized for classroom use, provides that devices shall be powered off and stored in a manner prescribed by the education department, provides that a student will be subjected to progressive consequences for violations, specifies exceptions if the use of the devices is included in the students individual education program or if a physician determines that student device access is necessary.
North Carolina
H 644
Social Media Addiction
Combats social media addiction by requiring that social media platforms respect the privacy of State users' data and not use a State minor's data for advertising or algorithmic recommendations and makes willful violations of data user privacy an unfair practice under General Statutes.
North Carolina
H 773
Let Parents Choose or Sammy's Law of 2023
Enacts the Let Parents Choose Protection Act of 2023 to facilitate management of the social media interactions of children.
North Carolina
S 865
Cellphone Policies
Conducts a study on various cellphone policies in public school units.
North Dakota
No regular 2024 session
N. Mariana Islands
Not available
H 250
Military Enlistment Diploma Seal
Revises the Military Enlistment diploma seal, regarding the High School Financial Literacy Fund and standards and model curriculum for financial literacy, regarding public school cellular telephone policies, regarding grade band specifications for properly certified or licensed teachers, regarding an educational program for parents of preschool children who are blind or visually impaired, to make changes to the Pupil Transportation Pilot Program.
H 295
Innocence Act
Enacts the Innocence Act to prohibit an organization from failing to verify the age of a person attempting to access material that is obscene or harmful to juveniles; prohibits a person from using another person's likeness to create sexual images of the other person, and to create a private right of action for each prohibited activity.
H 376
Kidfluencer Protection Act
Requires vloggers to hold in a trust account a portion of compensation earned from any content featuring minors and to name this act the Kidfluencer Protection Act.
H 485
School Internet Safety Policy and Instruction
Regards a school internet safety policy and instruction on the effects of social media in public schools and to amend the version of specified section of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on specified date, to continue the changes on and after that date.
S 202
Underage Parental Consent
Requires that operators of online web sites, services and products that target children under age 16 obtain parental consent.
S 212
Pornographic Material Distribution
Prohibits businesses from distributing pornographic material over the internet without verifying that the persons accessing that material are not juveniles.
S 217
AI Generated Product Watermark
Requires AI-generated products have a watermark, to prohibit simulated child pornography and to prohibit identity fraud using a replica of a person.
H 3008
Crimes and Punishments
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to crimes and punishments; defines terms; makes commercial entities liable for publishing or distributing material harmful to minors under certain circumstances; prohibits commercial entities from retaining identifying information; provides for damages, court costs and reasonable attorney fees; provides exceptions; provides for codification; provides an effective date.
H 3097
Crimes and Punishments
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to crimes and punishments; defines terms; makes commercial entities liable for publishing or distributing obscene material on the internet; provides internet and cellular service subscribers the opportunity to make certain request; requires commercial entities to block access without charge; establishes liability provisions for violations; provides exemptions from liability; prohibits the retention of identifying information.
H 3277
Student Digital Safety and Awareness Act
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to schools; relates to Boards of Education; relates to policies; relates to platform; relates to date collection; relates to report; relates to website; relates to state Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; relates to compliance; relates to codification; relates to effective date.
H 3913
Pilot Program Grants to Incentivize Phone-free Spaces
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to schools, directs the state board of education to establish certain pilot program grants to incentivize phone-free spaces, provides application process, prescribes selection of grant recipients, provides for use of grant funds, authorizes certain negotiations and contract, mandates grant recipients adopt certain policy, requires grant recipients to submit certain report, provides for contents of grantee report, directs Board to compile information and submit report to certain elected officials.
H 3914
Reasonable Age Verification
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to social media; defines terms; requires reasonable age verification; requires parental consent; establishes certain liability for social media companies; establishes certain liability for commercial entities and third-party vendors; provides for codification; provides an effective date.
H 3958
Student Communication
Defines terms, requires certain communication with student to include student's parent or guardian, provides an exception for emergencies, requires reasonable efforts to use certain school-approved communications, mandates training for school personnel, directs the state department of education to develop training, provides for investigation of reported violations, prescribes punishment if misconduct is found, provides for codification.
