S 238
Home Buyers Initiative Act
Relates to the Home Buyers Initiative Act; provides for the expenditure of certain funds appropriated to the Mortgage Guarantee Fund for certain housing programs that promote home ownership, including alternative housing programs.
H 2813
Appropriation and Down Payment Assistance
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the sum of specified amount appropriated from the state general fund in specified fiscal years to the Arizona Department of Housing to distribute to homebuyers in the form of down payment or mortgage interest rate assistance.
S 1315
Appropriation and Down Payment Assistance and Interest
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to appropriation; relates to down payment assistance; relates to interest.
A 166
Sets a deadline for the transfer of responsibilities for specified programs, including the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program and the Encampment Resolution Funding Program, from the Interagency Council on Homelessness to the Department of Housing and Community Development. Requires a recipient of Encampment Resolution Funding Program funds to submit a report to the department. Limits the use of Behavioral Health Infrastructure Bond Act of 2024 proceeds. Appropriates funds.
A 394
Housing: Building Homes and Jobs Act: Report
Relates to the Building Homes and Jobs Act which imposes a fee on the recording of every real estate instrument, paper or notice required by law to be recorded, per each single transaction per single parcel of real property, which is deposited in the Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund. Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to create a report that includes specified information on the expenditure of moneys for affordable owner-occupied workforce housing and the number of new homeowners.
A 1657
The Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2024
Failed - Adjourned
Enacts the Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2024, which, if adopted, would authorize the issuance of bonds in a specified amount pursuant to the state General Obligation Bond Law. Provides that proceeds from the sale of these bonds would be used to finance programs to fund affordable rental housing and homeownership programs, including, among others, the Multifamily Housing Program, the CalHome Program and the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program.
A 1840
Home Purchase Assistance Program: Eligibility
Specifies that an applicant who meets all other requirements for a loan under the program, including, but not limited to, any requirements imposed on the agency in administering the program by specified entities, and who is otherwise eligible under applicable federal and state law, shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant's immigration status. Expands the persons eligible to receive money from a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation.
A 1865
Personal Income Taxes: Exclusion: Homeownership Savings
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the Personal Income Tax Law. Excludes from gross income any amount accruing to a first-time homeownership savings account whose beneficiary is a qualified taxpayer. Excludes from gross income any amount withdrawn from a first-time homeownership savings account used to pay for qualified homeownership savings expenses of a qualified taxpayer who established the account. Defines a first-time homeownership savings account.
A 1932
Personal Income Tax: Mortgage Interest Deduction
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the Personal Income Tax Law. Disallows the deduction of acquisition indebtedness with respect to a qualified residence of a taxpayer other than the principal residence. Requires the Franchise Tax Board, in consultation with the Department of Finance, to estimate the amount of additional revenue resulting from modifications made with respect to the calculation of taxable income. Establishes the Housing, Homeownership and Homelessness Prevention Response Fund. Appropriates funds.
A 2813
Government Investment Act
Provides that Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 1 would amend and add provisions of the California Constitution to authorize a local jurisdiction to levy an ad valorem tax to service bonded indebtedness incurred to fund public infrastructure, affordable housing or permanent supportive housing, under certain conditions. Requires the California state auditor to review, following specified practices, audits submitted based on the ACA 1 bonded indebtedness provisions.
ACA 10
Local Government Financing: Affordable Housing
Provides that ACA 1 would condition the imposition, extension or increase of a sales and use tax, transactions and use tax or a parcel tax by a local government for funding public infrastructure, affordable housing, downpayment assistance or permanent supportive housing on that tax being approved by the governing board and its voters. Authorizes the Legislature, subject to a two-thirds vote, to impose additional conditions or restrictions on the acquisition or lease of real property for bonded indebtedness.
Housing and Homelessness
Requests the U.S. Congress to pass, and the president to sign, the Housing Crisis Response Act of 2023 (H.R. 4233), the Ending Homelessness Act of 2023 (H.R. 4232) and the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023 (H.R. 4231).
S 18
Tribal Housing Reconstitution and Resiliency Act
Enacts the Tribal Housing Reconstitution and Resiliency Act and creates the Tribal Housing Grant Program Trust Fund to be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development. Requires the fund, upon annual appropriation from the Legislature, to be allocated in accordance with a specified formula.
S 166
Failed - Adjourned
Sets a deadline for the transfer of responsibilities for certain programs from the Interagency Council on Homelessness to the Department of Housing and Community Development, including the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program and the Encampment Resolution Funding Program. Limits the use of certain bond proceeds for certain administrating costs to a specified percent of proceeds allocated for certain behavioral health and veterans housing programs. Appropriates funds.
