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  • In-Person Event

2023 NLSSA Annual Training Conference

  • Monday, September 25, 2023
    • In-Person Event
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The National Legislative Services and Security Association (NLSSA) hosts the only national training event designed exclusively for legislative staff who work as sergeants-at-arms, security personnel, law enforcement, visitor services personnel, capitol tour guides, building operations personnel, and other administrative and services staff. 

The 2023 NLSSA Annual Training Conference will be held Sept. 25-28, in Charleston, S.C. Attend informative presentations and engage in roundtable discussions with colleagues working on similar issues. Learn new approaches, share ideas and network with your peers from other states.

Please join us in Charleston for a seminar that will enhance your skills by covering a wide range of topics.

Sunday, Sept. 24

3-5 p.m.

Registration at Embassy Suites Charleston Harbor, Second Floor Foyer, 100 Ferry Wharf Road, Mt. Pleasant, S.C.

4-8 p.m.

NLSSA Executive Board Dinner

Monday, Sept. 25

7-7:30 a.m.

Complimentary hotel breakfast, hotel restaurant
7-7:30 a.m.

Leftover badge pickup/information desk (no new registrants or payment), hotel lobby 

7:30-7:45 a.m. Bus loading, hotel lobby

7:45-9:30 a.m.

Travel to South Carolina State House

10-11 a.m.

Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Please note dress code is business casual (collard shirt, slacks, etc.)

  • Invocation 
  • Presentation of Colors 
  • Pledge of Allegiance 
  • Retire Colors 
  • Welcome 
  • Organization Overview and Summary of Week’s Events 

House of Representatives Chambers, South Carolina State House, 1100 Gervais St., Columbia, S.C.



11:10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

South Carolina Capitol Tour

12:30-1:30 p.m.

Lunch at Capital City Club, 1201 Main St., No. 2500, Columbia, S.C.

1:30-2:45 p.m.

Informational Session: Threat Assessment for State Legislatures, Capital City Club

Captain Mike Prodan, director of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) Behavioral Science Unit

2:45-3 p.m. Load buses, board outside Capital City Club

3-5 p.m.

Travel to back to Embassy Suites

  Dinner on your own

Tuesday, Sept. 26

8:15-8:30 a.m.

Load buses, hotel lobby

8:30-9 a.m. Travel to South Carolina Ports Authority

9-10 a.m.

South Carolina Ports Authority Welcome

Informational session on Interdepartmental Connectivity: Coordinating and Communicating to Increase Efficiency, Main Meeting Room at SCPA Headquarters, 200 Ports Authority Drive, Mount Pleasant, S.C.

Barbara Melvin, president and CEO of South Carolina Ports Authority



10:15-11:15 a.m.

Group 1: Informational Session on Staff Retention: What can be done, Main Meeting Room, SCPA Headquarters

Sadie Battle, director of Human Resources, South Carolina Ports Authority 

Group 2: Tour of Ports

Brent Simon, vice president, Chief of Port Police 

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Group 1: Tour of Ports

Brent Simon, vice president, Chief of Port Police 

Group 2: Informational Session on Staff Retention: What can be done, Main Meeting Room, SCPA Headquarters

Sadie Battle, director of Human Resources, South Carolina Ports Authority 

12:15-1:30 p.m.

Lunch at Ports Authority Cafeteria

1:30-3 p.m.

Informational Session on Current Protest Groups and Tactics at State Capitols 2022-2023, Main Meeting Room at SCPA Headquarters

Martin Brock, North Carolina General Assembly police chief



3:15-5 p.m.

Informational Session on Civil Consideration: Do’s and Don’ts of Dealing with Staff and Capitol Visitors, Main Meeting Room at SCPA Headquarters

Ed Massey, former member of the Kentucky House of Representatives

5-5:15 p.m. Load buses
5:15-5:30 p.m. Travel back to Embassy Suites
6-6:15 p.m. Load buses
6:15-7 p.m. Travel to Fort Johnson Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Classroom 

7-9 p.m.

South Carolina Reception, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, 412-418 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston

Please note dress code is casual. 

9-9:15 p.m. Load buses
9-9:45 p.m. Travel back to Embassy Suites

Wednesday, Sept. 27

8:15-8:30 a.m.

Load buses, hotel lobby

8:30-9 a.m.

Travel to Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)

9-10 a.m.

