District of Columbia
Initiative, referendum, recall, or proposed charter amendment committee means a person, or group of persons, organized for the purpose of, or engaged in promoting or opposing initiative, referendum or recall measures or proposed charter amendments.
(D.C. Code Mun. Regs. tit. 3 § 3000.1)
What Needs to be Reported
Each committee supporting or opposing an initiative, referendum, recall or proposed charter amendment must file reports of receipts and expenditures during the consideration of the placement of the measure on an election ballot.
Each expenditure must be disclosed and itemized expenditures, in the aggregate, of $10 or more within a calendar year, must report:
- The full name and mailing address (including the occupation, employer and the principal place of business, if any) of each person to whom expenditures have been made by a committee or on behalf of a committee within the calendar year.
- Those expenditures, in an aggregate amount or value of $10 or more, should disclose the amount, date and purpose of each expenditure.
A verified statement of contributions report must be filed by the proposer of an initiative, referendum, or recall measure.
A contribution report must include the amount and date of the contribution, the name and address of the contributor and the occupation and the principal place of business, if any, of the contributor.
(D.C. Code §§ 1-1163.13, 1-1163.09, 1-1163.07)