S 1007
Housing: Homeowner Assistance: Homeowner's Assistance
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that existing law establishes the state Housing Finance Agency to meet the housing needs of persons and families of low or moderate income. Establishes the Homeowner's Assistance for Descendants of Enslaved Persons Program for purposes of making, upon appropriation by the Legislature, financial aid and assistance for the purpose of purchasing, owning or maintaining a home available to descendants, defined to include African American descendants of chattel enslaved persons.
S 1187
Housing Programs: Tribal Housing Reconstitution
Enacts the Tribal Housing Reconstitution and Resiliency Act and creates the Tribal Housing Grant Program Trust Fund. Requires any moneys appropriated and made available by the Legislature through the annual Budget Act for purposes of the fund. Requires a specified percent of any money that will be appropriated and made available by the Legislature to the Department of Housing and Community Development through the annual Budget Act for specified housing programs to be paid and deposited in the fund.
H 1036
Adjusting Certain Tax Expenditures
Concerns the adjustment of certain tax expenditures; repeals infrequently used tax expenditures; eliminates the requirement that the executive director of the Department of Revenue present the tax profile and expenditure report to the finance committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
H 1144
Income Tax Credit for Mortgage Rate Buy Downs
Failed - Adjourned
Concerns the creation of an income tax credit for sellers of residential real property that buy down the mortgage interest rate of the buyer of the property.
H 1152
Accessory Dwelling Units
Increases the housing supply through the construction or conversion of accessory dwelling units is a matter of mixed statewide and local concern; makes appropriations; allows subject to an administrative approval process, one accessory dwelling unit as an accessory use to a single-unit detached dwelling in any part of the subject jurisdiction where the jurisdiction allows single-unit detached dwellings; creates for factory-built structures, including those that would be considered accessory dwelling units.
S 174
Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance
Concerns state support for sustainable affordable housing; makes an appropriation; concerns indirect displacement resulting from changes in neighborhood population, if, when low-income households move out of housing units, those same housing units do not remain affordable to other low-income households in the neighborhood, or demographic changes that reflect the relocation of existing residents following widespread relocation of their community and community serving entities.
H 5167
Property Tax Abatement
Failed - Adjourned
Provides that any municipality may, upon approval by its legislative body or the board of selectmen, abate by not more than a specified amount, for no longer than a specified number of assessment years, the real property taxes due upon a residential property owned by a person who purchased such property with funds provided to qualified first-time homebuyers by the state Housing Finance Authority and which property is encumbered by a mortgage in favor of the Authority.
H 5344
First Time Homebuyer Savings Accounts
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes first-time homebuyer savings accounts and a related tax deduction and credit.
S 21
Learn Here Live Here Program
Concerns the Learn Here, Live Here program; increases the annual expenditure on the Learn Here, Live Here program to not more than specified amount and to make such program available only to individuals whose income is specified amount or less.
S 107
Construction Management Oversight
Updates requirements for construction management oversight at the University of Connecticut, pausing the requirement for a plan to increase the number of full-time faculty at public institutions of higher education and replacing references to the president of the Connecticut state colleges and universities with the chancellor of the Connecticut state colleges and universities.
S 160
Learn Here Live Here Program
Concerns the Learn Here, Live Here program; requires the commissioner of economic and community development to establish the Learn Here, Live Here program; increases the annual expenditure on such program to not more than a specified amount; makes such program available to individuals whose annual federal adjusted gross income is not more than a specified amount.
S 421
Law Enforcement Recruitment and Retention
Failed - Adjourned
Concerns law enforcement recruitment and retention; provides that no law enforcement unit shall deny employment as a police officer to a prospective employee, and the council shall not deny certification solely based on such prospective employee's or such individual's status as a noncitizen of the United States, provided such prospective employee or such individual is lawfully admitted for permanent residence of the United States.
S 422
Firefighter Recruitment and Retention
Failed - Adjourned
Concerns firefighter recruitment and retention.
H 212
Manufactured Housing
To governor
Provides that a homeowner in a manufactured home community who is eligible for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits or who is a specified years of age or older is eligible for lot rental assistance from the manufactured home community owner; provides that the homeowner, occupants and the manufactured home must be in substantial compliance with all manufactured home community rules, regulations and standards.
HCR 139
Recognition Resolution
Recognizes June 2024 as National Homeownership Month in Delaware.
District of Columbia
B 113
Community Land Trusts Access and Homeowner Support
Amends the Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act of 1980 to permit registered community land trusts to purchase housing accommodations, subject to the provisions of the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act; amends Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code to grant community land trusts secondary priority to purchase properties at a tax sale; establishes a Homeowner Resource Center within the Department of Housing and Community Development to provide resources for homeowners.
