The NCSL Foundation for State Legislatures Board of Directors is made up of 57 members, including legislators, legislative staff, and Supporting Directors drawn from Foundation sponsors. Directors serve one-year terms with the option to renew annually for up to three years. The Board includes the seven NCSL officers, 15 currently serving state legislators, and seven state legislative staff members, with a portion of these positions reserved for current or former members of the NCSL Executive Committee. The NCSL President Emeritus serves as the President of the NCSL Foundation, and the NCSL Immediate Past Staff Chair serves as the Secretary/Treasurer. The Vice-President, elected by the Foundation Board from the Supporting Directors, serves a two-year term. The Vice-President Elect, also chosen from the Supporting Directors, automatically assumes the Vice-President role at the end of the current term. The Board meets at least twice a year—at the NCSL Legislative Summit and typically during the NCSL Executive Committee's winter meeting.