Posted August 18, 2020 The Lost Wage Assistance Program The Lost Wage Assistance (LWA) will be administered by the states and territories through a grant agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)—grants can be applied for at State Legislatures News, Policy, Labor and Employment
Posted June 17, 2020 What Would Eliminating Qualified Immunity Mean for States and Local Governments? The doctrine of qualified immunity protects state and local officials from individual liability unless the official violated a clearly established constitutional right. Some of the police reform bills Congress is considering eliminate qualified... State Legislatures News, Policy, Civil and Criminal Justice, State-Federal
Posted February 19, 2020 Lose Your Professional License for Unpaid Loans? It Depends The number of Americans living in states where defaulting on their student loans could result in disciplinary action related to their occupational license is decreasing. State Legislatures News, Policy, Labor and Employment
Posted December 30, 2019 Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils: Mitch Lucas, South Carolina An interview with Mitch Lucas, assistant sheriff, Charleston County, S.C., who is involved with the local criminal justice coordinating council. State Legislatures News, Policy, Civil and Criminal Justice
Posted December 17, 2019 Increasing Collaboration Between Police and Mental Health Professionals Gregory Stephens (a pseudonym) was contacted by a sheriff’s deputy in rural Nebraska on allegations of destruction of property and disturbing the peace. State Legislatures News, Policy, Civil and Criminal Justice
Posted December 16, 2019 Pros and Cons of Allowing Guns in Schools Should guns be carried in schools? And if so, by whom? Teachers? Police officers? School resource officers? Should they be trained as police or school... State Legislatures News, Policy, Education, Legislative Summit