District of Columbia
B 628
Home Purchase Assistance Program Protection
Amends, on an emergency basis, the Home Purchase Assistance Fund Act of 1978 to remove new restrictions that are preventing prospective homeowners from using Home Purchase Assistance Program funding.
District of Columbia
B 629
Home Purchase Assistance Program Protection
(Temporary Act) Amends the Home Purchase Assistance Fund Act of 1978 to remove new restrictions that are preventing prospective homeowners from using Home Purchase Assistance Program funding.
District of Columbia
B 716
Home Purchase Assistance Program Protection
Relates to the Home Purchase Assistance Program Protection Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2024.
District of Columbia
B 784
Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Support Act of 2024
Enacts and amends provisions of law necessary to support the specified fiscal year budget; provides for, among other things, public sector workers compensation, Open Meetings Act enforcement, lobbying fees and penalties, the termination of grant agreements, the Office for the Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing mandate expansion, the Department of General Services Process improvements and the Office of the Attorney General Litigation Support Fund.
District of Columbia
B 875
Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2024
Enacts and amends, on an emergency basis, provisions of law necessary to support the Fiscal Year 2025 budget.
District of Columbia
B 937
Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Support Congressional Review
Enacts and amends, on an emergency basis, due to congressional review, provisions of law necessary to support the Fiscal Year 2025 budget.
District of Columbia
R 673
Home Purchase Assistance Program Protection
Relates to the Home Purchase Assistance Program Protection Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2024.
H 1239
Affordable Housing
Provides and revises provisions related to affordable housing, including multifamily and mixed-use residential development uses, floor area ratio of certain proposed developments, restrictions of height of certain proposed developments, development within specified proximity to military installations, ad valorem property tax exemptions, property appraisers duties, property owners seeking certification notice from specified state Housing Finance Corporation, requirements for market value analysis.
H 7029
Florida Statutes
Amends provisions regarding the Florida Hometown Hero Program.
S 74
Improving Clarity of Statutes
Amends provisions regarding the Florida Hometown Hero Program.
S 328
Prohibits counties and municipalities, respectively, from restricting the floor area ratio of certain proposed developments under certain circumstances; authorizes counties and municipalities, respectively, to restrict the height of proposed developments under certain circumstances; revises conditions for when multifamily projects are considered property used for a charitable purpose and are eligible to receive an ad valorem property tax exemption. Amends provisions regarding the Florida Hometown Hero Program.
H 1701
Individual Housing Account Statute
Failed - Adjourned
Updates the Individual Housing Account statute to more accurately reflect the current cost of housing down payments.
H 1736
Maui Wildfire Victims No Fee Loans
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes a program to provide no interest and no fee loans for down payments to Maui wildfire victims who lost their homes in the wildfire; appropriates moneys; declares that the appropriation exceeds the state General Fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
H 2357
Homebuyers Club Program
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to the State Housing Finance and Development Corporation; provides that Chapter 201h, Part III, Subpart G, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed; relates to the Homebuyers Club Program.
H 2787
Housing Accounts
Failed - Adjourned
Increases the maximum amount of deductible contributions for individual housing accounts; requires the Department of Taxation to create and implement a public awareness campaign about individual housing accounts; appropriates funds; applies to taxable years beginning after the specified date.
H 3152
Home Buyer Savings Account Act
Creates the Home Buyer Savings Account Act; sets forth provisions concerning legislative findings, establishment of first-time and second-chance homebuyer savings accounts, uses of first-time and second-chance homebuyer savings accounts, accounts holder responsibilities, responsibilities of financial institutions, deduction of contributions, exclusion of earnings and limitations, penalty for withdrawal, Department of Revenue forms, an annual report; defines terms; amends the Municipal Code.
H 3316
Community Land Trust Home Ownership Act
Creates the Community Land Trust Home Ownership Act; provides that the Housing Development Authority's homeownership programs, including loan products, grants and other types of assistance, shall be made available to homebuyers and owners seeking to purchase or maintain housing where a leasehold interest in real property is held by a community land trust or other organization for the purposes of promoting long-term affordability, preservation of affordable housing or community revitalization.
H 3934
First Time Home Buyer Savings Program Act
Creates the First-Time Home Buyer Savings Program Act; creates the First-Time Home Buyer Savings Program in the office of the state treasurer; provides that beginning Jan. 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2027, any individual may open an account with a financial institution and designate the account, in its entirety, as a first-time homebuyer savings account to be used to pay or reimburse a qualified beneficiary's eligible costs for the purchase of a single-family residence in the state.
H 5003
Department of Human Services and General Revenue Fund
Appropriates from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago for costs associated with funding equitable mortgage lending, homeownership rehabilitation and development and homebuyer subsidies and support.
