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NCSL Updates
Register for NCSL Policy Week
As a member of NCSL, you are invited you to participate in NCSL’s annual Policy Week, June 20-26. This will be an opportunity for all legislators and legislative staff to learn about NCSL Standing Committee policy processes and to discuss existing policy directives and resolutions scheduled for consideration at the Legislative Summit, Aug. 14-16 in Indianapolis.
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NCSL Comments on School Meals Community Eligibility Provision
The comments support the Department of Agriculture’s proposed rule to lower the threshold of eligible students required for participation in the Community Eligibility Provision, a voluntary program that allows schools to maximize federal reimbursements to provide free lunch and breakfast to all students.
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Congressional Updates
Senate Votes to Rescind Pause on Solar Import Tariffs, Sends to President’s Desk
The Senate used the Congressional Review Act to rescind the Biden administration’s two-year pause on tariffs for solar equipment imported from certain nations; the vote was 56-41. The rule, Procedures Covering Suspension of Liquidation, Duties and Estimated Duties in Accord With Presidential Proclamation 10414, suspended duties on certain solar panels that were completed in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand or Vietnam when using components manufactured in China. The House passed the resolution in April, 221-202. The White House has said the president will veto Congress’ resolution to undo the pause on new solar import tariffs. For more information on the Congressional Review Act, visit NCSL’s overview and tracking webpage.
Administration Updates
Eighth Graders’ History and Civics Scores Drop on National Test
New data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress show a first-ever decline in eighth grade students’ civics scores, which are now at the same level as in 1998 when the test was first administered. The exam is given to a nationally representative sample of eighth graders every four years.
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Court Updates
SCOTUS Season Is Heating Up
NCSL staff have been tracking the cases under consideration by the Supreme Court. Here are a few from this term with potential for state impact.
The outcomes of O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier and Lindke v. Freed will define when an official’s use of a social media account should be considered personal and when it should be considered a governmental function.
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Culley v. Marshall will determine the ability of state law enforcement officials to use civil asset forfeiture, a practice that four states have abolished entirely.
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Luna Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools may change the legal playing field for many school districts and state boards of education by opening them to both administrative proceedings and civil lawsuits over inadequate resources for disabled students.
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