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2024 National Asian Pacific American Caucus of State Legislators Annual Meeting

2023 National Asian Pacific American Caucus of State Legislators Annual Meeting
2023 National Asian Pacific American Caucus of State Legislators Annual Meeting

Who are we?

The National Asian Pacific American Caucus of State Legislators is comprised of 208 state legislators from 37 states across the country and is a collective effort to bring in Asian American and Pacific Islander perspectives on policies that affect their communities, including economic development, educational equity and culturally competent services such as health care.

Annual Meeting

The National Asian Pacific American Caucus of State Legislators meets annually to inform members on current issues of common cause to the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and facilitate the discussion, dissemination, and exchange of ideas. The purpose of the caucus is to improve the effectiveness of Asian American and Pacific Islander state legislators to positively affect the quality of life for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.

The 2024 meeting will be held in Louisville, Ky., at the Omni Hotel from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Aug. 4. Additionally, a reception will be held on Aug. 3, from 6-8 p.m. at a local restaurant.


NAPACSL Annual Meetings are made possible through the support of generous sponsors. NAPACSL gratefully thanks them for their support of the 2024 annual meeting.

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