S 2413
Home Buyer Savings Account Act
Creates the Home Buyer Savings Account Act; sets forth provisions concerning legislative findings; establishment of first-time and second-chance homebuyer savings accounts; uses of first-time and second-chance homebuyer savings accounts, accounts holder responsibilities, responsibilities of financial institutions, deduction of contributions, exclusion of earnings and limitations, penalty for withdrawal, Department of Revenue forms, an annual report, defines terms, amends the Municipal Code.
S 2927
Community Land Trust Home Ownership Act
Creates the Community Land Trust Home Ownership Act; provides that the Housing Development Authority's homeownership programs, including loan products, grants and other types of assistance, shall be made available to homebuyers and owners seeking to purchase or maintain housing where a leasehold interest in real property is held by a community land trust or other 501 organization for the purposes of promoting long-term affordability, preservation of affordable housing or community revitalization.
S 3357
Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago Grant
Appropriates from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago for costs associated with funding equitable mortgage lending, homeownership rehabilitation and development and homebuyer subsidies and support.
S 3497
Home Buyer Savings Accounts Act
Creates the Home Buyer Savings Accounts Act; provides that a first-time and second-chance homebuyer may open an account with a financial institution designated in its entirety by the financial institution as a first-time and second-chance homebuyer savings account; provides that the funds in a first-time and second-chance homebuyer savings account may be used only to pay a first-time and second-chance homebuyer's eligible costs for the purchase of a single-family residence in.
H 1176
Single Family Residences Investor Ownership
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to investor ownership of single family residences; establishes the housing down payment assistance fund; establishes a tax of 50% of the fair market value of a single family residence for each single family residence acquired by an applicable taxpayer after the applicable date; establishes a maximum number of single family residences that may be owned by an applicable taxpayer after the applicable date for purposes of calculating an annual tax on any excess single family residences.
S 126
Taxation on Solar and Wind Energy Expenditures
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to providing an individual income tax credit for certain residential solar and wind energy expenditures.
S 306
Modification for Losses from Any Investments
Failed - Adjourned
Includes losses from investments in technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions in state's adjusted gross income for income tax purposes.
S 360
Tax Advantaged Savings Programs
Allows the taxpayer to elect the taxable year in which a subtraction modification for contributions to a 529 qualified tuition accounts, achieving a better life experience (ABLE) accounts or first-time homebuyer savings accounts would be applied; authorizes the state treasurer to appoint a 529 program advisory committee.
S 447
Mortgage Interest Program for Certain Individuals
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to directing the state treasurer to establish a mortgage interest program for certain individuals and establishing the homes for every local protector, educator and responder act of Kansas.
H 222
Tax Incentives for First-time Home Buyers
Failed - Adjourned
Defines terms; establishes a tax deduction for contributions made to an eligible savings account by a first-time homebuyer and allow an exclusion from income for any interest earned from an eligible savings account of a first-time homebuyer effective for taxable years beginning on or after a specified date; requires the Department of Revenue to report to the Legislative Research Commission and the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue.
H 1197, Special Session
Maine Community Housing Development Authority
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Community Housing Production Program; provides that the program is administered by the Maine State Housing Authority for the purpose of providing grants to produce mixed-income rental housing by nonprofit developers, cooperatives and public entities; includes an appropriation for the program and an appropriation for homeownership assistance programs administered by the Maine State Housing Authority.
H 69
Community Development Administration Programs
Failed - Adjourned
Authorizes the Community Development Administration in the Department of Housing and Community Development to administer a homebuyer assistance program, a rental assistance program and certain community development projects that assist certain school staff members with the purchase or rental of homes near where the school staff member is employed; requires a school staff member, to qualify for homebuyer assistance, to have been employed at an elementary or secondary school.
H 220
Homestead Property Tax Credit Calculation
Failed - Adjourned
Authorizes certain local governments to allow, by law, a first-time homebuyer in the state to calculate the homestead property tax credit for property that includes a newly purchased dwelling using a certain method; requires that the credit for a newly purchased dwelling be calculated in a certain manner; provides that a certain homeowner may receive the larger of the homestead property tax credit amounts as calculated using certain methods; applies the act to all taxable years.
H 1090
Revitalizing Neighborhoods Through Homeownership Fund
Failed - Adjourned
Establishes the Revitalizing Neighborhoods Through Homeownership Program to provide financial assistance in the form of loans to political subdivisions to support the purchase and renovation of HUD dollar homes and abandoned residential properties for resale to low-to moderate-income buyers; establishes the Revitalizing Neighborhoods Through Homeownership Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to provide financial assistance in the form of loans under the provisions of the Program.
H 1321
Definition of Low- and Moderate-Income Housing
Relates to the definition of low- and moderate-income housing.
