Marco Savarin Marco Savarin works with NCSL's Leader's Center and Institute for International Cooperation. Savarin comes to NCSL with several years of experience as a congressional staffer working on defense and foreign policy related issues. He... Directories, Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute
Jessica Hoffman As a training specialist, Jessica Hoffman helps to design and deliver custom training on a wide range of topics and skills. Hoffman has 13 years of experience in education, working with AmeriCorps, public schools and higher education programs.... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute
Curt Stedron Curt Stedron is the director of the NCSL Legislative Training Institute. Previously, he was an award-winning educator for more than 20 years. He is a graduate of West Point. Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute
Angela Andrews Angela Andrews is the professional development senior partner of NCSL’s Legislative Training Institute, where she designs and delivers soft skill trainings to legislators and legislative staff. She has worked in or for legislatures... Staff Directory, State Services, Legislative Training Institute