Nineteen current and former legislative staff and one legislative agency from 16 states have won 2023 Legislative Staff Achievement Awards for their outstanding contributions to their respective legislatures and NCSL.
The awards are given out by each of NCSL’s nine professional staff associations, the Legislative Education Staff Network and the staff co-chairs of the overall standing committees.
Examples of accomplishments recognized by the awards include improving the effectiveness of the legislative institution; supporting the legislative process and the mission of the legislature; exhibiting a high degree of competence and integrity in serving the legislature and the public; demonstrating expertise in a particular field; and contributing to existing knowledge.
This year’s winners will be recognized at the Salute to Legislative Staff session Wednesday at the 2023 Legislative Summit in Indianapolis. Here’s a list of the 2023 recipients (read more about them here).
American Society of Legislative Clerks and Secretaries (ASLCS)
- Ali Sagraves, assistant clerk, Ohio House of Representatives
- Finos B. “Buddy” Johnson, parliamentarian/coordinator of legislative services, Arkansas House of Representatives
Leadership Staff Professional Association (LSPA)
- Liz Connolly, deputy chief of staff, Ohio Senate Republican Caucus
- Brian Colleran, senior policy advisor, Speaker’s Office, Maine House of Representatives
Legislative Information and Communications Staff (LINCS)
- Aundrea Peterson, deputy chief of staff and communications director, Utah Senate
- John Sattgast, senior public information officer, Radio/Broadcast Coordinator, Washington House of Representatives
Legislative Research Librarians (LRL)
- Ingrid Hernquist, manager, Office of Legislative Services, Library Services, New Jersey Legislature
National Association of Legislative Information Technology (NALIT)
- Soren Jacobsen, IT specialist, Legislative Services Office, Idaho Legislature
National Legislative Program Evaluation Society (NLPES)
- Leslie McGuire, director, Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts (retired)
- Utah’s Office of the Legislative Auditor General
National Association of Legislative Fiscal Offices (NALFO)
- John Guyer and Tom Horan, executive director and assistant executive director, Pennsylvania Senate Appropriations Committee
- The Texas Legislative Budget Board Staff
National Legislative and Security Staff Association (NLSSA)
- Bradley Murfitt, sergeant at arms, Montana House of Representatives
- Claude McMillan, assistant director of security, Gressette Building, South Carolina Senate
Research, Editorial, Legal and Committee Staff Association (RELACS)
- Sarah Burkman, senior staff attorney, Office of Bill Drafting and Research, Indiana Legislative Services Agency
- A.J Mendelsohn, senior counsel, Legislative Reference Bureau, Pennsylvania General Assembly
- Special Commendation: John Snyder, committee staff administrator, Legislative Research Commission, Kentucky General Assembly
Legislative Education Staff Network (LESN)
- Tanya Lieberman, chief consultant, Assembly Education Committee, California Legislature
NCSL Standing Committees
- Steven Hernández, executive director, Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity, Connecticut General Assembly
- Andrea Wilko, chief economist, Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, Utah Legislature
Cat Chrobak is a policy associate with NCSL’s Legislative Staff Services Program.