Who We Are
The Women's Legislative Network of NCSL is the professional development organization that includes every female state legislator in the 50 states, territories and the District of Columbia. The network began when female legislators gathered at NCSL meetings in the late 1970s. It was formally organized in 1985 at the Annual Meeting in Seattle and later became a core program of the NCSL Foundation for State Legislatures.
Our Mission
The mission of the Women's Legislative Network is to promote the participation, empowerment and leadership of women legislators.
Learn even more about us and our mission through our bylaws below.
What We Do
The network does not advocate for or against specific state policies, but sponsors informational briefings so legislators can better understand an issue and learn from one another. The network also sponsors skill-building workshops for women legislators and hosts receptions or lunches at NCSL meetings to allow time for women legislators to interact and learn from each other.
Get Involved
Anyone who is a woman and serves in the legislative body of their state, territory, and commonwealth or district of the United States of America is electable for general membership. Membership includes access to all WLN networking events, newsletters, and other updates.
Apply for the Women's Legislative Network Board
You can apply to be on our executive board! Applications close July 19.
Apply Now
Executive Board Membership
The Executive Board is responsible for the ongoing administration of the Network, for maintaining a close working relationship with NCSL, and for managing the affairs of the Network. The Executive Board shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership by vote of the members. The length of service is one year.