Election officials. "Election official" means election board members, members of counting or review boards, employees of the division of elections, and absentee voting officials.
Alaska Stat. § 15.80.010(7)
Election officers. "Election officer" means a state, county or municipal employee who holds an election officer's certificate.
Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-2401
Poll watchers and election officials. "Election official" or "election officer" means a person who is a member of the county board of election commissioners, a person who performs election coordinator duties, a person who is a poll worker designated by a county board of election commissioners to be an election clerk, election judge, or election sheriff, or a deputy county clerk or a person assigned by a county clerk to conduct early voting.
Ark. Stat. Ann. § 7-1-101
For purposes of protections from interference in official duties: “officers holding an election or conducting a canvass” include, but are not limited to, the Secretary of State as the chief elections officer, and their staff, as it relates to performance of any of their duties related to administering the provisions of the Elections Code, and elections officials and their staff, including temporary workers and poll workers, and members of a precinct board, in their performance of any duty related to assisting with holding an election or conducting a canvass.
Cal Elec Code § 18502
For the purposes of the address confidentiality program, A qualified worker, defined as a person who is employed by or contracts with the Secretary of State or a local election office who performs election-related work and interacts with the public or is observed by the public doing election-related work, but does not include a person who is a precinct board member who does not otherwise perform election-related work. For the purposes of this section, a qualified worker is not limited to those who exclusively perform direct election-related work for the Secretary of State or local election offices.
Cal. Elec Code § 2166.8
Election officials. "Election official" means any county clerk and recorder, election judge, member of a canvassing board, member of a board of county commissioners, member or secretary of a board of directors authorized to conduct public elections, representative of a governing body, or other person contracting for or engaged in the performance of election duties as required by this code.
Colo. Rev. Stat. § 1-1-104
Election officials, including registrars of voters, deputy registrars of voters and poll workers, moderators and checkers, ballot clerks and voting tabulator tenders.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-258, § 9-439
Election officers and challengers. "Election officers" means the inspector of election, the two judges of election and the clerks of election who are appointed for each election district under § 4702 of this title.
Del. Code Ann. tit. 15 § 101(9)
District of Columbia
Board of Elections member, employee or volunteer.
D.C. Code Ann. § 22-3605(b)
Poll officer, election officials or poll watchers. "Poll officers" means the chief manager, assistant managers and clerks required to conduct primaries and elections in any precinct in accordance with this chapter.
Ga. Code § 21-2-2(26)
Election workers. "Election worker" means an individual who serves as a precinct election officer, a member of county election board, circuit court clerk, an employee of circuit court clerk, member of town election board, challenger or poll watcher.
Ind. Code § 3-14-3-4(b)
Election officers, the state board of elections or a county board of elections.
"Election officer" means any person tasked with election administration within this state, as context dictates the defined role, including but not limited to the secretary of state and his or her employees, members of the State Board of Elections and staff, members of the county boards of election and staff, precinct election officers, election officials, and poll workers.
Ky. Rev. Stat. § 119.255(5)
Election officials. "Election official" means the parish board of election supervisors; clerks and their employees who perform duties in the election process; registrars of voters and their employees; the secretary of state and employees of his office who perform duties in the election process; and the poll commissioners, including the commissioner-in-charge.
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 1302(5)
Public officials and election officials. "Public official" means a person elected or appointed to serve the people, including but not limited to an election official, municipal clerk or registrar. 14. Election official. "Election official" means a warden, ward clerk, deputy warden or election clerk.
Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 21-A, § 1(14),(34)
Election officials and immediate family members of election officials. "Election official" means the state administrator, a member of the State Board, an employee of the State Board, counsel to the State Board, a county election director, a member of a local board, an employee of a local board, counsel to a local board or an election judge. Also includes individuals who take the oath prescribed in the Maryland Constitution to assist in administering an election.
Md. Election Law Code Ann. § 16-904
Election commissioners, city or town clerks, election officers and director of the count or assistant. ''Election officer'' means wardens, clerks, inspectors and ballot clerks, and to their deputies when on duty, and also to selectmen, town clerks, moderators and tellers when taking part in the conduct of elections.
Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 50, § 1
Election officials. "Election official" means a public officer, public employee, election inspector, member of the board of state canvassers, member of a board of county canvassers, member of an absent voter counting board, or a county, city, or township clerk who has a duty to perform in connection with an election conducted under this act.
Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.931b(5)(b)
Election officials. "Election official" means a member of a canvassing board, the county auditor or municipal clerk charged with duties relating to elections, a member of a ballot board, an election judge, an election judge trainee, or any other individual assigned by a state entity or county or municipal government to perform official duties related to elections.
