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Staff Snapshots | Lena M. Lee

October 2, 2019

Lena M. Lee is a research librarian for the South Carolina Legislative Council.

What's your specific role in the legislature? 

My specific role is to provide research to the South Carolina General Assembly. I also maintain the Legislative Library.

Why did you choose to work at the legislature?

I begin working for the legislature as a page in the office of the Senate clerk as an undergraduate student at the University of South Carolina. After completing my degree, I was given an opportunity to work for the House Education and Public Works Committee. I staffed the Higher Education Policy Committee. While working for the committee I returned to graduate school to obtain my MLIS degree along with a School Media Certification. After working for eight years in public schools I was asked to return to the legislature.

What do you find most enjoyable and/or rewarding about your job?

I enjoy being a part of the legislative process, having behind-the-scene access to how bills become law, and being able to offer a different prospective.

What work are you proud of?

It is rewarding to have the confidence and trust of the members of the General Assembly, my colleagues, and knowing that the work we do matters.

What has been your greatest challenge or frustration?

My greatest challenges are also why I enjoy working for the legislature.

When you are not working, what might we find you doing?

This year my goal is to become an “ultimate outsider” by visiting all of our state parks. (Something our Department of Natural Resources sponsors .) When I’m not working toward that goal, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, crocheting, crafting, watching the Hallmark Channel ( a source of constant ribbing), and most importantly rocking on my front porch, which allows me to do a few of the things above at the same time!

Any insights for your peers? Any shout outs to colleagues or legislators you’ve worked with?

I took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference!

Anything else you think your legislative staff peers might find interesting or want to know about you, your agency or your legislature.

I have been devoted to work in the public sector. From being an Army intelligence analyst, to writing education legislation and policy for the Education and Public Works Committee of the South Carolina House of Representatives, to being a school media specialist in both elementary and high schools in urban, rural and suburban settings, hiring and supervising pages for the Senate, and finally serving as the legislative librarian. I have worked as a servant leader. The idea of service appeals to me and is part of who I am.

For its “Staff Snapshots” series, State Legislatures News is asking legislative staff about their role in the legislature. To suggest a staffer for this series, please use the email icon above to contact Holly South.

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