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As amended and approved August 2020

Article I: General Provisions

Section 1: Name

The name of the organization shall be the Legislative Research Librarians (LRL) Professional Staff Association of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). LRL is part of the legislative staff division of NCSL.

Section 2: Membership

1. Full Membership is open to state, commonwealth and territorial legislative librarians and other staff providing similar state legislative library services. Full members may vote in LRL elections, hold elective office in the staff association and participate in all activities of the staff association. 

2. Associate Membership is open to all other interested individuals.  Associate members may not vote in LRL elections or hold elective office, but may be appointed to serve on committees or as a regional director at the discretion of the LRL chair or Executive Committee, and participate in all other activities of the staff association.

Section 3: Purpose

The purpose of the LRL Professional Staff Association is to provide an effective information exchange network and quality services for legislators, their constituents, and legislative staff. The staff association’s objectives to implement this overall purpose are:

1. Enhance the professionalism and skills of members of the staff association;

2. Contribute to the accuracy and authenticity of legislative products and other pertinent information provided to state legislatures;

3. Sponsor the annual NCSL LRL Notable Documents Awards; and

4. Promote the involvement of staff association members in the activities of NCSL.

Article II: Meetings

The staff association may sponsor professional development activities to provide continuing education and enhance professionalism. The annual business meeting of the staff association shall be held at such time and place as shall be designated by the LRL Executive Committee. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the chair.

Article III: Governance

Section 1: Executive Committee

The LRL Executive Committee is composed of the staff association officers. It shall have the authority to transact the business of the staff association, including planning and presenting staff association programs at the NCSL Legislative Summit and other NCSL meetings. Meetings may be conducted at the discretion of the chair.

Section 2: Officers

The staff association officers are the chair, vice chair, secretary, and immediate past chair. Each officer must be a full member of the staff association.

1. The chair shall serve a one year term and shall preside at meetings of the LRL Executive Committee and staff association, and shall have general management and control of the affairs of the staff association subject to the approval of the LRL Executive Committee. The chair will annually appoint the chair of the Notable Documents Awards Committee and may appoint special committees to assist in conducting LRL activities. The chair shall succeed the following year to the office of immediate past chair.

2. The vice chair shall serve a one year term and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the chair. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall preside at LRL Executive Committee and staff association meetings. The vice chair shall succeed the following year to the office of chair.

3. The chair and vice chair, or their designees, shall represent LRL on the Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee (LSCC) of NCSL and shall participate in the activities and projects of such committees of the LSCC to which they are assigned.

4. The secretary shall serve a one year term and shall record minutes of all staff association meetings and perform additional duties as may be assigned by the chair. The secretary shall preside at LRL Executive Committee and staff association meetings in the absence of both the chair and vice chair. The secretary shall succeed the following year to the office of vice chair.

5. The immediate past chair shall serve a one year term, and in the absence of the chair, vice chair, and secretary, shall preside at LRL Executive Committee and staff association meetings.

Section 3: Regional Directors

The regional directors of the staff association shall be appointed by the chair for a term of one year and are eligible for re-appointment. Former officers may be appointed as directors. The duties of the office include:

1. Maintain communications with the states assigned to them;

2. Submit reports to the NCSL staff liaison on activities within their region for inclusion in the staff association newsletter;

3. Assist in compiling updates for the staff association directory; and

4. Assume responsibilities as assigned by the staff association chair.

Section 4: Vacancies

1. If the office of the chair becomes vacant, the LRL Executive Committee shall appoint a new chair to fulfill the remainder of the term. Wherever possible, consideration should be given to members with prior LRL officer experience.

2. If the office of the vice chair becomes vacant, the LRL Executive Committee shall appoint a member to assume the duties of that office until the next election. Wherever possible, consideration should be given to members with prior LRL officer experience.

3. If the office of the secretary becomes vacant, the LRL Executive Committee shall appoint a new secretary to fulfill the remainder of the term.

4. If a regional director position becomes vacant, the chair shall appoint a replacement to fulfill the remainder of the term.

Article IV: Elections

Section 1: Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is composed of the immediate past chair, who shall serve as chair of the Nominating Committee, the vice chair, and one other voting member appointed by the Nominating Committee chair, with consideration to geographic representation. The Nominating Committee shall solicit nominations from voting members for the office of secretary and secure a candidate. The Nominating Committee shall inform the LRL Executive Committee of their proposed  candidate prior to April 30 of each year.

Section 2: Voting and Elections

LRL Elections will take place during the month of May in a manner prescribed by the LRL Executive Committee, which may include, but is not limited to, conducting the election by email ballot. The candidate will be approved by a simple majority of eligible members casting a vote. The deadline for voting will be set by the LRL Executive Committee but shall be no later than May 31. The newly elected secretary and list of continuing LRL officers will be announced to the full membership no later than June5.

Section 3: Terms of Office

The current chair shall preside at the annual LRL business meeting. The terms of officers of the staff association shall commence at the close of the Legislative Summit held in that year, or at such other time as shall be designated by the LRL Executive Committee.

Article V: Publications and Communications

The staff association shall publish an annual online membership directory, a periodic newsletter, and other publications and reports at the discretion of the LRL Executive Committee or chair.

