Alabama |
Contract providing for mental health services to entitle insured to reimbursement for outpatient and inpatient services; ST § 27-1-18; Eff. 1975 |
Group |
Mental illness |
Mandated Offering |
Not Specified |
Mental Illness coverage and health benefit plans; ST § 27-54-1; ST § 27-54-2; ST § 27-54-3; ST § 27-54-4; ST § 27-54-5; Eff. Jan. 1, 2001 |
Group |
Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Alaska |
Coverage for treatment of drug abuse or alcoholism; ST § 21.42.365 Eff. July 1, 2004 |
Group, 5 employees or less exempt; 20 or less must offer coverage |
Alcoholism or drug abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Not Specified |
Mental health or substance use disorder benefits; ST § 21.54.151; Eff. Oct. 3, 2009 |
Group and Individual |
Mental Illness/ substance abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Not Specified |
Arizona |
Mental health services and benefits; ST § 20-2322; Eff. Jan. 1, 1998 |
Group, 50 Employee exemption |
Mental Illness |
Mandated Offering |
Varies |
Arkansas |
Arkansas Mental Health Parity Act of 2009; ST § 23-99-501 to 23-99-512; Eff. On or after Oct. 3, 2009 |
Group,does not apply to any plan where application would result in a 1.5% increase in the cost of coverage |
Mental illness and substance use disorders |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Treatment of alcohol and drug dependency; ST § 23-79-139; Eff. After Nov. 17, 1987 |
Group and HMO |
Alcohol and other drug dependencies |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Minimum benefits for mental illness in group accident and health policies or subscriber's contracts; ST § 23-86-113; Eff. after July 1, 1983 |
Group |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Mental Illness copayments shall not exceed a twenty percent (20%) copayment requirement. |
California |
Severe mental illnesses; serious emotional disturbances of children ; INS § 10144.5; H & S § 1374.72; Eff. Jan. 1, 2000 |
Group, HMO and Individual |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Must be equal |
Coverage for mental or nervous disorders; INS § 10125; Eff. Jan. 1, 1974 |
Group |
Mental or nervous disorders |
Mandated Offering |
Not Specified |
Colorado |
Substance abuse--court-ordered treatment coverage; ST § 10-16-104.7; Eff. Jan. 1, 2003 |
Group and Individual |
Substance Abuse |
Mandated Offering |
Subject to co-payment, deductible, and policy maximums and limitations |
Mental health services coverage--court—ordered; ST § 10-16-104.8; Eff. March 31, 2006 |
Group and Individual |
Mental illness |
Mandated Offering |
Subject to in or out of network co-payment, deductible, and policy maximums and limitations |
Connecticut |
Mandatory coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental or nervous conditions; ST § 38a-488a to 514; Eff. Jan. 1, 2000 |
Group and Individual |
Mental or nervous conditions; alcoholism and drug addiction[i] |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Delaware |
Insurance coverage for serious mental illness; ST TI 18 § 3578; ST TI 18 § 3343; Eff. Jan. 1, 1999 |
Group and individual |
Serious mental illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Florida |
Optional coverage for mental and nervous disorders required; exception; ST § 627.668; Eff. July 4, 2000 |
Group and HMO |
Mental and Nervous Disorder |
Mandated Offering |
May be different after minimum premiums are met |
Optional coverage required for substance abuse impaired persons; exception;ST § 627.669;Eff. 1993 |
Group and HMO |
Substance Abuse |
Mandated Offering |
The maximum benefit payment for an outpatient visit shall not exceed $35. |
Georgia |
Coverage of treatment of mental disorders by individual policies; ST § 33-24-28.1; ST § 33-24-29.1; Eff. 1998 |
Group and Individual |
Mental disorders including substance abuse |
Mandated Offering |
Must be equal |
Hawaii |
Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Insurance Benefits; ST § 431M-1 to 431M-7; Eff.1988 |
Group and Individual with small employer exemption – 25 or less employees |
Serious Mental Illness – as defined in most recent DSM |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Amended definition of serious mental illness; 2005 HI Laws Act 140 (SB 761); Eff. June 21, 2005 |
Expands HI ST § 431M-1 ,definition of serious mental illness to include delusional disorders, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and dissociative disorders |
Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Idaho |
Mental health parity in state group insurance; ST § 67-5761A; Eff. July 1, 2006 |
Health insurance plans for state employees and their family members only |
Serious mental illness as defined in the DSM. |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Illinois |
Mental and emotional disorders; ST CH 215 § 5/370c; Eff. July 2, 2010 |
Group |
