Middle School/Junior High Materials
This colorful booklet tells young people in middle and high school that citizens really do rule in our system of democracy—and that students can have a voice and government does impact our lives. (© 2008, NCSL)
Join four students in this educational 18-minute video for middle and high school students, as they discover how, in American democracy, citizens really do rule and young people have a voice. (© 2008, NCSL)
Legislators Talking Points Card (all ages)
A new and improved bookmark to help guide your efforts in visiting with students in their classrooms or inviting them to the capitol. The orange side is filled with tips on what kids need to hear from you about their state legislature—and how to prepare for your visit. The reverse side features suggested activities for all ages that will reinforce the lessons of representative democracy and the legislative process.
Send an email to [email protected] to receive your free high quality laminated talking points card now. Also available as a downloadable PDF.