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Revolving Door Prohibitions

This table provides information on laws that restrict former state legislators from lobbying, otherwise known as revolving door laws.

State Ethics Commissions

Ethics commissions are used by many states to oversee state laws on ethical practices in government. How they are structured and what roles they play varies widely between states.

Ethics Commissions: Obliging Government to Control Itself

One of the many ways state governments are obliged to control themselves is through ethics commissions. How these commissions are structured, the jurisdiction they have, how they operate and what they cover varies greatly by state.

State Legislatures News

Conflict of Interest Definitions

This table lists state statutes and rules defining conflict of interest for legislators, government employees, and members of executive branches.

2023 Ethics Enactments

Across the U.S., 392 ethics bills were introduced in 2023, including at least one in all 50 states. Of these, 72 measures were enacted across 31 states. This page includes highlights of these enactments, including summaries of laws relating to such topics as conflicts of interest, misconduct, financial disclosure and violations and penalties as they apply to legislators, commissions, the executive branch, the judiciary, lobbyists and others.

Elected Officials Fiscal Disclosure Series

Ethics laws in many states require elected officials including legislators to disclose financial information as a means of discouraging conflicts between official duties and private interests. These requirements may include personal household member information, income from various sources, any financial ties with a state or public agency, and any gifts or honorarium received.

Committees and Commissions: What's the Difference?

Committees and commissions are the two primary types of entities tasked with the oversight of legislative ethics. The two terms may be used interchangeably in some circumstances but they are not the same thing.

Gray Areas: Every State Handles Ethics in Its Own Way

State ethics officials handle a gamut of complaints ranging from harassment and workplace discrimination to election expenditures, lobbying gifts and potential conflicts of interest. And every state does things in its own way.

State Legislatures News