Staff Hub ATL 2022 will be held Oct. 10-12 in Atlanta. This meeting is sponsored by six of NCSL’s professional staff associations (see list of sponsoring staff associations below). The purpose of this meeting is to foster cross-pollination and shared learning between and increase synergy among the participating associations.
But Wait, There's More!
Consider coming early or staying late. There will be additional programming both before and after the main Staff Hub meeting. Training and networking opportunities specifically for NALFO, LINCS, RELACS, LSPA and LRL along with an invitational Heath Staff seminar are being offered as pre and post-cons.
A block of discounted tickets for the Atlanta United FC vs. NYFC soccer game on Sunday, October 9.
Topics List
- The Mosaic of Legislative Staff: How We Fit Together
- Translating Complex Information to Reports and Newsletters
- Constituent Care
- Strategic Communications
- Speaking, Not Misspeaking with the Media
- Developing and Training Excellent Staff
- Retaining, Motivating and Engaging Staff
- De-escalation Techniques
- Time Management and Productivity
- Legislative Mentorship Programs
- Data Visualization
- Researching and Summarizing Legislation
- Maintaining Objectivity/Staying Neutral
- Legislative Histories
- Economic Outlook and State Budgets
- Supreme Court Update
- Statutory Interpretation
- Case Study of a Bill from Start to Finish
Continuing Education
NCSL did not pre-apply for CLE in any state, but we do track attendance at sessions deemed to be CLE eligible. Participants will be provided materials to self-apply for CLE credit in their state. Final acceptance of CLE hours is the prerogative of your state’s CLE authority.
Some sessions may qualify for continuing professional education (CPE) credit. Materials will be available to document participants' attendance at seminar events. CPE credits must be awarded by seminar participants' own organizations, however. NCSL and NLPES are not registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy's National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
Participating Staff Associations
- Leadership Staff Professional Association (LSPA)
- Legislative Research Librarians (LRL)
- Legislative Information and Communications Staff (LINCS)
- National Legislative Program Evaluation Society (NLPES)
- National Association of Legislative Fiscal Offices (NALFO)
- Research, Editorial, Legal and Committee Staff (RELACS)
- Georgia General Assembly
- Georgia Link Public Affairs Group
- Humana
- Impact Public Affairs
- Metro Atlanta Chamber
- Pew Charitable Trusts
- Propylon