Serious Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Indiana |
Treatment limitations or financial requirements on coverage of services for mental illness; 27-13-7-14.8; ST 27-8-5-15.6; Eff. Dec. 31, 1999 |
Group, Individual and HMO, small employer exemption 50 or less |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Must be equal |
Group Insurance for Public Employees, Coverage of services for mental illness; IC 5-10-8-9; Eff.June 30, 1997 |
State employees with a small employer exemption 50 or less, or cost increase of 4% or more |
Mental illness, substance abuse, and chemical dependency |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Coverage of services for a mental illness ; Indiana House Enrolled Act 1135 Eff. June 30, 2003 |
Amendment adds substance abuse benefit for those with mental illnesses |
Substance abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
N/A |
Iowa |
Biologically based mental illness coverage; ST § 514C.22; Eff. Jan. 1, 2006 |
Group policies to companies with more than 50 employees, public employees and small businesses that currently have mental health coverage |
Biologically based mental illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Must be equal |
Mental illness and substance abuse treatment coverage for veterans; ST § 514C.26; Eff. Jan. 1, 2011 |
Group policies to companies with more than 50 employees, public employees and small businesses that currently have mental health coverage |
Mental Illness and substance abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Not Specified |
Kansas |
Kansas mental health parity act; Insurance coverage for services rendered in treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse or nervous or mental conditions; ST 40-2,105; ST 40-2,105a; Eff. July 1, 2009 |
Group, HMO, Individual and state employee plan |
Mental illness, alcoholism, drug abuse or substance use disorders |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Must be equal |
Kentucky |
Coverage for treatment for mental illness; ST § 304.17-318 ; ST § 304.38-193; ST § 304.17A-661; ST § 304.18-036; ST § 304.32-165; Eff. July 15, 1986, |
Group and HMO, small group and individual plan exempt |
Mental Illness |
Mandated Offering |
Must be equal |
Louisiana |
Group, blanket, and association health insurance, treatment for alcoholism and drug abuse; R.S. 22:1025; Eff. Jan. 1, 2009 |
Group |
Alcoholism and drug abuse |
Mandated Offering |
Not Specified |
Severe mental illness and other mental disorders; R.S. 22:1043; Eff. Jan 1, 2011 |
Group, HMO and state employee benefit plans. |
Severe mental illness and other mental disorders |
Mandated Offering |
Must be equal |
Maine |
Mental health services coverage; ST T. 24 § 2325-A; ST T. 24-A § 2749-C; § 2843; § 4234-A; Eff. 1983 |
Group with a small employer exception for 20 or less, Individual, and HMO |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Must be equal |
Equitable health care for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment; ST T. 24-A § 2842; Eff. 1984 |
Group with a small employer exemption for 20 employees or less. |
Alcoholism and drug dependency |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Must be equal |
Maryland |
Benefits for treatment of mental illnesses, emotional disorders, and drug and alcohol abuse; INS § 15-802(click 'code folder', then 'insurance', title 15, section 802); Eff. Oct. 1, 1997 |
Group and Individual |
Mental illness, emotional disorder, drug abuse or alcohol abuse disorder. |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Massachusetts |
Mental health benefits; ST 175 § 47B; ST 176A § 8A; ST 176B § 4A; ST 176G § 4M; Eff. Dec. 10, 1973 |
Group, HMO and Individual |
Biologically Based Mental Disorders as described by the DSM. |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Not Specified |
Michigan |
Treatment for substance abuse; ST 550.1414a; Eff. Jan. 1, 1982 |
Group, HMO and Individual |
Substance abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Shall not be less favorable than the maximum prescribed for any other comparable service |
Minnesota |
Mental health services; ST § 62A.152; Eff. 1999 |
Group, HMO and Individual |
Mental Health and Chemical Dependency |
Mental Health Parity for plans that offer coverage and HMO’s |
Must be equal |
Mississippi |
Coverage for and Limitations on mental illness; ST § 83-9-39; MS ST § 83-9-41; Eff. Jan. 1, 2001. |
Group;Does not apply if it raises costs at least 1%. |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Not Specified |
Alcoholism treatment, and Limitations on alcoholism coverage; ST § 83-9-27; ST § 83-9-29; Eff. Jan. 1, 1975 |
Group |
Alcoholism |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Not Specified |
Missouri |
Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Insurance Act; ST 376.811; ST 376.825 to 376.840; ST 376.1550.