H 1322
Definition of Affordable Housing
Establishes a special commission to study the definition of affordable housing.
H 1380
Housing Finance Agency Homebuyers' Guide
Provides that homebuyers be provided copies of the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency homebuyers' guide.
H 2727
Income Tax Deduction for Certain Amounts
Provides for an income tax deduction for certain amounts contributed to such accounts.
H 4830
Excise Tax
Establishes an excise tax for certain applicable taxpayers more than the maximum permissible for single-family residences.
S 1787
First Time Homebuyer and Rental Savings Accounts
Relates to first time homebuyer and rental savings accounts.
H 5806
Income Tax Credit
Provides credit for the down payment on the purchase of a home.
H 3593
Housing Down Payment Assistance Program
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to housing; establishes a down payment assistance program for the purchase of cooperative housing; establishes an affordable housing cooperative technical assistance program; requires reports; appropriates money.
H 4166
Minneapolis Foundation for the GroundBreak Coalition
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to housing; appropriates money for a grant to the Minneapolis Foundation for the GroundBreak Coalition.
H 4194
Housing Infrastructure Bonds
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to housing; modifies prior appropriations; establishes new programs and modifies existing programs; expands eligible uses of housing infrastructure bonds; authorizes the issuance of housing infrastructure bonds; establishes a working group and a task force; requires reports; appropriates money.
H 4253
Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to housing; establishes a first-time homebuyer down payment assistance program; appropriates money.
H 4555
State Aid Taxation
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to taxation; imposes a maintenance of effort condition for receipt of local affordable housing aid.
H 5262
Sales and Use Taxation
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to taxation; relates to sales and use; provides a refundable construction exemption for construction of new residential housing for first-time homebuyers.
S 3551
Housing Down Payment Assistance Program
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to housing; establishes a down payment assistance program for the purchase of cooperative housing; establishes an affordable housing cooperative technical assistance program; requires reports; appropriates money.
S 4022
State Government
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to state government; proposes an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, Article XI; increases the sales tax rate by three-eighths of one percent and dedicating the receipts for housing purposes; creates a homeownership opportunity fund, a rental opportunity fund and a household and community stability fund; creates fund councils; provides appointments; requires reports.
S 4077
GroundBreak Coalition
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to housing; appropriates money for a grant to the Minneapolis Foundation for the GroundBreak Coalition.
S 4875
State Aid Taxation
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to taxation; relates to atates aid; imposes a maintenance of effort condition for receipt of local affordable housing aid.
S 5234
Relates to taxation; modifies property taxes, individual income and corporate franchise taxes, gross receipts taxes and local government aids; clarifies the definition of certain attachments and appurtenances; proposes advanced payments of the child tax credit; clarifies the credit for research calculation for the gross receipts tax; modifies the effective date of a reduction in the limitation on the deductibility of net operating losses; modifies Tribal Nation aid payment dates; appropriates money.
S 5369
Sales and Use Taxation
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to taxation; sales and use; provides a refundable construction exemption for construction of new residential housing for first-time homebuyers.
H 1272
Hometown Heroes Home Loan Guaranty Program
Provides that the Department of Finance and Administration shall develop the hometown heroes home loan guaranty program to provide loan guaranties on behalf of certain firefighters, law enforcement officers, nurses and teachers for the purpose of assisting such individuals in obtaining conventional financing for the purchase of residential property that is to be the primary home and residence of such an individual and for which the individual certifies to the Department of Finance and Administration.
S 2897
Ad Valorem Tax Rebate
Authorizes a credit or rebate for a homebuyer's portion of the ad valorem taxes on the home for the year of purchase if the buyer, at the time of closing, either is an American veteran honorably discharged from military service with a service connected, total disability and is at least 65 years of age, is the unremarried surviving spouse of such a homeowner.
S 970
Tax Credit for the Purchase of Certain Homes
Failed - Adjourned
Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of certain homes.
No 2024 regular session
No 2024 regular session
New Hampshire
H 1101
State Loan Program
Establishes a committee to study a potential state program to make loans to low-to-moderate income households for the purpose of buying a home or for the purpose of consolidating student loans.
New Hampshire
S 202
Homeownership Innovations Fund
Establishes a homeownership innovations fund within the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority and makes an appropriation thereto.
New Jersey
A 586
Affordable Housing Voucher Program Funding
Requires expanded use of affordable housing voucher program funding for homeownership expense assistance.
New Jersey
A 934
First Time Home Buyer and Senior Income Tax Credit
Provides for a temporary gross income tax credit to first time homebuyers and seniors.
New Jersey
A 1005
Federal Active Duty Veteran Home Purchase Grant
Creates home purchase grant program in Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency for certain veterans who served in federal active duty; appropriates a certain dollar amount.
