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Related Topic: Education

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Topic Descriptions

Admissions and Enrollment

Legislation addressing state policies for managing admissions, recruitment and enrollment, including applications, registration, testing and other requirements.

Adult Education

Legislation relating to programs and financial aid scholarships to support postsecondary education for students 25 and older.


Legislation that includes appropriations to higher education institutions or programs. May not include a comprehensive list of appropriations bills for all states and all institutions.


Legislation relating to collegiate athletics or sports, including athlete safety; name, image and likeness issues; and athlete participation rules.

Campus Safety – Guns

Legislation relating to firearms on college campuses, including campus carry laws and weapons issues for law enforcement.

Campus Safety – Other

General legislation relating to campus safety issues at postsecondary institutions, including student discipline, hazing and campus police.

Campus Safety – Sexual Assault and Title IX

Legislation relating to sexual violence issues on campus, including Title IX standards, sexual harassment and assault, and gender-based violence.

College Preparation

Legislation relating to efforts in K-12 education systems to increase college preparation and readiness.

Community and Junior Colleges

Legislation addressing community colleges, including programs, funding and policy changes.

Competency-Based Education

Legislation relating to competency-based learning approaches at higher education institutions. 

Corrections and Prison Education

Legislation relating to education programs, appropriations, financial aid programs, and policies addressing currently or formerly incarcerated students.


Legislation addressing non-degree credentials, including governance and quality evaluation for credentials; also includes legislation relating to state degree requirements. 

Credit for Prior Learning

Legislation relating to state programs to provide learners with credit for prior learning or work experience, including military service.


Legislation relating to postsecondary data systems, including longitudinal data systems, data and reporting requirements.

Dual Enrollment

Legislation addressing dual enrollment, early college, concurrent enrollment or other programs that allow high school students to earn college credit while in high school.

Equity and Affirmative Action

Legislation addressing state policies for affirmative action and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies. 


Legislation relating to faculty issues at postsecondary institutions, including compensation, tenure and adjunct faculty.


Legislation addressing finances for postsecondary institutions, including funding formulas and structural changes to appropriations.

Financial Aid and Affordability

Legislation relating to state financial aid programs and efforts to address unmet financial needs for students, including state scholarship programs and measures related to federal financial aid and the FAFSA. 

For Profit/Proprietary

Legislation relating to for-profit or proprietary postsecondary education institutions.

Free Speech

Legislation relating to campus free speech issues, including free speech rights, zones and student journalism.


Legislation addressing higher education oversight, management and regulation.


Legislation relating to campus health care and well-being, including mental health and sexual health issues.


Legislation relating to postsecondary education topics not covered by other topic headers.

Remedial and Developmental Education

Legislation addressing state approaches to remedial education at postsecondary education institutions.


Legislation relating to research programs and funding at postsecondary education institutions.

Rural Education

Legislation addressing rural education programs, including funding and program creation.

Student Disabilities

Legislation relating to students with an intellectual or a physical disability attending a postsecondary institution.

Student Loan Forgiveness

Legislation relating to state student loan forgiveness and repayment programs, including profession-based programs and residency programs. 

Student Loan Oversight

Legislation addressing student loan oversight issues, including borrower protections and regulations on private lenders.

Student Loan Tax Credit/Deduction

Legislation creating or modifying a state tax incentive for student loan borrowers.

Student Loans – Other

Legislation relating to student loan issues not covered by other topic headers, including state loan programs, transcript withholding and occupational licensing. 

Student Supports

Legislation addressing student costs beyond tuition, including housing, hunger, transportation and other emergency expenses.


Legislation relating to the cost of student textbooks and other necessary course materials while enrolled in postsecondary education.

Transfer and Course Articulation

Legislation relating to transfer of credits between postsecondary institutions and systems.

Tuition and Fees

Legislation relating to tuition and fees at public postsecondary education institutions.

Undocumented Students

Legislation addressing policies on student admission and access to financial aid for undocumented students.


Legislation addressing policies for students who have military service.

Vocational and Technical Education

Legislation addressing funding, program creation or governance of career and technical education.

Workforce Development

Legislation addressing workforce development and career pathways in postsecondary education.

Related Resources

Teacher and Principal Policy Toolkit

This policy toolkit provides a wide variety of resources around the recruitment, preparation and retention of educators as well as information on teacher shortages and preparation program terminology.

Student Loan Bill Tracking Database

This interactive database tracks state legislation related to student loan debt across several categories, including forgiveness, licensure, oversight and taxes. It includes pending, failed and enacted bills since 2015.

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In recent years, the federal government has played a more active role in early childhood care and education through pandemic-era relief funding and new regulations for the Child Care and Development Block Grant and Head Start programs. This article provides an in-depth view of trends in federal policy.

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