MO Statute and Regulatory details (2015)
Group and Individual |
Mental illness including alcohol and drug abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Shall not be unreasonable in relation to the cost of services provided |
Montana |
Coverage of Mental Illness, alcoholism, and drug addiction; ST 33-22-701 to 705; Eff. Sept. 30, 1987 |
Group, does not apply if raises cost at least 1% |
Mental illness, alcoholism, and drug addiction |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
No less favorable up to maximums |
Coverage for severe mental illness; ST 33-22-706; Eff. 1999 |
Group and individual |
Severe Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Nebraska |
Mental health conditions; ST § 44-791 to 44-795; Eff.1999 |
Group and HMO with a small employer exception of 15 or less. |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Varies |
Basic coverage for treatment of alcoholism; ST § 44-780; Eff. 1980 |
Group and HMO |
Alcoholism |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
No less favorable than the benefits available for the treatment of physical illness generally |
Nevada |
Coverage for treatment of conditions relating to severe mental illness; ST 689A.0455; ST 689C.169; Eff. July 1, 2000 |
Group and Individual |
Severe Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Must not be greater than 150% of the out-of-pocket expenses |
Benefits for treatment of abuse of alcohol and other drugs; ST 689A.046; ST 689C.167; Eff. 1979 |
Group and Individual |
Alcohol and drug abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Not Specified |
New Hampshire |
Coverage for Mental or Nervous Conditions and Treatment for Chemical Dependency Required; ST § 415:18-a; Eff. 1975 |
Group, HMO and Individual |
Mental or nervous conditions |
Minimum Mandated Benefit |
Ratio of benefits shall be substantially the same as benefits for other illnesses |
Coverage for Certain Biologically-Based Mental Illnesses; ST § 417-E:1; Eff. 1994 |
Group |
Biologically based mental illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
New Jersey |
Benefits for treatment of alcoholism; ST 17:48-6a; ST 17:48A-7a; ST 17:48E-34; ST 17B:26-2.1; Eff. July 15, 1985 |
Group and Individual |
Alcoholism |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Coverage for biologically-based mental illness; ST 17:48-6v; ST 17:48A-7u; ST 17:48E-35.20; ST 17B:26-2.1s; ST 17B:27-46.1v; Eff. August 11, 1999 |
Group and individual |
Biologically based mental illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
New Mexico |
Alcohol dependency coverage; ST § 59A-23-6; ST § 59A-47-35; Eff. July 1, 1999 |
Group |
Alcoholism |
Mandated Offering |
Co-insurance consistent with those imposed on other benefits within the same policy |
Requirement for mental health benefits in a group health plan, or group health insurance offered in connection with the plan, for a plan year of an employer; ST § 59A-23E-18; Eff. Jan. 1, 2000 |
Group |
Mental Illness[ii] |
Not Specified |
New York |
Group or blanket accident and health insurance policies; standard provisions; INS § 3221(1)(5)(A); Eff. Jan. 1, 2011 |
Group |
Mental, nervous, or emotional disorders and alcoholism and substance abuse. |
Mandated Offering |
As deemed appropriate and are consistent with those for other benefits |
North Carolina |
No discrimination against mentally ill and chemically dependent individuals; ST § 58-51-55; ST § 58-67-75; ST § 58-65-90; Eff. July 1, 1997 |
State employees health plan |
Mental Illness and chemical dependency |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Mental illness benefits coverage; ST § 58-3-220; Eff. July 1, 2008 |
Group |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Varies; see subsection (F) |
North Dakota |
Group health policy and health service contract substance abuse coverage; ST 26.1-36-08; Eff. 1985 |
Group and HMO |
Alcoholism, drug addiction or other related illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
No deductible or co-pay for first 5 hours not to exceed 20% for remaining hours |
Group health policy and health service contract mental disorder coverage; ST 26.1-36-09; Eff. 1985 |
Group and HMO |
Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
No deductible or co-pay for first 5 hours not to exceed 20% for remaining hours |
Ohio |
Policy coverage and group self-insurance for biologically based mental illness; ST § 3923.281; ST § 3923.282; Eff. March 30, 2007 |