Minn. Stat. § 211B.0076(Subd. 1)
Election officials or election workers holding an election or conducting a canvass.
Mont. Code Ann. § 13-35-203
Election officials. "Elections official" means: The secretary of state or any deputy or employee in the Elections Division of the office of the secretary of state who is charged with duties relating to an election; A registrar of voters, county clerk, city clerk or any deputy or employee in the elections division of a county or city who is charged with elections duties; or an election board officer or counting board officer.
Nev. Rev. Stat. § 293.705(6)(b)
New Hampshire
Election officers and other appointed individuals assisting at the polling place, ballot clerks and greeters. "Election officials" means moderator, deputy moderator, assistant moderator, town clerk, deputy town clerk, city clerk, deputy city clerk, ward clerk, selectman, supervisor of the checklist, registrar, or deputy registrar.
N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 652:14
New Mexico
Secretary of state, a county clerk, a municipal clerk, any employee or agent of the secretary of state, member of an election board or poll watcher.
N.M. Stat. Ann. §1-20-14
North Carolina
Election officers and members of any board of elections. Election officers include members of the state and county boards of elections, precinct election officials.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163‑82.24
N.C. Gen. Stat. §163-274 (a)(4)
North Dakota
Election officials and election observers. Election officers include election inspectors, election judges, poll clerks and members of the election board.
N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-05-01
Election officials and election officers. "Election officer" or "election official" means any of the following: secretary of state; employees of the secretary of state serving the division of elections in the capacity of attorney, administrative officer, administrative assistant, elections administrator, office manager, or clerical supervisor; director of a board of elections; deputy director of a board of elections; member of a board of elections; employees of a board of elections; precinct election officials; employees appointed by the boards of elections on a temporary or part-time basis.
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 3501.01(U)
Election officials, including precinct officials such as inspectors, election judges, clerks, and elections boards members.
Okla. Stat. tit. 26, § 2-123
Election workers. "Election worker" means an individual employed full-time, part-time or as a volunteer: (a) Who is serving the state of Oregon or any other public body as an elected official, appointed official, employee or agent; and (b) Whose official duties include carrying out any duty, function or power set forth in ORS chapters 246 to 260.
Or. Rev. Stat. § 247.965(7)
Election officers. "Election officer" shall include the judge of elections and the majority and minority inspectors elected or appointed by a county board of elections and the clerk or machine inspector appointed by a county board of elections.
Pa. Cons. Stat. tit. 24, § 2602(g.1)
South Dakota
Precinct superintendent, precinct deputies, ballot counters, or canvassers of an election.
S.D. Codified Laws § 12-26-22
People conducting nominating meetings and election officials; "Election officials" means the officers of elections, judges, voting machine operators, precinct and assistant precinct registrars, and inspectors appointed under this title.
Tenn. Code Ann. §2-1-104(8)
Election officials and election officers. "Election official" means any election officer, election judge, or poll worker. "Election officer" means: the lieutenant governor, the county clerk, the municipal clerk or the special district clerk or chief executive officer.
Utah Code Ann. § 20A-1-102(24),(25)
Candidates for public office, public servants, public employees and election officers. Election officials include assistant election officers, the presiding officer and the board of civil authority.
Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 17, § 2455(a)
Election officials and employees of election officials. "Election official" includes members of the State Board of Elections, the commissioner of elections, members of local electoral boards, general registrars, deputy registrars, and officers of election. "Employee of an election official" includes persons employed by the Department of Elections or in the office of a general registrar.
Va. Code § 24.2-1000
Individuals eligible for address confidentiality: Any person who is or has been a member of the State Board of Elections, the commissioner of elections, an employee of the Department of Elections, a member of a local electoral board, a general registrar, a deputy registrar or employee in the office of the general registrar, or an officer of election. Any person who is or has been one of the commonwealth's electors for president and vice president of the U.S.
Va. Code 24.2-418
Election officials, defined as any staff member of the office of the secretary of state or staff member of a county auditor's office, regardless of whether the member is employed on a temporary or part-time basis, whose duties relate to voter registration or the processing of votes.
Wash. Rev. Code §9A.90.120(5)
West Virginia
Any officer whose duty it is by law to assist in holding an election, or in counting the votes cast thereat, and certifying and returning the result thereof.
W. Va. Code § 3-9-10
Election officials, including election judges and counting board members.
Wyo. Stat. § 22-8-101
Note: poll watchers are explicitly not election officials. (22-1-102(a)(xxiv))