Topic Descriptions
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Legislation related to preventing and mitigating potentially traumatic events that occur during childhood, including bills that address childhood trauma, child adversity, toxic stress or ACEs specifically.
Older Adult Falls
Legislation that aims to prevent falls among older adults.
Child Abuse and Neglect
Legislation that focuses on prevention of child abuse and neglect.
Prescribing Guidelines and Limits
Legislation related to guidelines or limits for prescriptions of opioids, including limits to number of days or amount of morphine milligram equivalents (MME) for an opioid prescription.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
Legislation related to state Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs)--electronic databases that track prescriptions of controlled substances such as requirements for PDMP access and use.
Provider Training
Legislation related to training or education for providers related to opioids, such as training in prescribing controlled substances, pain management and identifying substance use disorders.
Pain Clinics and Pain Management
Legislation related to pain clinics or pain management facilities (e.g., licensing, regulation). May also include legislation related to access to pain management more broadly.
Rescue Drugs
Legislation related to access to opioid antagonists, or overdose reversal drugs, e.g., Naloxone.
Other Prescription Drug Abuse Measures
Other legislation related to prevention of prescription drug misuse and overdose. May include topics such as: task forces or study committees, opioid education in schools, prescription take-back programs, abuse-deterrent opioids and awareness efforts.
Teen Dating Violence
Legislation related to the prevention of violence in adolescent relationships.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Legislation focused on preventing traumatic brain injury, including policies related to youth athletes.