State |
Statutory Citation |
Governance Structure Name |
Notes |
Ala. Code §41-23-210 et seq. (2018)
Ala. Code §41-23-270 et seq. (2021)
Alabama Rural Broadband Oversight Committee
Alabama Digital Expansion Authority
Administered by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
Alaska Stat. §44.33.910 et seq. (2022)
Alaska Stat. §44.33.920 (2022)
Office of Broadband Statewide Broadband Advisory Board
Administered by the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development
Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. §41-1511 (2022)
Arizona State Broadband Office
Administered by the Arizona Commerce Authority
Ark. Stat. Ann. §25-4-125 (2013)
State Broadband Manager
Designated by the governor
State Broadband Office is administered by the Department of Commerce
Cal. Government Code §8885 et seq. (2010)
Cal. Government Code §11549.50 (2021)
California Broadband Council Office of Broadband and Digital Literacy
Broadband Advisory Committee
Administered by the Department of Technology
Colo. Rev. Stat. §24-37.5-119 (2021)
Colo. Rev. Stat. §24-37.5-901 et seq. (2021)
Broadband Deployment Board Colorado Broadband Office
Administered by the Office of Information Technology
Conn. Gen. Stat. §16-2a (2015) Conn. Gen. Stat. §16-330b Not specified in statute
Connecticut Broadband Office Office of Policy and Management Office of Telecommunications and Broadband
Administered by the Office of Consumer Counsel
Develops and maintains broadband map
Administered by the Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy under the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Del. Code Ann. tit. 26, §709 (2013) Not specified in statute
Delaware Broadband Fund
Delaware Broadband Initiative
Administered by the secretary of the Department of Technology and Information
District of Columbia
D.C. Code Ann. §1-1402 et seq. (2022)
Office of the Chief Technology Officer
Fla. Stat. §288.9961 et seq. (2020)
Florida Office of Broadband
Administered by the Department of Economic Opportunity
Ga. Code §50-40-1 et seq. (2018)
Ga. Code §50-7-8 (2018)
Georgia Broadband Program
Georgia Broadband Ready Community Site Designation Program
Georgia Technology Authority
Administered by the Department of Community Affairs and assisted by the Board of Economic Development
2022 Executive Order 11
Office of Infrastructure Policy
Within the office of the Governor
2010 Act 199
2011 Act 151
2016 Act 23
Hawaii Rev. Stat. §440G-11.5 (2010)
Hawaii Rev. Stat. §206S-1 et seq. (2021)
Broadband Assistance Advisory Council Director Hawaii Broadband and Digital Equity Office
Administered by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
Idaho Code §33-5604 (2016) Idaho Code §67-4761 (2021)
Education Opportunity Resource Committee
Idaho Broadband Advisory Board
Administered by Department of Education
Administered by the Department of Commerce
Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 220, §80/1 et seq. (2019)
Broadband Advisory Council
Administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Ind. Code §4-4-38-0.1 et seq. (2018)
Ind. Code §4-4-38.5-1 et seq. (2019)
Ind. Code §4-4-41-1 et seq. (2021)
Ind. Code §5-28-28.5-0.5 et seq. (2015)
Office of Community and Rural Affairs
Broadband Grants for Rural Areas
Indiana Broadband Connectivity Program
Broadband Ready Communities Development Center
Administered by the Office of Community and Rural Affairs
Managed by the Indiana Broadband Office
Iowa Code §8B.3
Iowa Code §8B.4
Iowa Code §8B.9
Iowa Code §8B.11 (2019)
Iowa Code §8D.1 et seq. (1994)
State Chief Information Officer
Empower Rural Iowa
Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission
Administered by state chief information officer
Maintains the Iowa Communications Network
2020 Executive Order 67
Office of Broadband Development
Administered by the Department of Commerce
Ky. Rev. Stat. §154.15-010 et seq. (2017)
Ky. Rev. Stat. §224A.1118 (2022)
Ky. Rev. Stat. §224A.112 et seq. (2006)
Office of Broadband Development
Broadband Deployment Fund
Administered by the Kentucky Communications Network Authority
Administered by the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority
Executive Order 19-15
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §3:311 et seq. (2021)
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §51:1361 et seq. (2020)
Broadband for Everyone Commission
Office of Rural Development Office of Broadband Development and Connectivity
Administered by the Division of Administration
Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 35-A, §9201 et seq. (2005)
Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 94-A, §9401 et seq. (2021)
ConnectMe Authority Maine Connectivity Authority
Administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development
Md. Economic Development Code Ann. §13-501 et seq. (2008)
Md. Housing & Community Development Code Ann. §6.5-101 et seq. (2021)
Maryland Rural Broadband Coordination Board
Office of Statewide Broadband
Administered by the Rural Maryland Council
Administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development
Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 40J, §6B (2008)
Massachusetts Broadband Institute
Administered by the Massachusetts Technology Park Corp.