Article VI: LRL Revenue Account

A revenue account for LRL shall be maintained by NCSL and used for professional development purposes of the staff association. Professional development activities include, but are not limited to, speaker honoraria and travel expenses; brochures, handouts and meeting materials; program-related costs such as audio-visual charges, meeting room rental and ground transportation for site visits; and other expenses approved by the LRL Executive Committee.

Article VII: Amendments

The bylaws may be amended at any staff association meeting by a majority of  eligible members casting a vote. The LRL Executive Committee or chair shall provide notice of proposed amendments to the bylaws to the membership at least 30 days prior to the meeting.


  • Amended August 1986
  • Amended August 1990, Nashville, Tennessee
  • Amended July 1994, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Amended July 1998, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Amended August 2007, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Amended July 2010, Louisville, Kentucky
  • Amended August 2013, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Amended, October 2014, electronically
  • Amended, August 2019, Nashville, Tennessee
  • Amended, August 2020, electronically

How to Join

Join Our Community of Legislative Professionals! 

Are you a legislative staff member looking to expand your network, enhance your skills, and stay updated on the latest legislative issues? Look no further! LRL offers a vibrant community of peers dedicated to supporting and advancing legislative work nationwide. 

By becoming a member, you will gain access to: 

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with colleagues from different states, share ideas, and forge valuable relationships. 
  • Professional Development: Take advantage of workshops, seminars, webinars, and resources tailored to legislative staff professionals. 
  • Legislative Insights: Stay informed about emerging legislative trends, best practices, and policy developments. 

Join us today and become part of a dynamic community committed to excellence in legislative service! 

Ready to get involved?  

  1. Create an NCSL Profile: Click here to create your NCSL profile if you do not already have one.
  2. Express Interest: Send a brief message to [email protected] indicating that you are a legislative staff member eager to get involved. 
  3. Confirmation and Onboarding: Your NCSL liaison will reach out to confirm your membership and guide you through any onboarding processes. 

For inquiries or assistance, feel free to reach out to our LINCS Liaison, Ta'Vion Hampton, at [email protected] and (720) 957-4643. 

Executive Committee

2024-2025 LRL Executive Committee


Anthony Aycock
Legislative Librarian General Assembly
State of North Carolina
Term of Office: 2024-2025


Dana Combs
Librarian/Archivist Office of Legislative Services Library
State of New Jersey
Term of Office: 2024-2025


Jessica Caniglia
Research Librarian Legislative Reference Bureau Library
State of Hawai'i
Term of Office: 2024-2025

Immediate Past Chair

Lindsay Pealer
Supervising Librarian Office of Legislative Counsel
State of California
Term of Office: 2024-2025

2021-2022 Regional Directors

Atlantic Northern

Director: Christine McCluskey, Connecticut

  • Connecticut
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • New York
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont

Atlantic Central

Director: Annette Haldeman, Maryland

  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia

Gulf Coast

Director: Marva Coward, Florida

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Puerto Rico
  • Tennessee

Great Lakes

Director: Nathan Elwood, Missouri

  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Ohio
  • Wisconsin

Central Northern

Director: Elizabeth Lincoln, Minnesota

  • Iowa
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • Wyoming

Central Southern

Director: Joanne Vandestreek, New Mexico

  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Kansas
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Utah

West Coast

Director: Jennifer Fletcher, Alaska

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Nevada
  • Oregon
  • Washington

LRL Liaison

Ta'Vion Hampton
NCSL - Denver Office
Phone: 303-366-9587

LRL History

Brief History of the Legislative Research Librarians Staff Professional Association (LRL)

The impetus for LRL came from librarians who began meeting informally at the National Legislative Conference’s Annual Meeting in 1968. In 1975, when NCSL was established, LRL had already been together for seven years. In 1978, LRL adopted bylaws and became an independent NCSL association, until then LRL had been part of the Legal Policy and Research Staff Division of NCSL. 

The main goal of LRL is to enhance and promote the exchange of information. In 1976, LRL published its first newsletter, Information Exchange. In 1977, the first NCSL/LRL Newsletter was issued. In May 1980, the newsletter’s name was changed to Newsline. 

In 1971, LRL compiled and published an annual directory. Although it was a popular resource, the printed directory was discontinued in 2010 due to budget constraints and has since been replaced by an on-line directory on the LRL home page. 

In 1989, LRL began presenting an annual Professional Development Seminar. The first seminar was held in Denver, Colorado. LRL has occasionally presented joint fall seminars with other NCSL associations, including the Legal Services Staff Section, the National Association of Information Technology, the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society and the Research and Committee Staff Section.

Due to budget constraints and declining attendance, LRL did not hold seminars during the economic downturn years of 2010 through 2012, but resumed presenting a Fall PDS in 2013. Decisions on whether or not to hold a fall seminar rest with the current officers and are made on a year-by-year basis 

In 1982, the first LRL member was elected as a member of the NCSL Executive Committee and, since then, several LRL members have been elected to the committee. 

The original Core Reference Collection for Legislative Libraries was published in 1990. The Core Reference Collection has been updated periodically, including in 2005 and 2010. 

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