Group and self-insured |
Biologically Based Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Self-insured health care plan; mental disorders; alcoholism; ST § 3923.30; Eff. January 1, 1979 |
Group and self-insured |
Mental or nervous disorders and alcoholism |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Subject to reasonable deductibles and coinsurance |
Oklahoma |
Severe Mental Illness’ ST T. 36 § 6060.10 (pg 854); ST T. 36 § 6060.11 (pg 855); ST T. 36 § 6060.12 (pg 856); ST T. 36 § 6060.13 (pg 857); Eff. January 1, 2000 |
Group[iii] |
Severe Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Oregon |
Coverage for treatment of chemical dependency and for mental or nervous conditions; ST § 743A.168; ST § 743.556; Eff. 2007 |
Group and HMO |
Mental or nervous conditions including alcoholism and chemical dependency |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Must be equal |
Pennsylvania |
Benefits for Alcohol Abuse and Dependency; 40 PA ST § 908-1 through 908-8; Eff.1990 |
Group and HMO |
Alcohol or drug abuse |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
In the first instance of treatment, no co-payment shall be less favorable |
Rhode Island |
Mental Illness Coverage; ST § 27-38.2-1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Eff. 1994 |
Group, HMO, Individual and self insured. |
Mental Illness, including disorders listed by the DSM[iv] |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
South Carolina |
Mental health insurance/coverage; ST § 38-71-290; ST § 1-11-780; Eff. June 30, 2006 |
State Employee Insurance |
Mental health condition or alcohol or substance abuse |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Requirement of coverage for psychiatric conditions in group health insurance policies; "psychiatric conditions" defined; ST § 38-71-737; Eff. 1976 |
Group |
Psychiatric conditions, including substance abuse. |
Mandated Offering. |
Varies |
South Dakota |
Health insurance policies to provide coverage for biologically-based mental illnesses; ST § 58-17-98; Eff. 1998 |
Group, HMO and Individual |
Biologically Based Mental Illness |
Mental health Parity |
Must be equal |
Tennessee |
Chemical dependency; ST § 56-7-2602; Eff. 1982 |
Group |
Alcohol and drug dependency |
Mandated offering |
Must be equal |
Mental health services coverage; Psychiatric disorders; mental or nervous conditions; chemical dependency; ST § 56-7-2360; ST § 56-7-2601 Eff. July1, 2000 |
Group |
Mental or nervous conditions |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Must be equal |
Texas |
Benefits for Certain Mental Disorders; INS Chapter 1355; Eff. Sept. 1, 2007 |
Group, HMO |
Serious Mental Illness |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Must be equal |
Availability of Chemical Dependency Coverage; INS Chapter 1368; Eff. April 1, 2005 |
Group and Self Insured |
Chemical Dependency |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Must be equal |
Utah |
Catastrophic coverage of mental health conditions; ST § 31A-22-625; Eff. March 22, 2010 |
Group and HMO |
Mental Illness |
Mandated Offering |
May include restriction |
Vermont |
Health insurance coverage, mental health and substance abuse; ST T. 8 § 4089b ; Eff. Jan. 1, 2011 |
Group and Individual |
Mental Illnesses and Substance Abuse |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Virginia |
Coverage for biologically based mental illness; ST § 38.2-3412.1:01; Eff. Jan. 1, 2000 |
Group and Individual |
Biologically Based Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Must be equal |
Washington |
Mental health services--Definition--Coverage required; ST 48.21.241. WA Statute & Regulatory Details (2015) ##
Group and HMO, except for small employers with between two and 50 employees. |
Mental Illnesses |
Mandated Offering |
Reasonable deductible amounts and co-payments |
West Virginia |
Required policy provisions--Mental Health; ST § 33-16-3a; Eff. 2002 |
Group, HMO and Individual |
Serious Mental Illness, including disorders listed by the DSM |
Mental Health Parity |
Not specified |
Wisconsin |
Required coverage of alcoholism and other diseases; ST 632.89; Eff. Dec. 1, 2010 |
Group |
Mental or nervous disorders |
Minimum Mandated Benefits |
Comparable deductibles and co-pays |
Wyoming |
Requirements of accident and sickness insurance to tax supported institutions; ST § 26-22-102; Eff. March 7, 2008 |
Group or Individual |
Mental Illness |
Mental Health Parity |
Not Specified |