Topic Descriptions
Alarm System Install
Legislation addressing licensure for alarm system installers.
Legislation addressing registered apprenticeships in a certain occupation.
Legislation addressing licensure for barbers and cosmetologists.
Legislation addressing licensure for construction workers and contractors.
Criminal Record
Legislation addressing individuals with criminal records who wish to acquire an occupational license.
Dental Hygienist
Legislation addressing licensure for dental hygienists.
Legislation addressing licensure for electricians.
Legislation addressing licensure for emergency medical technicians or paramedics.
HVAC Mechanic/Install
Legislation addressing licensure for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning mechanics and installers.
Immigrant Work Authorization
Legislation addressing immigrants with work authorization who wish to acquire an occupational license.
Insurance Sales
Legislation addressing licensure for insurance salespeople.
Leave Enacted
Enacted legislation addressing leave from work.
Legislation addressing licensure for manicure, pedicure, and skincare specialists.
Massage Therapist
Legislation addressing licensure for massage therapists.
Legislation addressing licensure for healthcare workers and medical professionals.
Military Vet/Spouse
Legislation addressing military veterans and spouses who wish to acquire an occupational license.
Legislation addressing licensure for nurses (licensed practical nurse, licensed vocational nurse, certified nursing assistant)
Occupational Therapy
Legislation addressing licensure for occupational therapists.
Occupational Licensing: Antitrust
Legislation addressing the interplay between occupational licensing and antitrust law.
Occupational Licensing: Board
Legislation addressing state occupational licensing boards’ powers, duties, membership and funding, etc.
Occupational Licensing: Delicense
Legislation advocating to delicense a certain occupation.
Occupational Licensing: Education
Legislation addressing educational requirements for certain occupations.
Occupational Licensing: Exams
Legislation addressing required examinations for licensure in certain occupations.
Occupational Licensing: Exemption
Legislation providing an exemption for a licensing requirement.
Occupational Licensing: Fees
Legislation addressing the fees associated with obtaining a certain occupational license.
Occupational Licensing: General
General legislation related to occupational licensing.
Occupational Licensing: Newly Created
Legislation creating a new license for certain occupations.
Occupational Licensing: Other
Other/miscellaneous legislation related to occupational licensing.
Occupational Licensing: Oversight
Legislation addressing the administration or oversight of certain occupations.
Occupational Licensing: Reciprocity
Legislation addressing reciprocity agreements, licensure by endorsement, universal licensure etc.
Occupational Licensing: Study
Legislation creating or continuing a study to measure effectiveness or other aspects of licensing policy.
Legislation addressing licensure for optometrists.
Physical/Occupational Therapy Assistant
Legislation addressing licensure for physical/occupational therapy assistants.
Paid Leave/General Leave
Legislation addressing paid leave or general leave from work in a licensed profession.
Pharmacy Technician
Legislation addressing licensure for pharmacy technicians.
Private Investigator/Detective
Legislation addressing licensure for private investigators or detectives.
Plumber/Pipe Fitter
Legislation addressing licensure for plumbers and pipe fitters.
Preschool Teacher
Legislation addressing licensure for preschool teachers.
Radiologic Technician
Legislation addressing licensure for radiologic technicians.
Real Estate Sales/Appraisal
Legislation addressing licensure for real estate salespeople/appraisers.
Respiratory Therapist
Legislation addressing licensure for respiratory therapists.
Security Guard
Legislation addressing licensure for security guards.
Teacher Assistant
Legislation addressing licensure for teaching assistants.
Teacher Vocation/Education
Legislation addressing licensure for vocational education teachers.
Truck/Bus Driver
Legislation addressing licensure for truck drivers and bus drivers.
Unemployed or Dislocated Workers
Legislation addressing unemployed or dislocated workers who wish to acquire an occupational license.
Veterinary Technician
Legislation addressing licensure for veterinary technicians.
Water/Waste Treatment
Legislation addressing licensure for water and waste treatment plan operators.