S 1100
Obscene, Threatening or Harassing Telecommunications
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to obscene, threatening or harassing telecommunication or other electronic communications; prohibits certain communications through an online platform; modifies punishments for certain misdemeanor and felony offenses; provides that it shall be unlawful for a person to, by means of a telecommunication, other electronic communication device, or online platform, take specified actions, including making any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal which is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy or indecent.
S 1198
Sex Trafficking and Exploitation Prevention
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that each school district board of education in the state shall adopt a policy regarding sex trafficking and exploitation prevention and education programs for students; provides that the state Department of Education shall develop and make available to every public school that serves certain grades the specified curriculum; provides that the department shall develop and make available on its website an education video that addresses sex trafficking, exploitation prevention and social media use.
S 1314
Phone-Free Campus Policy
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that prior to the beginning on the specified school year, each school district board of education in the state shall adopt a phone-free campus policy that prohibits the use of cellphones by students while on the campus of a public school district.
S 1321
Let Them Learn Act
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that the state board of education shall establish pilot program to provide grants to public middle schools and high schools to incentivize phone-free spaces for student learning, provides that a public school district seeking a grant to establish a phone-free space in a middle school or high school site shall apply to the board, provides that grants shall be used to purchase devices or equipment in which students enrolled in a grant recipient school site can store their cellphones during the day.
S 1868
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to consumer protection; prohibits any website from requiring identity verification; provides for violation; provides for codification; provides an effective date.
S 1959
Consumer Protection
Relates to consumer protection; defines terms; allows for damages to be sought under certain conditions; prohibits commercial entities from distributing certain material without verification; provides for lawful access to certain material; prevents a commercial entity from being held liable under certain conditions; prohibits a commercial entity from retaining individual's information; exempts certain providers; requires attorney general to take certain action.
S 1960
Material Harmful To Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to material harmful to minors; relates to definitions; updates statutory references; updates statutory language; directs commercial entities to establish age verification methods to prevent minors from accessing harmful material; prohibits retention of certain identifying information; establishes certain liability; provides specific exceptions; provides for codification; provides an effective date.
H 473
Media Literacy Education
Amends the act known as the Public School Code, in terms and courses of study; provides for media literacy education.
H 602
Social Media Opioid Bill
Amends the act known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act; provides for reporting requirements of interactive computer service providers; imposes penalties.
H 2017
Protection of Minors on Social Media
Provides for the protection of minors on social media; provides that a social media platform that conducts business in the commonwealth shall provide and maintain a clear and easily accessible mechanism for individual users to report incidents of hateful conduct; provides that the mechanism shall meet specified criteria, including that it is clearly accessible to users of the social media platform and easily accessed from other social media platforms applications and internet websites.
H 2043
Possession and Use of Mobile Devices
Amends the Public School Code of 1949; provides for possession and use of mobile devices.
H 2143
Computer Offenses
Amends specified title Crimes and Offenses of the state Consolidated Statutes, in computer offenses; provides for liability for internet publishers and distributors of material harmful to minors; makes an editorial change.
H 2553
Social Media Platforms
Amends the act known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, prohibits the use of social media platforms by minors.
HR 25
Social Media Platforms and Websites
Establishes a task force to study social media platforms and websites on which suicide is encouraged.
HR 73
Gun Violence and The Use of Social Media
Directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study, analyze and report on the relationship between gun violence and the use of social media.
HR 455
Smart Phones
Directs the Department of Health of the commonwealth to study the impact of smart phones on children's health and development.
S 22
Protection of Minors on Social Media
Amends Title 50 Mental Health of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes; provides for protection of minors on social media; imposes penalties.
S 343
Internet Safety Education Curriculum
Amends the act known as the Public School Code, in terms and courses of study; provides for internet safety education curriculum.
S 496
Media Literacy Education
Amends the act known as the Public School Code, in terms and courses of study; provides for media literacy education.
S 700
Public School System
Relates to the public school system, provides for advertising and sponsorships, provides for school safety and security enhancements, provides for qualifications of professional employees, provides for the certification of teachers, provides funding for cellphone lockable bags.
S 1077
Social Media Hate Speech Accountability
Amends Title 12 Commerce and Trade of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes; provides for social media hate speech accountability.
