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Election Reform

Debate over election policy has intensified and continues to attract national attention. Public confidence in the integrity of our elections is of utmost importance to both state and federal policymakers and is fundamental to our democracy. 

The Constitution of the United States explicitly grants state legislatures the authority to regulate the time, place, and manner of elections. Even minor changes to federal election laws and policy affects states. Consequently, state legislatures must be equal partners with Congress when considering any potential election legislation. 

As the organization representing state legislatures, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) stands ready to partner with federal officials to develop appropriate federal legislation and/or regulations that respect state sovereignty. 

NCSL encourages the fiscally responsible appropriation of federal funds to supplement the resources already allocated by state and local governments for the purposes of: 

  • Facilitating voter registration, maintenance, and accuracy of voter rolls; 
  • Improving ballot design and accessibility; 
  • Modernizing election equipment and systems; 
  • Providing training and educational opportunities for election personnel; 
  • Protecting equal access to the right to vote; and 
  • Enhancing the security of election procedures. 

NCSL opposes any federal election mandates with insufficient federal funding or that preempt the authority granted to state legislatures by the U.S. Constitution.

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