Marco Savarin Marco Savarin works with NCSL's Leader's Center and Institute for International Cooperation. Savarin comes to NCSL with several years of experience as a congressional staffer working on defense and foreign policy related issues. He... Directories, Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute
Ta’Vion Hampton As a policy associate for the Legislative Staff Services Program, Ta’Vion Hampton supports the professional staff associations and state services division. Prior to joining NCSL, he served as the logistics and scheduling coordinator in the... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Staff Services
Jessica Hoffman As a training specialist, Jessica Hoffman helps to design and deliver custom training on a wide range of topics and skills. Hoffman has 13 years of experience in education, working with AmeriCorps, public schools and higher education programs.... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute
Laurel Stiegler As senior program coordinator for the Fiscal Affairs Program, Laurel Stiegler coordinates invitations, follow up and logistics for invitational meetings sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts. She has 30-plus years of experience in the... Staff Directory, State Services, Fiscal
Leo Garcia As a policy specialist in NCSL’s Fiscal Affairs Program, Leo Garcia researches fiscal policy and economic development. Previously, Garcia worked as a legislative aide in the Texas House of Representatives. He earned his bachelor’s in... Staff Directory, State Services, Fiscal
Mark Quiner Mark Quiner is an experienced group facilitator with over 40 years of experience. He currently serves as director of NCSL’s Center for Ethics in Government, whose mission is to restore trust and confidence in representative government by... Staff Directory, State Services, Ethics
Megan McClure As a senior policy specialist with the Legislative Staff Services Program, Megan McClure supports the Leadership Staff Professional Association, the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society and the NCSL Young and New... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Staff Services
Emily Maher As a project manager in NCSL’s Fiscal Affairs Program, Emily Maher focuses on state budgets, intergovernmental relations and economic development policy. She also staffs NCSL’s Labor and Economic Development Committee. Prior to... Staff Directory, State Services, Fiscal
Holly South As a associate director in NCSL’s Legislative Staff Services Program, Holly South supports the American Society of Legislative Clerks and Secretaries, one of NCSL’s nine professional staff associations. She also administers the... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Staff Services
Erica MacKellar Erica MacKellar works primarily on issues around state fiscal conditions and the state budget process for NCSL. She also staffs the National Association of Legislative Fiscal Offices (NALFO), a NCSL professional staff association. She joined... Staff Directory, State Services, Fiscal
Mandy Rafool Mandy Rafool is the director of the Fiscal Affairs Program, where she oversees the products and services NCSL delivers on state budgets, state taxes, economic development and financial services. Rafool has more than 25 years of experience at... Staff Directory, State Services, Fiscal
Kae Warnock A senior policy specialist in the Legislative Staff Services Program, Kae Warnock supports two of NCSL’s professional staff associations: the Research, Editorial, Legal and Committee Staff (RELACS) association and the National Association... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Staff Services
Carrie Maulin As the director of Legislative Staff Services, Carrie Maulin leads the NCSL team dedicated to supporting legislative staff across the country. Maulin comes to NCSL after 10 years with the Idaho House of Representatives, where she was chief clerk,... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Staff Services
Andrea Jimenez Andrea Jimenez works on tax policy as a member of the fiscal affairs program. Previously, Jimenez spent time at the Connecticut Legislature as an intern during the 2020 legislative session. She is dedicated to advancing NCSL’s mission to... Staff Directory, State Services, Fiscal
Sarah Altshuler Sarah Altshuler is a senior program coordinator supporting the State Services Division, as well as the Leaders and International programs. Previously, Altshuler was lead intern with U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet’s Denver office, where she... Staff Directory, Leaders & International, State Services
Curt Stedron Curt Stedron is the director of the NCSL Legislative Training Institute. Previously, he was an award-winning educator for more than 20 years. He is a graduate of West Point. Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute
Angela Andrews Angela Andrews is the professional development senior partner of NCSL’s Legislative Training Institute, where she designs and delivers soft skill trainings to legislators and legislative staff. She has worked in or for legislatures... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute
Arturo Pérez Arturo Pérez is vice president of the NCSL State Services Division, which includes the Center for Ethics in Government, Fiscal Affairs Program, Legislative Training Institute and Legislative Staff Services Program. In his role as a member of the... Staff Directory, Executive Management Team, State Services