Becky King is a systems analyst for the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission’s Office of Computing and Information Technology.
What’s your specific role in the legislature?
I support current computer applications and assist on teams for new application development. I gather information about the needs of the users and work with software engineers to develop applications. We develop most applications in-house. I assist users with training and documenting of their applications. I test and give input to the software engineers when developing or enhancing computer applications. During legislative sessions, my duties change a little and I can often be found in chambers assisting with the many technology needs of the General Assembly.
Why did you choose to work at the legislature?
This is my 15th year with the Office of Computing and Information Technology. I was hired to work the computer help desk. About a year later, the CIO and programming manager at the time discussed the need for analysts to be the go-between for users and programmers. The idea was approved, and two positions were created. I was asked to step into one of those positions. The position has evolved over the years, but I am as happy today as I was when I first started.
What do you find most rewarding about your job?
I love the people I work with. I love that my job duties vary from day to day. I work with all aspects of the agency so it’s always something different. I work with committee staff, legislative staff, Senate and clerk staff and many others. I am nonpartisan staff and work for both chambers and both parties. During legislative session things get crazy, but it’s exciting. Having the opportunity to be a part of an important process is amazing.
What work are you proud of?
I am proud to be a part of a dedicated team that supports the General Assembly to the best of our ability.
When you are not working, what might we find you doing?
I have three wonderful daughters, Amanda, Katherine and Mia, who I love to cook and bake for, even if they are only home occasionally. Amanda and Katherine are freshmen in college and Mia is a senior in high school. Both college freshmen are pursuing teaching degrees. Mia takes welding in high-school at the Tech Center and will be certified in welding when she graduates in May. My husband, John, and I have more free time now so we enjoy boating on the Kentucky River and touring the local breweries and wineries. I also enjoy painting classes at a local art studio and volunteering on nonprofit boards and at local events.
Any insights for your peers? Any shoutouts to colleagues or legislators you’ve worked with?
The computer staff in Kentucky is incredibly talented. We are also a very close group and on any given evening after work or on the weekend, you can find a group of us gathered at a restaurant or movie theatre. We genuinely enjoy hanging out together.
For its “Staff Snapshots” series, State Legislatures News is asking legislative staff about their role in the legislature. To suggest a staffer for this series, please use the email icon above to contact Holly South.