No state minimum wage law. Defaults to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage. |
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 1, 2017. (2014 ballot measure) |
American Samoa
The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007sets minimum wage rates within American Samoa and provides for additional increases in the minimum wage of $0.40 per hour every 3 years, until reaching the minimum wage generally applicable in the United States. The last increase was September 30, 2024. The wage rates are set for particular industries, not for an employee's particular occupation. The rates are minimum rates; an employer may choose to pay an employee at a rate higher than the rates for its industry. |
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 2021. (2016 ballot measure) |
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 1, 2023. (2016 legislation) |
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 1, 2023. (2016 legislation) |
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 1, 2021. (2016 ballot measure) |
The Connecticut minimum wage rate automatically increases to 1/2 of 1 percent above the rate set in the Fair Labor Standards Act if the Federal minimum wage rate equals or becomes higher than the State minimum.
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 1, 2024. (2019 legislation)
District of Columbia
Indexed annual increases began July 1, 2021. (2016 ballot measure) |
$14 eff. 9-30-25
$15 eff. 9-30-26
Indexed annual increases will resume Sept. 30, 2028. (Constitutional amendment 2004)
The state minimum wage is $5.15, but generally defaults to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act since it is higher. |
$16 eff. 1-1-26
$18 eff. 1-1-28
No state minimum wage law. Defaults to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage. |
Indexed annual increases began Jan 1, 2021. (2016 ballot measure) |
The minimum wage rate automatically increases to 50 cents above the rate set in the Fair Labor Standards Act if the Federal minimum wage equals or becomes higher than the State minimum. |
$12.48 eff. 2-21-2025
$13.29 eff. 2-21-2026
$14.16 eff. 2-21-2027
$14.97 eff. 2-21-2028
Minnesota law allows employers to pay a 90-day training wage for employees under the age of 20. The current hourly training wage is $8.85. After 90 days, employers must pay employees, regardless of age, the state minimum wage.
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 1, 2018. (2014 legislation)
No state minimum wage law. Defaults to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage. |
In addition to the exemption for federally covered employment, the law exempts, among others, employees of a retail or service business with gross annual sales or business done of less than $500,000. Statute also allows employers to pay learners and apprentices 90 cents less than the state minimum wage.
Indexed annual increases and decreases began Jan. 1, 2024. (2018 ballot measure)
If the federal minimum wage rate is above the state minimum wage, the federal rate will immediately become the state wage and will continue to be indexed yearly.
There are exclusions to the states minimum wage law, including students in work-based learning programs and persons with disabilities who are unable to engage in competitive employment. Employers with annual sales of less than $110,000 may pay $4.00 an hour.
Indexed annual increases began Jan. 1, 2008. (2006 ballot measure)
$15 eff. 1-1-26
Removed indexed annual increases in 2022. (2022 ballot measure)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
For small employers (six employees or fewer), the schedule of increases is as follows: $13.50 eff. 1-1-24; $14.30 eff. 1-1-25; $15.00 eff. 1-1-26. By 2028, the small employer minimum wage will be the same as the standard minimum wage. This schedule is the minimum increase, as they do not include indexing.
Indexed annual increases will begin 2025. (2019 legislation)
If the federal minimum wage rate is increased to levels above the state minimum, the state wage will match the federal rate, and annual increases based on the consumer price index will continue.
New Mexico
New York
The minimum wage varies across the state based on geographical location.
Location |
Minimum Wage as of 1/1/2024 |
Minimum Wage as of 1/1/2025 |
Minimum Wage as of 1/1/2026 |
New York City
Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties
Remainder of New York State
North Carolina
North Dakota
Northern Mariana Islands
Employers with annuals receipts less than $250,000 annually may pay employees $7.25 an hour.
Indexed annual increases began Jan 1, 2007. (Constitutional amendment 2006)
The state minimum wage is $2.00, but generally defaults to the Fair Labor Standards Act since it is higher. |
The state has a standard minimum wage but requires employers in the urban growth boundary to pay $1.25 above the standard minimum wage and allows employer in nonurban counties to pay $1 less than the standard minimum wage.
Indexed annual increases began July 1, 2023. (2016 legislation)
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
No state minimum wage law. Defaults to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage. |
South Dakota
No state minimum wage law. Defaults to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage. |
Indexed annual increases resumed Jan. 1, 2019. (2014 legislation) |
Virgin Islands
Indexed annual increases will begin Oct. 1, 2026. (2020 legislation) |
Annual indexed increases began Jan. 1, 2020. (2016 ballot measure) |
West Virginia
State minimum wage law is $5.15, but generally defaults to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act since it is higher. |