S 1207
Cellphone Lockable Bag Pilot Program
Relates to school safety and security, establishes the Cellphone Lockable Bag Pilot Program, provides that the purpose of the program shall be to provide funding to cover the costs of purchasing secure cellphone lockable bags, provides that a school entity that participates in the program must, among other things, create a school entity policy that prohibits the use of cell phones during school time and requires students to use cell phone lockable bags.
S 1313
Internet Protections for Minors
Relates to crimes and offenses; provides for computer offenses; provides for internet protections for minors.
Puerto Rico
H 262
Cyber Privacy Protection Law
Creates the Law for the Protection of Cyber Privacy of Our Children and Young People in order to prohibit any operator, employee or agent of an internet page classified as a social network, as defined, from publishing and or disclose personal information of underage users residing in Puerto Rico, beyond the name and city where they reside, without the express consent of these and that of the father, mother or guardian with parental authority.
Puerto Rico
H 2048
Digital Parental Controls
Adopts the Act to Promote the Use of Digital Parental Controls with the purpose of assigning duties and responsibilities to the Department of Consumer Affairs, the state Innovation and Technology Service and the Regulatory Board of the Public Service of the state for the purposes of actively guiding and promoting among citizens the use of parental controls on electronic devices and protecting minors who surf the internet and use other digital technologies.
Puerto Rico
H 2094
Educational Institutions
Relates to prohibiting the use of mobile phones in educational institutions in elementary school grades.
Puerto Rico
HJR 559
Public Broadcasting
Relates to order the Police Bureau, the Department of Education and the Puerto Rico Corporation for Public Broadcasting, to jointly carry out a cycle of orientations to the parents or guardians of the students of the public education system and to the public in general, about the risks of uploading photos of minors on social networks.
Puerto Rico
S 1240
Prevention of Mistreatment
Amends the law for the prevention of mistreatment, preservation of the family unit and for the safety, well-being and protection of minors; broadens the definition of negligence for provide as a type of abuse the modality in which the father, mother or responsible person exposes a minor to smart devices or electronic and communication media without taking technological, automatic or mechanical measures to prevent a minor from being controlled, manipulated, monitored and/or cyber bullied.
Rhode Island
S 2768
Statutory Framework to Protect Minors from Vlogging
Establishes a statutory framework designed to protect minors who are engaging in the business of vlogging on social media and the internet; establishes that a representative of the minor may file a lawsuit on the minor's behalf, even with respect to family members, to enforce the minor's rights pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
A. Samoa
Not available
South Carolina
H 3424
Pornographic Website Provision
Provides that it is unlawful for an operator to make a pornographic website available to persons under the specified age; provides that the attorney general shall create certain procedures.
South Carolina
H 4689
Children's Device Protection Act
Enacts the "Children's Device Protection Act" by adding specified article to require smartphones and tablets to contain certain filters and other features to prevent minors from accessing obscene materials through the internet, creates civil and criminal liability for manufacturers of these devices for certain violations of the provisions of this article, with exceptions, and to authorize the attorney general and solicitors to bring actions to enforce the provisions of the article.
South Carolina
H 4700
Social Media Company Restriction to Minor Users
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that a social media company may not permit certain minors to be account holders; specifies requirements for such companies; provides that a social media company shall provide certain parents or guardians with certain information; provides that a social media company shall restrict social media access to minors during certain hours; provides that the Consumer Services Division has authority to administer and enforce certain requirements; provides that that certain waivers and limitations are void.
South Carolina
H 4842
Design Code Act
Failed - Adjourned
Relates by enacting the South Carolina age-appropriate design code act; provides definitions; provides for information fiduciary; provides scope and exclusions; provides requirements for covered entities; provides for prohibitions for covered entities; provides for data practices; provides for enforcement; provides for limitations.
South Carolina
S 1241
Wireless Electronic Communication Devices
Failed- Adjourned
Relates to wireless electronic communication devices, requires each school district to adopt a policy for the use of a personal wireless electronic communication device in the classroom by students and employees.
South Dakota
H 1257
Minors' Access To Pornographic Material Study Committee
Failed - Adjourned
Requires the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council to establish an interim study committee on minors' access to pornographic material.
