August 11, 2021 Safe, Affordable Housing Can Increase Health and Reduce State Costs State legislatures are increasingly considering affordable, safe and supportive housing initiatives to improve health outcomes and generate cost savings. State Legislatures News, Health
August 4, 2021 Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers: Increase Access, Decreasing Costs Access to quality behavioral health care has long been a priority for many legislators. Using quality health research and data helps legislators create evidence-informed policies. Health State Legislatures News
January 15, 2021 States Taking Steps to Address Health Disparities Lawmakers have passed a variety of legislation In the last two years to improve maternal care, address health provider training requirements and strengthen workforce development. State Legislatures News, Policy, Health State Legislatures News
August 30, 2020 Using Pharmacists to Provide Care in Rural Areas The increased need for medical care and prescription drugs, coupled with scarcity of primary care physicians in rural areas, exacerbates many barriers to accessing necessary health care. Health State Legislatures News
March 4, 2020 Teledentistry: Connecting Rural Communities to Dental Care Rural Americans are more likely to experience tooth decay and twice as likely to lose their adult teeth as their urban counterparts. State Legislatures News, Health State Legislatures News