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Related Topic: Labor and Employment

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Topic Descriptions


Includes legislation related to arbitration or mediation procedures of both employee grievances and larger disputes.

Dues/Agency Fee

Covers union dues and agency fees, also known as shop fees. Includes fees or charges for representation of employees in disputes.


Includes legislation outlining the election and certification process such as card checks, secret ballot, voting schedules and rules, and recertification processes.


Includes legislation related to other industry-specific unions or aspects of collective bargaining not already covered.


Includes legislation related to the scope of negotiations; timelines for negotiations; and mandatory, permissible, and prohibited items of negotiation.

Political Activities/Contributions

Includes legislation related to union-organized or funded political activities, restrictions on collections of funds or distributions of collections, etc.

Public Contracts

Includes legislation outlining labor requirements for awarding of public contracts, such as prevailing wages, sources of materials, labor peace agreements, etc.

Public Employee Unions

Includes legislation which specifically addresses public employee unions, excluding public safety unions.

Public Safety

Includes legislation which specifically addresses police, fire, EMS, and other public safety unions.

Retiree Benefits

Includes legislation related to retirement benefit changes, increases, reductions, schedules, etc. for members of labor organizations.


Includes legislation related to “Right-to-Work” provisions and union membership requirements or restrictions.


Includes legislation outlining labor dispute resolution, including strikes, lockouts, walkouts, restrictions or conditions on their use, etc.


Includes legislation which specifically addresses educators, administrators, and school support staff.


Includes legislation which sets or changes wages, hours, and fringe benefits such as vacation time, sick time, health insurance, etc.

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