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Elementary/Grade School Materials

Your Ideas Count! TFK Extra! (grades 2-3)

This fun-filled supplement edition to Time for Kids, published by Time magazine for second and third graders, helps them understand some very basic ideas about our system of government.

Your Ideas Count! TFK Extra! (grades 4-6)

This supplement to Time for Kids, published by Time magazine, tells fourth to sixth graders about representative democracy, how laws affect their lives and shows them that legislators are real people. NCSL no longer has this publication in stock. If you would like to use it, you may print the PDF (here).

Legislators Talking Points Card (all ages)

A new and improved bookmark to help guide your efforts in visiting with students in their classrooms or inviting them to the capitol. The orange side is filled with tips on what kids need to hear from you about their state legislature—and how to prepare for your visit. The reverse side features suggested activities for all ages that will reinforce the lessons of representative democracy and the legislative process.

Send an email to [email protected] to receive your free high quality laminated talking points card now. Also available as a downloadable PDF.

Middle School/Junior High Materials

You Rule Booklet

This colorful booklet tells young people in middle and high school that citizens really do rule in our system of democracy—and that students can have a voice and government does impact our lives. (© 2008, NCSL)

You Rule Video

Join four students in this educational 18-minute video for middle and high school students, as they discover how, in American democracy, citizens really do rule and young people have a voice. (© 2008, NCSL)

Legislators Talking Points Card (all ages)

A new and improved bookmark to help guide your efforts in visiting with students in their classrooms or inviting them to the capitol. The orange side is filled with tips on what kids need to hear from you about their state legislature—and how to prepare for your visit. The reverse side features suggested activities for all ages that will reinforce the lessons of representative democracy and the legislative process.

Send an email to [email protected] to receive your free high quality laminated talking points card now. Also available as a downloadable PDF.

High School/Adult Materials

Your Ideas Count! Representative Democracy and You

This booklet, geared for adults, challenges readers to think about how they feel about our system of government and how representative democracy relates to them. This booklet would be appropriate for seniors in high school.

Your Ideas Count! inTime

(August 2009) This special edition of inTime, published by Time magazine for high school students, explores myths and realities about American democracy and challenges students to get involved. (© 2009, NCSL) Teacher's Guide

Your Ideas Count! Questions & Answers about Representative Democracy

This 16-minute video for middle and high school students tells the story of five kids—Sean Duffy from MTV's "Real World Boston" and four of his friends—who visit the state capitol to find out what really happens when state lawmakers go into session and get down to business.

Legislators Talking Points Card (all ages)

A new and improved bookmark to help guide your efforts in visiting with students in their classrooms or inviting them to the capitol. The orange side is filled with tips on what kids need to hear from you about their state legislature—and how to prepare for your visit. The reverse side features suggested activities for all ages that will reinforce the lessons of representative democracy and the legislative process.

Send an email to [email protected] to receive your free high quality laminated talking points card now. Also available as a downloadable PDF.

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