Informational Session on Leadership: Time Management, Balancing Professional and Personal Tasks, Storm Eye Auditorium, Room No. HA809, MUSC

Gregory Bulanow, fire chief, city of North Charleston 



10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Informational Session on Mother Emmanuel Church Shooting: Multi-Agency Coordination, Storm Eye Auditorium

Gregory Mullen, Clemson University police chief and associate vice president for public safety

12:15-1:15 p.m.

Lunch at MUSC

1:15-2:30 p.m.

Informational session on Hostile Protests: A Deep Dive Into Coordinating Capitol Complex Mass Protests with Historically Violent Groups, Including a Closer Look at the 2015 Black Panther Party and Klu Klux Klan Protest at the South Carolina Capitol, Storm Eye Ballrrom

Matthew Calhoun, commander, South Carolina Bureau of Protective Services (BPS)



2:45-4 p.m.

Informational Session on Handling Mental and Behavioral Health Crises, Storm Eye Auditorium

Jennifer Butler-South, South Carolina Department of Mental Health

4-4:15 p.m. Load buses
4:15-5 p.m. Travel back to Embassy Suites
  Dinner on your own

Thursday, Sept. 28

9-10 a.m.

Round Table: Unpacking Confrontational Interactions in the Workplace, Harbor Grand Ballroom

Michelle O’Brien, NLSSA vice president and special projects coordinator for the Legislative Services Office of the Idaho Legislature

Cyrus Anderson, deputy sergeant at arms, Wisconsin State Senate



10:15-11:15 a.m.

Informational Session on Cybercrime, Identity Theft and Scams, Harbor Grand Ballroom

Frank Abagnale Jr., author and security consultant



11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

New NCSL Staff Chair Welcome and Regional Meetings, Harbor Grand Ballroom

Sabrina Lewellen, deputy director and assistant secretary of the Arkansas Senate 

12:30-1:30 p.m.


1:30-3 p.m.

NLSSA Business Meeting, Harbor Grand Ballroom

  • Election of Officers

Presiding: Richard Webb, chief deputy sergeant at arms, South Carolina Senate and NLSSA president 



3:15-5 p.m.

Breakout groups

6-7 p.m.

State Reception, Harbor Grand Ballroom
Please note dress code is business formal (coat and tie, dress uniform, tuxedo, fomal wear)

7 - 9 p.m.

State Dinner and Awards Ceremony
Please note dress code is business formal (coat and tie, dress uniform, tuxedo, fomal wear)

Presiding: Richard Webb, chief deputy sergeant at arms, South Carolina Senate and NLSSA president

Friday, Sept. 29

8-9 a.m.


9-10 a.m.

Breakout Groups

10-10:30 a.m.


Hotel Information

Each attendee is responsible for making his or her hotel arrangements. The main conference hotel is the Embassy Suites by Hilton located in Charleston Harbor at 100 Ferry Wharf Road, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464-02116 | Telephone: 617-482-1800. The NCSL group rate is sold out. If you would like to stay at the Embassy Suites you can still book a room via the hotel's main website at their advertised rates.

Hotel Reservation Cancellation Policy

To avoid a cancellation charge, reservations must be cancelled 48 hours prior to the day of arrival.

Air Travel

Each attendee is responsible for making his or her own travel arrangements. The closest major airport is Charleston International Airport (CHS). This airport is approximately 14 miles, or 25 minutes by car, from the Embassy Suites Hotel. Other domestic airports near the Embassy Suites Hotel include:

  • Myrtle Beach International Airport (MYR), located near Myrtle Beach, S.C., is approximately 90 miles or a two-hour drive to Charleston.
  • Hilton Head Airport (HHH), located near Hilton Head Island, S.C., is approximately 105 miles or a two-hour drive to Charleston.

For more information about transportation from the airport to the hotel, visit the airport’s ground transportation website. 

Registration fees 

  • Legislative staff, state legislators & government: $425 
  • Business & other: $425 
  • Spouse/guest fee: $250 
  • Daily fee: $250 

Deadline to register online is Monday, Sept. 18. Confirmations will be sent by email.  

Spouse/Guest Registration

The $250 guest fee includes admission to all scheduled meal functions and evening social events.


Cancellations must be made in writing by emailing [email protected] 24 hours in advance. Fees cannot be refunded for registrations cancelled after the conference begins.

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