Topic Descriptions
Includes legislation relating to ethics and campaign finance commissions, including their responsibilities.
Ballot Measures/Issue Advocacy
Includes legislation regulating contributions and expenditures in the context of ballot measures.
Includes legislation covering who can contribute to political committees and how contributions can be made.
Contribution Limits
Includes legislation relating to limits on contributions made to a political committee.
Includes legislation regulating campaign contribution and expenditure activity by corporations.
Includes legislation defining terms related to campaign finance.
Disclosure Filing
Includes legislation relating to campaign finance disclosure report filing deadlines and filing methods.
Disclosure Requirements
Includes legislation relating to content required in disclosure reports.
Includes legislation relating to the enforcement of campaign finance laws, including penalties.
Government Contractors
Includes legislation regulating campaign contribution and expenditure activity by these entities.
Government Employees
Includes legislation regulating campaign contributions and expenditures by government employees.
Independent Expenditures
Includes legislation regulating uncoordinated campaign expenditures made in support of candidates or issues.
Judicial Campaigns
Includes legislation regulating campaign finance and political committees in the context of judicial elections.
Includes legislation on all other topics not covered by other tags.
Includes legislation regulating the operations of Political Action Committees, including how they can receive and spend funds and limits on interacting with candidate committees.
Political Parties
Includes legislation related to contribution and expenditure limits for political parties.
Public Financing
Includes legislation related to public financing systems for candidates.
Quid Pro Quo Contributions
Includes legislation prohibiting giving political access or influence in exchange for campaign contributions.
Includes legislation relating to campaign treasurers, including their duties and responsibilities.
Includes legislation regulating campaign contribution and expenditure activity by unions.
Use of Campaign Funds
Includes legislation relating to goods and services campaign funds may be expended on.
Use of Public Funds and Property
Includes legislation regulating the use of public funds or property for campaign purposes.
Use of Surplus Funds
Includes legislation relating to what may be done with surplus campaign funds after a committee has been dissolved.