H 1614
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Enacts the Protect Tennessee Minors Act; requires an individual or commercial entity that publishes or distributes in the state a website that contains a substantial portion of material harmful to minors perform reasonable age-verification methods to verify the age of individuals attempting to access the material; specifies that a violation of age-verification or data retention requirements is a Class C felony.
H 1891
Protecting Children from Social Media Act
Creates the Protecting Children from Social Media Act; provides that a social media company shall verify the age of an individual who attempts to become an account holder, at the time the individual attempts to become an account holder; provides that if the individual is a minor, then the social media company must verify the express parental consent for the minor to become an account holder.
H 2160
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a commercial entity that knowingly publishes or distributes on the internet material harmful to minors to provide internet or cellular service subscribers the opportunity to request that the commercial entity block website access through the subscriber's internet or cellular service subscription.
H 2709
Parental Consent
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a social media company to obtain parental consent before allowing a minor to create an account or access an already existing account; prohibits a social media company from using practices, designs, or features on the social media platform that the social media company knows or should know cause minors to develop an addiction to the social media platform.
H 2758
Local Education Agencies
Failed - Adjourned
Requires local education agencies and public charter schools to prohibit students from displaying, using, or accessing an electronic device during instructional time unless the electronic device is authorized, or provided to the student, by the lea or public charter school for instructional purposes, requires local boards of education and public charter school governing bodies to develop and adopt a policy to implement the prohibition.
S 1643
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to Consumer Protection; requires commercial entities that publish or distribute material on an internet website, more than one-third of which is sexual material harmful to minors, to verify that an individual attempting to access the material is of certain age or older; prohibits a commercial entity or a third party that performs the age verification from retaining any identifying information of the individual.
S 1792
Protect Tennessee Minors Act
Provides that an individual or commercial entity that publishes or distributes in the state a website that contains a substantial portion of content harmful to minors is liable if the individual or commercial entity does not verify, using a reasonable age-verification method, the age of each active user attempting to access its website or verify, using a reasonable age-verification method, and the age of an active user attempting to access its website again after completion of an age-verified session.
S 2042
Consumer Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a commercial entity that knowingly publishes or distributes on the internet material harmful to minors to provide internet or cellular service subscribers the opportunity to request that the commercial entity block website access through the subscriber's internet or cellular service subscription.
S 2097
Protecting Children from Social Media Act
Failed - Adjourned
Creates the Protecting Children from Social Media Act.
S 2372
Parental Consent
Failed - Adjourned
Requires a social media company to obtain parental consent before allowing a minor to create an account or access an already existing account; prohibits a social media company from using practices, designs, or features on the social media platform that the social media company knows or should know cause minors to develop an addiction to the social media platform.
S 2809
Local Education Agencies
Failed - Adjourned
Requires local education agencies and public charter schools to prohibit students from displaying, using, or accessing an electronic device during instructional time unless the electronic device is authorized, or provided to the student, by the lea or public charter school for instructional purposes, requires local boards of education and public charter school governing bodies to develop and adopt a policy to implement the prohibition.
No regular 2024 session
H 342
Electronic Information Privacy Amendments
Modifies provisions dealing with consumers' personal information.
H 464
Social Media Regulation Act Amendments
Amends the criminal offense of electronic communication harassment and creates a civil cause of action to address certain conduct involving minors; enacts legislative findings regarding potential harms of excessive social media use by minors; allows a private right of action related to harms to minors from excessive social media use and establishes related provisions; establishes an affirmative defense for a social media company to defend against the private right of action.
H 550
Consumer Privacy Modifications
Modifies the Utah Consumer Privacy Act.
S 89
Utah Social Media Regulation Act
Changes when the provisions of the Utah Social Media Regulation Act become effective; delays the effective date for provisions of the Utah Social Media Regulation Act applicable to social media companies; provides that beginning on specified date, a social media company may not permit a state resident who is a minor to be an account holder on the social media company's social media platform unless the state resident has the express consent of a parent or guardian.
S 92
Student Communication Methods
Requires local school boards to develop policies and procedures to ensure that students have non-electronic notification of and access to certain activities and events.