New Jersey
A 1548
First-Time Homebuyers Loan Program
Establishes loan program for first-time homebuyers who move to areas with most abandoned properties; appropriates specified sum.
New Jersey
A 2713
Additional Home Ownership Assistance
Provides additional home ownership assistance for certain military service members.
New Jersey
A 2824
Homebuyers Down Payment Assistance Program
Modifies the Down Payment Assistance Program for the benefit of first generation and first-time homebuyers.
New Jersey
A 4210
Housing Purchase Matching Grant Program
Creates housing purchase matching grant program for members of U.S. armed forces and state National Guard who have served in certain military operations.
New Jersey
S 1391
First Time Home Buyer Savings Account Program
Establishes specified state First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Program; provides gross income tax benefits for certain contributions to and earnings on assets maintained in accounts established under program.
New Jersey
S 1430
Affordable Housing Voucher Program
Provides that the commissioner of community affairs shall establish a state rental assistance program for low income individuals or households; provides that the program shall reserve a portion of the funds available to it to establish and administer a program comparable to the Federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program to enable a household to use a program voucher to buy a home by providing monthly homeownership assistance or a single down payment assistance grant.
New Jersey
S 1446
Homebuyers Down Payment Assistance Program
Establishes in the state Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency a zero-interest, forgivable loan program to provide down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers; provides that a first-time homebuyer shall commit to use the home as their principal residence for five years following the purchase of the home, and for these five years retain the first mortgage product offered by the agency; appropriates funds from the New Jersey Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Agency for the Down Payment Assistance Program.
New Jersey
S 1509
Home Buyer Assistance
Establishes the Police Officer, Firefighter, Public School Teacher, Corrections Officer and Sanitation Worker Home Buyer Assistance Act; appropriates a certain amount.
New Jersey
S 1891
Veterans Housing Affordability Assistance Trust Funds
Permits certain portion of municipal development trust funds to be spent on housing affordability assistance to veterans.
New Jersey
S 2720
First Time Homebuyer Loan Program
Establishes a loan program for first-time homebuyers who move to areas with the most abandoned properties; appropriates a certain amount.
New Jersey
S 2739
Military Housing Purchase Matching Grant Program
Creates housing purchase matching grant program for members of U.S. armed forces and state National Guard who have served in certain military operations.
New Jersey
S 2745
Homebuyer Tax Credit Program Gross Income Tax
Establishes the state Homebuyer Tax Credit Program under gross income tax for certain home purchases during qualified periods by first time homebuyers.
New Jersey
S 2896
Home Purchase Grant Program
Creates the home purchase grant program within the Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency for certain veterans who served in federal active duty; makes an appropriation.
New Jersey
S 3116
Homebuyer Tax Credit Program Gross Income Tax
Establishes New Jersey Homebuyer Tax Credit Program under gross income tax for certain home purchases during qualified periods by first-time homebuyers.
New Mexico
New York
A 379
Eligibility for Low-Interest Rate Program
Relates to expanding eligibility for the low-interest rate program of the state mortgage agency to certain graduates of post-secondary programs or comparable apprenticeship and workforce training programs for the purchase of certain property.
New York
A 2375
First Time Home Buyers
Provides exemption for first time homebuyers from a mortgage or recording tax imposed by a municipality; directs commissioner of taxation and finance to establish qualifications and procedures for obtaining such exemption.
New York
A 2549
New American Homebuyer Assistance Program
Establishes the New American homebuyer assistance program within the state of New York mortgage agency to assist first time homebuyers by imposing flexible documentation guidelines that consider foreign documentation of income and assets.
New York
A 2600
Tenants of Public Housing Projects
Provides that the Division of Housing and Community Renewal shall create the process, access the applications, distribute the funds and provide any other administrative functions for the tenant to homeownership initiative; provides that the state shall subsidize a portion of the closing costs required of any buyer who is purchasing a home located within the state if they shall meet specified requirements, including, but not limited to, that the buyer has been a tenant of a public housing project.
New York
A 4307
Veterans Home and Land Ownership Loan Program
Creates a veteran's home and land ownership loan program to provide loans to veterans to purchase homes or unimproved land suitable for building; requires such loans to be secured by a second mortgage.
New York
A 4830
New York State Diplomas
Establishes the New York State Diplomas to Homeownership Assistance Program; provides awards of up to $15,000 to eligible applicants for repayment on student loans; makes an appropriation therefor.
New York
A 4884
Credit Against Personal Income Tax
Amends the Tax Law; grants credit against personal income tax to purchasers of residential housing in the amount of any downpayment made on such housing; provides that the maximum credit shall not exceed 5% of the purchase price of the residential housing; requires taxpayers to meet eligibility requirements imposed by the State of New York Mortgage Agency.