Mich. Comp. Laws §484.3201 et seq. (2002)
2021 Executive Order 2
Michigan Broadband Development Authority
Michigan High Speed Internet Office
Administered by the Department of Treasury
Administered by Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
Minn. Stat. §116J.39 et seq. (2013)
2019 Executive Order 19-10
Office of Broadband Development
Governor’s Task Force on Broadband
Administered by the Department of Employment and Economic Development
Miss. Code Ann. §77-19-1 et seq. (2022)
Office of Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi
Administered by the Department of Finance and Administration
Mo. Rev. Stat. §620.2450 et seq. (2018)
Office of Broadband Development
Administered by the Department of Economic Development
Mont. Code Ann. §90-1-601 et seq. (2021)
ConnectMT Broadband Program
Communications Advisory Commission
Administered by the Department of Administration
Neb. Rev. Stat. §86-166 (2020) Neb. Rev. Stat. §86-331 (2023) Neb. Rev. Stat. §86-1101 et seq. (2018)
Broadband Data Improvement Program
Nebraska Broadband Office
Rural Broadband Task Force
Administered by the Public Service Commission
Administered by the Department of Transportation
Administered by the Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Nev. Rev. Stat. §223.600 et seq. (2001)
Nev. Rev. Stat. §408.55028 (2017)
Office of Science, Innovation and Technology
Telecommunications Advisory Council
Within the office of the Governor Administered by the Office of Science, Innovation and Technology
New Hampshire
N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. §12-O:61 et seq. (2021)
Broadband Matching Grant Initiative
Office of Broadband Initiatives
Administered by the Department of Business and Economic Affairs
New Jersey
2021 Chapter 161
Not specified in statute
Broadband Access Study Commission
New Jersey Office of Broadband Connectivity
Administered by the Board of Public Utilities
New Mexico
N.M. Stat. Ann. §9-27-6
N.M. Stat. Ann. §63-9J-1 et seq. (2021)
N.M. Stat. Ann. §63-9K-1 et seq. (2021)
Department of Information Technology
Office of Broadband Access and Expansion
Connect New Mexico Council
Administered by the Department of Information Technology
New York
N.Y. Unconsolidated Laws §6266-gg (2022)
ConnectALL Office
Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee
Within the office of the Governor
North Carolina
Not specified in statute
Broadband Infrastructure Office (2015)
Created and administered by the Department of Information Technology
North Dakota
Not specified in statute
North Dakota Information Technology
N. Mariana Islands
2003 Directive 3
Broadband Policy & Development Office
Administered by the office of the Governor
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. §122.40 et seq. (2021)
Not specified in statute
Broadband Expansion Program Authority
Administered by the Development Services Agency
Okla. Stat. tit. 74, §9200 et seq. (2020)
Okla. Stat. tit. 74, §9202 (2022)
Okla. Stat. tit. 74, §9204 (2023)
Broadband Expansion Council Broadband Governing Board Oklahoma Broadband Office
Administered by the Oklahoma Broadband Office
Administered by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services
Or. Rev. Stat. §285A.154 et seq. (2009)
Or. Rev. Stat. §285A.166 (2019)
Oregon Broadband Advisory Council Oregon Broadband Office
Administered by the Oregon Business Development Department
Pa. Cons. Stat. tit. 64, §6101 et seq. (2021)
Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority
Puerto Rico
2022 Executive Order 40
Puerto Rico Broadband Program
Administered by the Office of Management and Budget
Rhode Island
R.I. Gen. Laws §42-163-1 et seq. (2022)
Broadband Director
Broadband Advisory Council
Administered by the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation
A. Samoa
2023 Executive Order 7
Territorial Broadband Coordination, Opportunities, Redevelopment and Deployment Office
Administered by the Department of Commerce
South Carolina
Not specified in statute
South Carolina Broadband Office
Administered by the Office of Regulatory Staff
South Dakota
Not specified in statute
Broadband Program Manager
Administered by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development
Not specified in statute
Broadband Office (2017)
Administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development
Tex. Government Code Ann. §490H.001 et seq. (2019) Tex. Government Code Ann. §490I.0101 et seq. (2021)
Governor’s Broadband Development Council Broadband Development Office
The governor’s office provides administrative support to the council
Administered by the Texas Comptroller’s Office
Utah Code Ann. §36-29-109 (2022)
Utah Code Ann. §63N-17-101 et seq. (2021)
Utah Code Ann. §63N-17-202 (2021)
Utah Broadband Center Advisory Commission
Utah Broadband Center Broadband Advisory Committee
Administered by the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity
May be formed by the Utah Broadband Center
Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 30, §201 et seq. (2015)
Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 30, §8081 et seq. (2021)
Telecommunications and Connectivity Advisory Board
Vermont Community Broadband Board
Administered by the Department of Public Service
Va. Code §2.2-205.2 (2018) Va. Code §2.2-2699.3 et seq. (2009)
Commonwealth Broadband Chief Advisor
Broadband Advisory Council
Within the office of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade
Staff to the council shall be provided by the secretary of Commerce and Trade. The Division of Legislative Services shall provide additional staff support to legislative members serving on the council.
U.S. Virgin Islands
Not specified in statute
USVI Broadband Office
Administered by the Office of Management and Budget
Wash. Rev. Code §43.330.421 (2008)
Wash. Rev. Code §43.330.530 et seq. (2019)
Advisory group on digital inclusion and technology planning
Broadband Office
Administered by the Department of Commerce
West Virginia
W. Va. Code §31G-1-1 et seq. (2017)
W. Va. Code §31G-1A-1 et seq. (2021)
Broadband Enhancement Council
Office of Broadband
Administered by the Department of Economic Development
Not specified in statute
2020 Executive Order 80
Wisconsin Broadband Office (2009)
Governor’s Task Force on Broadband Access
Administered by the Public Service Commission
Wyo. Stat. §9-12-1501 et seq. (2018)
Broadband Advisory Council
Broadband Manager
Administered by the Wyoming Business Council