- Hometown: Giddings, Texas
- Role: Acting executive director at the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission
- Years of legislative service: Five months
“I find magic and wonder in the routine moments of life. I marvel at the courage of parents who fight through their grief to seek justice for their children.”
Why did you choose to work at the Legislature?
As a 30-year veteran of the executive branch, I have always had a high level of curiosity about the legislative side. My curiosity was fueled by my respect for the amazing work the Sunset Commission has done and my unwavering commitment to public service.
I felt this was a unique opportunity to continue to give back to this wonderful state that has given me so much. After years and years of implementing legislative changes, I wanted to help shape these life-altering ideas from their inception. In my role as acting ED, I have been in a position to help fine tune the desires and goals of my Senate and House members. The experience has far exceeded my expectations.
What skill or talent are you most proud of?
The skill I am proudest of is my ability to lead with respect and effectiveness. The demands on today’s leaders are intense and unrelenting. I enjoy the opportunity to model the appropriate character and response for my team. Leadership in the age of social media and quick fixes is an art that requires constant refinement. Leadership is a journey worth embarking on.
What’s the best advice you were ever given?
In my role as acting ED I have relied on two pieces of advice. The first is so critical to helping me keep my sanity: Wait to worry. The second has allowed me to press the pause button and truly explore the continuum of options by asking the question, What else can be true?
Who or what inspires you?
In addition to being the head of an agency, I am also a slam poet. So words have always been a source of inspiration for me. I find magic and wonder in the routine moments of life. I marvel at the courage of parents who fight through their grief to seek justice for their children. I listen to the song of kids and the laughter of elderly. I have come to realize that the whole world is one big poem just waiting for us read it.
What’s one thing you love about your state?
Texas is a really, really big state. We are more than the tweets and headlines that scroll across your devices. Texas is a place of geographic and demographic beauty. And culinary delights galore. I am partial to the BBQ and Tex-Mex. I love the state passion for sports—track and field and football are my favorites. And finally, I appreciate the opportunity and life I have been able to carve out for myself and my family.
What are you currently reading/listening to/watching?
Currently reading: “Gettysburg Replies,” “What the Dog Saw,” “The Warmth of Other Suns” and “59 Prime.”
Currently listening to: Earth, Wind and Fire radio, Acoustic Alchemy radio, and “Love Jones,” the movie soundtrack.
Currently watching: “Ted Lasso,” “The Diplomat” and “West Wing.”
This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Use the email icon above to suggest a staffer for the “Staff Snapshots” series.