Law enforcement, corrections officers and people in related public safety professions make up just under 4% of the nation's 7,575 state lawmakers. Nearly half of these individuals served with local police departments while about a quarter served in sheriffs' offices. Learn about how this professional experience has impacted lawmakers' service in statehouses across the country.
New Medicaid Section 1115 waivers give states the option to provide Medicaid benefits to incarcerated people up to 90 days before release. This policy change has the potential to increase access to substance use disorder treatment and reduce overdose deaths for people who are released from jails or prisons. Almost half of states have taken action to adopt Section 1115 waivers for pre-release services.
Lawmakers from eight states recently visited Roca, a Massachusetts nonprofit which is internationally recognized for its work to help emerging adults break the cycle of incarceration, gain access to stable housing and employment and learn positive coping skills. Learn about the visit and the program in NCSL's latest State Legislatures News article.
In the News
More than 100 alternative response teams are operational across the country with particular growth in the last few years. The Marshall Project's new article explains various program models, challenges, what the latest research says and where more research is still needed.
NCSL: The Legislative Primer Series on Front-End Justice: Deflection and Diversion
The National District Attorneys Association released a new survey of prosecutors in every state. Responses echo national themes around public safety workforce shortages, specifically highlighting challenges surrounding wellbeing, compensation.
NCSL: In Recent Legislation, States Shore Up Public Sector Workforce
The Medicaid and Corrections Policy Academy will bring together teams of senior executive agency leaders from four to six states to develop multi-sector collaborative planning to leverage.