S 194
Social Media Regulation Amendments
Relates to the Utah Minor Protection in Social Media Act; requires social media companies to verify a new account holder's age using an approved system; requires a social media service to enable maximum default privacy settings on a state minor account holder's account, provide supervisory tools and verifiable parental consent mechanisms on a state minor account holder's account, and provide confidentiality protections for minors data; establishes the Division of Consumer Protections enforcement powers.
H 712
Age Appropriate Design Code
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to age-appropriate design code.
H 797
Social Media Platforms
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the regulation of social media platforms for the protection of child users.
S 284
Electronic Devices
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the use of electronic devices and digital and online products in schools.
S 289
Age Appropriate Design Code
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to age-appropriate design code.
H 547
Internet Safety Advisory Council
Relates to Internet Safety Advisory Council; relates to school boards; relates to internet safety education program; extends from specified date, the sunset date for the Internet Safety Advisory Council.
H 562
Commercial Entity Offering Social Media Accounts
Relates to a commercial entity offering social media accounts; relates to restricted hours for minors; relates to civil liability; provides that no commercial entity that offers social media accounts shall knowingly or intentionally allow a minor to access his social media account during the specified hours, unless the minors parent, guardian, or legal custodian has provided permission for the minor to use such social media account during these hours.
H 706
Public Secondary Schools
Relates to public secondary schools; relates to public institutions of higher education; relates to internet safety education required; relates to report; requires the Board of Education to develop and approve objectives for internet safety education at the middle and high school grade levels to be required of all students in specified grades and to provide for the infusion of such objectives in the relevant standards of learning and in career and technical education.
H 707
Consumer Data Protection Act
Relates to consumer Data Protection Act; relates to protections for children; relates to data protection assessments.
H 877
Virginia Social Media Regulation Act
Relates to Virginia Social Media Regulation Act established; relates to penalties; establishes the Virginia Social Media Regulation Act for the purpose of prohibiting minors in the state from possessing an account on any social media platform without the express consent of a parent or guardian; requires a social media company to provide a minor's parent or guardian with access to the minor's account and all posts and information on such account.
H 1094
Department of Education
Relates to Department of Education; relates to school boards; relates to student online activity; relates to data collection, monitoring and restrictions.
H 1115
Consumer Data Protection Act
Relates to Consumer Data Protection Act; relates to social media platforms; prohibits a person that operates a social media platform that has knowledge that a user of the social media platform is a child under the age of 18 from implementing certain practices, designs and features of the social media platform for any interaction with such child that includes infinite scroll, auto-playing videos, push notifications, gamification and virtual gifts.
H 1161
Consumer Data Protection Act
Relates to Consumer Data Protection Act; relates to social media; relates to parental consent; requires social media platforms, defined in the bill, that are subject to the provisions of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act to obtain verifiable parental consent prior to permitting any minor to create an account with such social media platform and, with such account, use the social media platform; provides that the bill requires such social media platforms to give the parent or guardian.
H 1468
Consumer Data Protection Act
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to Consumer Data Protection Act; relates to enforcement by the attorney general; relates to civil penalty; permits the attorney general to prohibit TikTok from being available to known minors in the commonwealth; provides that a civil penalty of specified amount may be assessed for violations by TikTok unless such website or application could not have reasonably known or have had reason to know of such operation in the commonwealth.
S 359
Consumer Data Protection Act
Pending - Carryover
Relates to Consumer Data Protection Act; relates to social media platforms; relates to addictive feed; prohibits a person that operates a social media platform that has knowledge that a user of the social media platform is a child under the age of 18 from using an addictive feed, defined in the bill, unless such social media platform obtains verifiable parental consent.
S 361
Consumer Data Protection Act
Relates to Consumer Data Protection Act; relates to protections for children; prohibits operators, defined in the bill, of websites, online services, or online or mobile applications from collecting or using the personal data of users they know are younger than the age of 18 without consent and prohibits the sale or disclosure of the personal data of such users.
