The name of the staff association shall be Legislative Information and Communications Staff (LINCS) association.
- Promote the exchange of ideas and information in the fields of public information, media relations, social media and other such communication activities as they relate to state legislatures;
- Promote improved and effective communication between public information staff and their legislators, legislative staff and constituents;
- Advance and promote civic education programs administered by state legislatures;
- Enhance professional development and expertise for public information and communications staff; and
- Promote participation in the NCSL to staff association members.
The membership shall be composed of all persons employed by a member legislature of the NCSL or an agency thereof, in the capacity of the following: public information; communications; media relations; television, radio and broadcast media; civic and public education; public affairs; capitol tours and public use functions; or other such areas related to legislative communications.
Meeting of Members
The annual business meeting of the association shall be held at such time and place as shall be designated by the Executive Committee. On the day of the scheduled meeting, the Chair shall call the meeting to order at the designated time. The minutes of the previous meeting shall be read and approved and such business transacted as may properly come before the membership.
NOTICE - There shall be mailed to each member of the association, at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting, a notice setting the time and place of the meeting. In case a quorum of the membership is not present, the regularly called meeting shall be adjourned to the next day at a time and place to be set by the members present and voting, at which time the members present shall constitute a quorum.
VOTING - All members attending the LINCS business meetings are eligible to vote on matters presented for decision. Business which requires approval of the staff association shall require approval of a majority of association members attending the annual business meeting. A quorum for business shall be established by the presence of representatives from a minimum of eight NCSL member states.
The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the association and of the Executive Committee, represent LINCS on the NCSL Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee (LSCC), or designate an alternate, plan the agenda of the annual meeting and training seminar in conjunction with the Executive Committee and shall have general control over the affairs of the association, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, and shall sign all certificates and other instruments for the association. The Chair may delegate his or her responsibilities as required for the most efficient operations and functioning of the association, subject to the review of the Executive Committee.
The Vice Chair shall assist with the planning of all meetings and seminars; preside at any meeting in the absence of the Chair, or serve as the Chair's designee at other meetings when necessary; represent LINCS on the NCSL Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee; and perform such other duties as assigned by the Chair. The Vice Chair shall be the Chair-Elect of the association.
The Secretary shall countersign all certificates and other instruments of the association, record the minutes of all meetings of the association and of the Executive Committee, prepare and distribute copies of minutes of all association meetings, assist with the preparation and distribution of the association's newsletter, The Voice; and may delegate tasks assigned with these responsibilities to others, and perform other duties as assigned by the Chair or the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected officers of the association, the immediate past chair of the association, and four other communications professionals, referred to as Directors, who shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting of the association.
Two Directors shall serve terms of two years, beginning at the professional development seminar of even-numbered years and ending at the PDS of the next even-numbered year. Two Directors shall serve terms of two years, beginning at the professional development seminar of odd-numbered years and ending at the PDS of the next odd-numbered year. One additional Director may be appointed from the state hosting the next annual professional development seminar, by the Chair, serving for a term of one year beginning at the professional development seminar and ending at the following professional development seminar.
The Executive Committee shall have authority and responsibility for the general management and control of the business affairs of the association and shall exercise all powers granted by the association under these bylaws.
The Executive Committee shall be authorized to assess all members a registration fee which shall be paid as a condition for registration and participation at the annual meeting of the association. The amount and manner of the registration fee shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Past Chairs of the association who are members in good standing of the association shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee but shall not be counted in determining a quorum nor be entitled to vote.
Meeting of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall meet during the annual NCSL conference, the annual LINCS training seminar, and, upon the call of the Chair, at any other time necessary for the orderly conduct of the association's affairs. Four members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Duties of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall plan and execute a program for the annual meeting of the association, for the association's participation in the NCSL Legislative Summit, and for all other meetings of the association. The Committee shall keep the association's membership informed of developments relating to their professional areas of interest, shall recommend formal actions as deemed appropriate, and shall be responsible for the continuous review and update of these Bylaws. The chair of the Executive Committee may, from time to time, appoint subcommittees of the Executive Committee as appropriate.
Any member of the Executive Committee may be assigned by the Chair to assist NCSL staff with the administrative responsibilities associated with the association.
In the case of death, resignation, or inability to serve of any officer or member of the Executive Committee, the ranking officer shall submit to the remaining members of the Executive Committee a nomination to fill the vacancy or vacancies for the remainder of the term. A majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee shall confirm appointments to such vacancies.
Amendments of Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting of the association by a majority vote of the members present. Notice of the proposed amendment to these Bylaws shall be provided to the membership 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the association.