New York
A 7496
Community Housing Funds
Provides that cities and towns are authorized to establish, by local law, a community housing fund; provides that deposits into the fund may include revenues of the local government from whatever source, including but not limited to all revenues from the supplemental real estate transfer tax; provides that the proceeds of the fund be utilized for, among other things, the provision of financial assistance to first-time homebuyers who are residents of the city or town for the purchase of a first home.
New York
A 8829
Excise Tax on the Failure of Hedge Funds
Imposes an excise tax on the failure of certain hedge funds owning excess single-family residences to dispose of such residences; establishes the housing down payment trust fund to provide funds to state housing finance agencies to establish new or supplement existing programs that provide down payment assistance to families purchasing homes within the state.
New York
A 9717
First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Act
Establishes the "First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Act;" provides that a qualified taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the taxes imposed by this article for taxes levied on the taxpayer's primary residence by or on behalf of any county, city, town, village or school district in which such property is located.
New York
A 10385
Middle Income Home Ownership Subsidy Program
Creates a middle-income homeownership subsidy program to assist persons with an income below the current median income for the city of New York with the purchase of a residence in an urban area.
New York
S 935
State Mortgage Agency Low-Interest Rate Program
Expands eligibility for the low-interest rate program of the state of New York mortgage agency to certain graduates of post-secondary programs or comparable apprenticeship and workforce training programs for the purchase of certain property.
New York
S 1280
Middle Income Home Ownership Subsidy Program
Creates a middle-income homeownership subsidy program to assist persons with an income below the current median income for the city of New York with the purchase of a residence in an urban area.
New York
S 1447
Tenants of Public Housing Projects
Provides that the Division of Housing and Community Renewal shall create the process, access the applications, distribute the funds and provide any other administrative functions for a tenant to homeownership initiative; provides that the state shall subsidize a portion of the closing costs required of any buyer who is purchasing a home located within the state if they shall meet the specified requirements, including but not limited to that the buyer has been a tenant of a public housing project.
New York
S 2883
New American Homebuyer Assistance Program
Establishes the New American Homebuyer Assistance Program within the state Mortgage Agency to assist first time homebuyers by imposing flexible documentation guidelines that consider foreign documentation of income and assets.
New York
S 5224
State Home Ownership Savings Plan
Creates the New York State Home Ownership Savings Plan; creates a property tax exemption related thereto; creates exemptions for properties purchased in target areas with a New York State Home Ownership Savings Plan.
New York
S 5431
Veterans Home and Land Ownership Loan Program
Creates a veteran's home and land ownership loan program to provide loans to veterans to purchase homes or unimproved land suitable for building; requires such loans to be secured by a second mortgage.
New York
S 5561
Pilot Program to Encourage Homeownership
Creates a pilot program to encourage homeownership among persons and groups who are currently underrepresented in homeownership and/or have seen a marked decline in rates of homeownership over the last decade; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof.
New York
S 8521
New York Student Loan Assistance and Home Purchase Act
Establishes the "New York Student Loan Assistance and Home Purchase Act," for the purposes of facilitating the purchase of homes by individuals who are burdened by student debt, by providing financing opportunities for the consolidation of student debt into a mortgage.
New York
S 8826
First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Act
Establishes the "First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Act;" provides that a qualified taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the taxes imposed by this article for taxes levied on the taxpayer's primary residence by or on behalf of any county, city, town, village or school district in which such property is located.
New York
S 9096
Excise Tax on the Failure of Hedge Funds
Imposes an excise tax on the failure of certain hedge funds owning excess single-family residences to dispose of such residences; establishes the housing down payment trust fund to provide funds to state housing finance agencies to establish new or supplement existing programs that provide down payment assistance to families purchasing homes within the state.
New York
S 9913
Home Ownership Market Expansion Act or HOME Act
Amends the Private Housing Finance Law; establishes the New York State First Home Grant Program; excludes the amount of any grant to any first-time homebuyer awarded or any federal first-time homebuyer grant program from taxable income for the purpose of calculating state adjusted gross income.
North Carolina
H 537
Workforce Housing
Addresses critical housing needs by decreasing regulatory burdens on certain developments; enhances financing options for first-time homebuyers and veterans; provides additional ongoing funding to support workforce housing in the state.
North Carolina
H 569
Working Families
Reduces parent copayments for subsidized child care; reenacts the child tax credit; increases the state minimum wage; grants local governments flexibility to set a higher local minimum wage; increases the income eligibility limit for the property tax homestead circuit breaker; creates a homebuyers' assistance program with the state Housing Finance Agency for first-time homebuyers who work as public servants.
