Posted December 3, 2020 RELACS Report | Winter 2020-21 In this issue: Online Training Opportunities in 2021; NCSL’s Bill Information Service (BIS); The Applicability of Common Law Privileges in Legislative Hearings Newsletter, The RELACS Report
Posted November 26, 2020 Ethics in the News 2020 Ethics in the News is a monthly summary of ethics and lobbying-related articles published in 2020, compiled by NCSL's Center for Ethics in Government. Resource
Posted November 20, 2020 Talking Turkey | Thanksgiving Trivia You've gone 'round the table—or taken turns over Zoom—telling your friends and family what you're most thankful for this Thanksgiving. Now, drop some Turkey Day trivia on your guests with these holiday facts and... State Legislatures News
Posted November 19, 2020 The Canvass | December 2020 NCSL's newsletter about all things elections. An update on litigation in the current election season; a conversation with Georgia Representative Shaw Blackmon; and the latest election news. The Canvass
Posted November 19, 2020 Building Democracy: The Story of Legislatures | Episode 4 In this installment of NCSL’s six-episode podcast series, “Building Democracy: The Story of Legislatures,” we travel west to see how women fought and won their right to vote, as well as how they shaped state legislatures and... Podcast, Building Democracy: The Story of Legislatures
Lisa Ryckman As an associate director of communications, Lisa Ryckman oversees the creation, editing and distribution of exceptional content for State Legislatures News and State Legislatures magazine. An award-winning journalist, Ryckman has decades of... Staff Directory, Communications, Publishing & Digital Content
Posted November 5, 2020 2020 Legislative Election Results: It’s Status Quo in the States For the visual learners out there, compare the postelection map of legislative control against the map of preelection control. Can you spot the differences? Probably not. At this point there are very few changes. That is phenomenal in and of... State Legislatures News, Elections
Posted November 1, 2020 The Canvass | November 2020 NCSL's newsletter about all things elections. An update on litigation in the current election season; a conversation with Georgia Representative Shaw Blackmon; and the latest election news. The Canvass
Posted October 28, 2020 States Use CARES Act Funds to Address Digital Divide A variety of funding streams through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act are supporting states in providing students with the resources they need to engage in online learning. State Legislatures News, Education, State-Federal
Alex McWard As a policy specialist, Alex McWard supports the Environment, Energy and Transportation Program by conducting legislative research. His research is primarily focused on renewable energy, emissions, energy efficiency, building electrification and... Staff Directory, Research & Policy, Environment, Energy & Transportation
Taylor Huhn Taylor Huhn works in the NCSL Leaders’ Center. Huhn comes to NCSL with several years of experience as a congressional staffer and federal lobbyist. He attended the University of Kansas, where he earned a bachelor’s in political... Staff Directory, Leaders & International
Posted September 23, 2020 The Canvass | October 2020 NCSL's newsletter about all things elections. An update on litigation in the current election season; a conversation with Georgia Representative Shaw Blackmon; and the latest election news. The Canvass
Posted September 15, 2020 The Working Paper | Fall 2020 This is the Fall 2020 edition of The Working Paper, the newsletter for the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society. Newsletter, The Working Paper
Posted September 10, 2020 Double Trouble: How States Keep People From Voting Twice It is hard to vote twice in the same state for the same election because states keep a record of who has voted. The first ballot that is recorded from a given voter gets counted, precluding the person from voting again. State Legislatures News, Policy, Elections
Posted September 9, 2020 NCSL Task Force on Military and Veterans Affairs | Online Meeting | August 2020 The NCSL Task Force on Military and Veterans Affairs held a one-hour virtual roundtable meeting on Monday, Aug. 3, 2020. Events, Resource, Event Resource
Posted September 8, 2020 Building Democracy: The Story of Legislatures | Episode 3 In this installment, we explore how the states and their legislatures expanded west, split apart, and came together again. Podcast, Building Democracy: The Story of Legislatures
Posted September 1, 2020 ASLCS Professional Journal | Fall 2020, Vol. 25, No. 1 Information for Authors; A Note From the Editors; Preface; Bad Facts Make Bad Law (Alfred W. Speer); League of Women Voters v. Evers (2019 WI 75) (Kirstynn Gonzales and Sanam Hooshidary); An In-Depth Look at Assistive Technologies Provided by the... ASLCS Professional Journal
Posted August 31, 2020 The Canvass | September 2020 NCSL's newsletter about all things elections. An update on litigation in the current election season; a conversation with Georgia Representative Shaw Blackmon; and the latest election news. The Canvass
Posted August 30, 2020 Using Pharmacists to Provide Care in Rural Areas The increased need for medical care and prescription drugs, coupled with scarcity of primary care physicians in rural areas, exacerbates many barriers to accessing necessary health care. Health
Posted August 18, 2020 The Lost Wage Assistance Program The Lost Wage Assistance (LWA) will be administered by the states and territories through a grant agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)—grants can be applied for at State Legislatures News, Policy, Labor and Employment
Posted August 17, 2020 NCSL on the Hill | August 2020 NCSL’s Washington staff advocate on behalf of state legislatures before Congress, the White House and federal agencies. State Legislatures News, State-Federal
Megan MacKenzie As the meetings manager, Megan MacKenzie plans and executes 15-plus in-person meetings a year. MacKenzie comes to NCSL with eight years of meeting planning and management experience. She earned a bachelor's degree from the... Staff Directory, Operations, Meetings
Posted August 6, 2020 NCSL Daily Development NCSL Daily Development is a limited series toolbox of five useful online resources on a common theme. These resources are relevant to every level of the legislative world: legislators, legislative staff and leadership. Resource
Posted August 6, 2020 Supreme Court Roundup: Part 2 Tune in to this popular program to hear Lisa Soronen, chief counsel and executive director of the State and Local Legal Center, discuss the Supreme Court cases that will have the greatest state impact. Webinar, Event Resource, RELACS