Posted January 12, 2017 How the Congressional Reconciliation Process Works With Republicans maintaining their majorities in both houses of Congress and now controlling the White House, can they get their agenda passed and to the president's desk? State Legislatures News, Policy, Elections, Fiscal
Posted January 3, 2017 Seattle Voters to Get 'Democracy Vouchers' This week, the Seattle Ethics Sample of Seattle's 'Democracy Vouchers'and Elections Commission will mail each registered voter in the city four $25 democracy vouchers. The program is taxpayer funded. The vouchers may be used to fund... State Legislatures News, Elections
Posted January 1, 2017 NALIT News | Winter 2017 In this issue: Chair's Corner, Upcoming Meetings, Hawaii IT Profile, Kansas IT Profile, North Carolina IT Profile, The Pull of the Capitol Dome, NALIT Executive Committee Members NALIT News
Alise Garcia Alise Garcia supports NCSL’s Health Program as a program coordinator. Garcia has over 25 years of experience with NCSL in numerous areas. She is dedicated to providing superior customer service and meeting coordination to the... Staff Directory, Research & Policy, Health
Posted December 1, 2016 The Canvass | December 2016 Compilation of election returns and validation of the outcome that forms the basis of the official results by a political subdivision. The Canvass
Nang Loong As accounting manager, Nang Loong oversees the accounts payable and payroll responsibilities, including travel reimbursement, vendor payment processing, procurement and travel and expense card program administration, payroll processing, year-end... Staff Directory, Finance & Accounting
Kate Blackman As vice president of policy and research, Kate Blackman oversees NCSL’s state policy work on criminal and civil justice, education, employment and retirement, health and human services. Prior to being hired as a vice president,... Staff Directory, Executive Management Team, Research & Policy
Posted August 10, 2016 New York Senate’s Website Takes Top Award at NCSL Summit The New York State Senate website took home the 2016 Online Democracy Award for having a superior legislative website this week during the National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) 2016 Legislative Summit in Chicago. Press Room, LINCS, NALIT
Anne Teigen As an associate director in the Criminal and Civil Justice Program, Anne Teigen oversees work related to juvenile justice, criminal records, human trafficking, civil justice and firearms policy. Teigen has nearly 20 years of policy... Staff Directory, Research & Policy, Civil and Criminal Justice
Chris Csanyi As NCSL's associate IT director, Chris Csanyi focuses on the technical and infrastructure systems that are used every day for NCSL members and staff. Csanyi has 20 years of experience staying on top of technologies that can help NCSL’s... Staff Directory, Operations, Information Technology
Feray Baytok As the chief information officer, Feray Baytok oversees all systems, hardware, network, security, technical resources and processes in use at NCSL to ensure they deliver outcomes that support the organization’s mission. She has 30 years of... Staff Directory, Operations, Information Technology
Posted August 5, 2015 Tennessee Legislature’s Website Takes Top Award at NCSL Summit The Tennessee General Assembly’s website took home the 2015 Online Democracy Award for having a superior legislative website this week during the National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) 2015 Legislative Summit in... Press Room, LINCS, NALIT
Kevin Frazzini As a senior editor, Kevin Frazzini edits and writes for NCSL’s State Legislatures News website and State Legislatures magazine. He also helps edit the reports, newsletters and other documents produced by NCSL staff. Frazzini comes to NCSL... Staff Directory, Communications, Publishing & Digital Content
Stephen Miller As associate director for design, Steve Miller leads design for NCSL, including reports, State Legislatures Magazine, graphics and marketing. Miller has 20 years of experience in journalism, where he earned numerous awards in editorial and... Staff Directory, Communications, Marketing
Posted August 21, 2014 Utah State Legislature's Website Takes Top Award at NCSL Summit Press Room, LINCS, NALIT
Posted June 26, 2014 What's an Election Cycle? Depends Where You Are Pundits and politicians alike loosely use the term “election cycle” to reference the applicable time period in which elections occur. But in the campaign finance realm, the precise meaning of election cycle can determine both when... State Legislatures News, Elections, About State Legislatures
Mick Bullock Mick Bullock is NCSL’s public affairs director. Based in the Washington, D.C., office, Bullock has nearly 20 years of communications experience and is responsible for NCSL’s digital media, podcast, media relations and member outreach.... Staff Directory, Communications, Public Affairs & Outreach
Posted April 13, 2013 COVID-19: Health Care in Rural America | OAS Episode 90 This podcast is one in a series NCSL is producing to focus on how states are taking action in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The podcasts and a new webinar series look at public health responses, workplace issues, education and childcare,... Podcast, Our American States
Leanne Reed As data analyst, Leanne Reed works with all NCSL staff. She has over 16 years of experience in the IT field. She is dedicated to providing support to the organization so that we can continue being a source of excellence to the state legislatures. Staff Directory, Operations, Information Technology
Katie Ziegler Katie Fischer Ziegler is the program director for member outreach at NCSL. She leads NCSL’s work in engaging legislators and staff in every state and territory through the state liaison system, state coordinator program and general customer... Staff Directory, Communications, Public Affairs & Outreach
Molly Ramsdell Molly Ramsdell is director of NCSL’s Washington, D.C., office and oversees the State-Federal Affairs Division. She joined NCSL in 1996 and has served as staff liaison for a number of NCSL’s Standing Committees, including... Staff Directory, Executive Management Team, State-Federal Affairs
Tim Lucero As director of facilities, Tim Lucero heads the Building Operations and Central Services departments. He came to NCSL with more than eight years’ experience working with UBS Telecommunications and Mobil Oil Corp. At UBS, he received... Staff Directory, Operations, Building & Facilities
Posted August 8, 2012 The Hawaii Legislature's Website No ka `oi (the best) The website for the Hawaii state legislature, which was redesigned and upgraded less than a year ago, earned the Online Democracy Award as the nation's top legislative website this week during the National Conference of State... Press Room, LINCS, NALIT