The U.S. Census Bureau works all decade long to produce good data—and provides ways for counties, cities and other local jurisdictions that aren’t satisfied with their numbers to appeal or even ask for a new count. While these options won’t change redistricting data, they will matter when it comes to federal, and often state, funding. Learn how you can help ensure your jurisdiction’s data is as accurate as possible even at this point in the cycle.
- Wendy Underhill, NCSL director of elections & redistricting at NCSL
- Chris Denno, program manager, Special Census Program – U.S. Census Bureau
- Frank McPhillips, assistant division chief, Geographic Operations – U.S. Census Bureau
- Regina Shih, Ph.D. senior policy researcher – RAND Corporation
- Gina Wright, executive director, Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Office - Georgia General Assembly