S 432
Consumer Data Protection Act
Pending - Carryover
Relates to Consumer Data Protection Act; relates to protections for children; requires a controller or processor to obtain verifiable parental consent, defined in the bill, prior to registering any child with the operator's product or service or before collecting, using, or disclosing such child's personal data and prohibits a controller from knowingly processing the personal data of a child for purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of such personal data.
S 532
Commercial Entity Offering Social Media Accounts
Relates to commercial entity offering social media accounts; relates to restricted hours for minors; relates to civil liability; provides that no commercial entity that offers social media accounts, as defined in the bill, shall knowingly or intentionally allow a minor to access his social media account during the hours of midnight to 6 a.m.
S 684
Online Childrens Safety Protection Act
Pending - Carryover
Relates to online Children's Safety Protection Act established; relates to civil penalties; creates the Online Children's Safety Protection Act, which requires certain duties of covered entities, defined in the bill, to protect the best interests of children who use online services, products, or features; requires any covered entity that provides an online service, product, or feature likely to be accessed by a child to complete a data protection impact assessment, the details of which are described.
U.S. Virgin Islands
H 2018
Mobile Device Use by Students
Failed - Adjourned
Improves student outcomes by restricting mobile device use by public school students.
H 2435
TikTok in Washington
Failed - Adjourned
Bans TikTok in Washington.
S 5626
Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship
Failed - Adjourned
Expands and enhances media literacy and digital citizenship in various school.
West Virginia
H 4168
Online Privacy Protection for Minors
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to online privacy protection for minors.
West Virginia
H 4361
Impersonating Non Public Persons on Social Media
Failed - Adjourned
Provides for the crime of impersonating non public persons on social media.
West Virginia
H 4423
Protection of Minors from Harmful Material on Internet
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to material harmful to minors on the internet.
West Virginia
H 4718
Online Privacy Protection Laws for Children
Failed - Adjourned
Provides online privacy protection laws for children under certain age.
West Virginia
H 4867
Age Verification Methods in Pornography Websites
Failed - Adjourned
Creates liability for publishers and distributors of sexual material harmful to minors; provides definitions; relates to what constitutes reasonable age verification; provides exceptions to applicability of this article; requires a commercial entity that provides pornography and other materials defined as being harmful to minors as a substantial portion of the entity's content to verify the age of individuals accessing the material, relating to liability, and establishing a cause of action.
West Virginia
H 5226
Child Social Media Protection Bill
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the Child Social Media Protection Bill.
West Virginia
H 5272
Child Online Pornography Protection
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the Child Online Pornography Protection.
West Virginia
H 5532
Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation for Kids Act
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act; prohibits the provision of addictive feeds to minors by addictive social media platforms.
West Virginia
S 404
Teen Social Media and Internet Safety Act
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the Teen Social Media and Internet Safety Act.
West Virginia
S 466
Safety While Accessing Technology Education Program
Provides that the state Board of Education shall, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and other entities with experience in child online safety issues and human trafficking prevention, develop a Safety While Accessing Technology education program for elementary and secondary school students in the state; provides that the state board may develop and provide age-appropriate instructional materials and resources to assist county boards in establishing and implementing the SWAT education program.
West Virginia
S 812
Distribution of Pornographic Materials Age Restrictions
Failed - Adjourned
Places age restrictions on distribution of pornographic material.
A 373
Use of Social Media Platforms By Minors
Concerns use of social media platforms by minors; grants rule making authority; provides a penalty.
A 730
Distribution of Certain Materials to Minors
Concerns the distribution of certain materials to minors.
S 385
Use of Social Media Platforms by Minors
Relates to the use of social media platforms by minors; grants rulemaking authority; provides for a penalty.
S 683
Distribution of Certain Materials to Minors
Concerns the distribution of certain materials to minors.
H 78
Pornography and Obscenity Crimes and Penalties
Relates to crimes and offenses; specifies penalties for promoting obscenity on an internet website; requires a person who publishes material harmful to minors to an internet website to require age verification to access the website; prohibits a person from retaining identifying information related to age verification; requires the attorney general to provide for reporting of violations; provides penalties.
H 85
Social Media Parental Consent for Minors
Relates to trade and commerce; requires parental consent for minors under a certain age to use a social media platform; provides definitions; requires rulemaking; provides for effective dates.