WASHINGTON, D.C.—As of July 27, 46 states have enacted their FY 2024 budgets. Three of those states (Wyoming, Kentucky, and Virginia) enacted a biennial budget during their 2022 legislative session.
In the three states (Oregon, North Carolina, and Massachusetts) still working on their final budget, state agencies continue to receive funding through automatic spending plans or an interim budget.
The remaining state, Pennsylvania, which does not allow spending to continue automatically, allows funding for many state services to continue due to past court rulings during previous budget cycles.

To view the FY 2024 state budget status, visit: FY 2024 State Budget Status
For an analysis of the FY 2024 state budget status, visit: States Face Minimal Turbulence as New Fiscal Year Takes Off
For other information and resources related to state budget updates and state tax actions, visit the Fiscal Program’s homepage.
NCSL’s Fiscal Program provides information, research and technical assistance to legislators and legislative staff on various fiscal, economic development and cultural issues.
NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of the states, commonwealths and territories. It provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing state issues and is an effective and respected advocate for the interests of the states in the American federal system.