This page hosts the presentations and other resources from the 2022 NCSL Legislative Fiscal Directors Preconference. This meeting was a special convening of legislative fiscal office directors held in conjunction with the NCSL Legislative Summit in Denver, Colorado.
The meeting was made possible through the generous support of The Pew Charitable Trusts.
Meeting Faculty Biographies | PDF
Economic Outlook
Emily Mandel, economist and lead revenue forecaster, Moody's Analytics
Economic Tug of War | PDF
Responsible Budgeting in the Stimulus Age
Beverly Bunch, professor, School of Public Management and Policy, University of Illinois Springfield
Responsible Budgeting in the Stimulus Age | PDF
State Revenue Trends
Speaker: Lucy Dadayan, senior research associate, Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center, Urban Institute
State Revenue Trends and Long-Term Fiscal Considerations
Federal Budget Outlook
Marcia Howard, executive director, Federal Funds Information for States
A Busy Time in State-Federal Fiscal Relations | PDF
Budgeting for Natural Disasters
Peter Muller, officer, Fiscal Federalism Initiative, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Budgeting for Natural Disasters Roundtable | PDF
Office Management/Personnel Discussion
Natalie Wood, director, Center for Legislative Strengthening, NCSL
Presentation not available for online posting