North Carolina
H 1012
Homebuyers Assistance Program
Creates a Homebuyers' Assistance Program with the Housing Finance Agency for first-time homebuyers who work as public servants; allows an income tax credit to certain volunteer workers for unreimbursed business expenses.
North Carolina
S 422
Homebuyers Assistance Program
Creates a homebuyers' assistance program with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency for first-time homebuyers who work as public servants.
North Carolina
S 555
Working Families
Reduces parent copayments for subsidized child care; reenacts the child tax credit; increases the state minimum wage; grants local governments flexibility to set a higher local minimum wage; increases the income eligibility limit for the property tax homestead circuit breaker; creates a homebuyers' assistance program with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency for first-time homebuyers who work as public servants; enacts the North Carolina Paid Family Leave Insurance Act.
North Carolina
S 827
Homebuyers Assistance Program
Creates a homebuyers' assistance program with the North Carolina Housing Fnance Agency for first-time homebuyers who work as public servants and to allow an income tax credit to certain volunteer workers for unreimbursed business expenses.
North Carolina
S 878
Working Families Act
Reduces parent copayments for subsidized child care; reenacts the child tax credit; increases the state minimum wages on Labor Day; grants local governments flexibility to set a higher local minimum wage; increases the income eligibility limit for the property tax homestead circuit breaker; creates a homebuyers' assistance program with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency for first-time homebuyers who work as public servants; enacts the Paid Family Leave Insurance Act to help working families.
North Dakota
No 2024 regular session
N. Mariana Islands
Not available
H 33
Operating Appropriations for the Biennium
Makes operating appropriations for the biennium beginning a specified date, and ending a specified date, to levy taxes; provides authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs. Provides for deductions contributed to a homeownership savings account.
H 101
Settlement Fund and Village Dissolution
Provides all amounts awarded to the office of the attorney general by order or judgment of a court or as part of a settlement or other compromise of claims for attorney's fees, investigation costs, document management costs, expert witness fees, fines and all other costs and fees associated with representation; modifies the law regarding village dissolution. Amends definition of home for homeownership savings accounts.
H 517
Allow Military to Participate in Homeownership Savings
Makes active-duty members of the uniformed services eligible to participate in the homeownership savings linked deposit program.
S 257
Homeownership Savings Linked Deposit Program
Makes active-duty members of the uniformed services eligible to participate in the homeownership savings linked deposit program.
H 3302
Housing Down Payment Assistance Program Act of 2024
Failed - Adjourned
Relates to housing; enacts the state Housing Down Payment Assistance Program Act of 2024; provides for noncodification; provides an effective date.
S 1527
First Time Home Buyers
Relates to first-time homebuyer savings accounts and personal income tax; provides that for each tax year in which a taxpayer claims a subtraction or exemption for contributions to such accounts, the taxpayer shall maintain certain records; provides that the taxpayer shall furnish specified records, including, upon a withdrawal of funds from a first-time homebuyer savings account, a copy of the real estate settlement statement demonstrating that the withdrawal was used for eligible costs.
H 126
First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account Program Act
Establishes the First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account Program and the First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account Program Fund; imposes duties on the Treasury Department; establishes the First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account Advisory Board; provides that if an account holder or qualified beneficiary withdraws any amount from an account and uses the withdrawal for an ineligible use, the entire amount withdrawn shall be included in the account holder's taxable income as interest income for the tax year.
H 1387
Real Estate Transfer Tax
Relates to local real estate transfer tax; provides that the duly constituted authorities of the specified political subdivisions may, in their discretion, by ordinance or resolution, for general revenue purposes, levy, assess and collect or provide for the levying, assessment and collection of a tax upon a transfer of real property or an interest in real property within the limits of the political subdivision, regardless of where the instruments making the transfers are made.
H 2224
First Time Home Buyer Savings Accounts
Provides for the establishment of first-time homebuyer savings accounts for first-time homebuyers in this commonwealth.
H 2454
Grants To Subsidize Home Ownership
Provides for grants to subsidize home ownership; establishes the Pennsylvania Affordable Homeownership Subsidy Program; imposes duties on the Department of Community and Economic Development; submits a report; makes an appropriation.
S 295
Establishment of First Time Home Buyer Savings Accounts
Provides for the establishment of first-time homebuyer savings accounts for first-time homebuyers in this commonwealth.
S 1093
Higher Education Assistance Agency
Amends the act known as The Fiscal Code; establishes the Put Down Roots PA Pilot Program; provides for duties of Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
H 7276
Revolving Fund to Assist First Time Home Buyers
Establishes a revolving fund to assist first-time homebuyers and veterans to purchase a home in the state by issuing grants of up to a specified amount; provides that the revolving fund would be administered by the state Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation; authorizes the corporation to issue low interest loans to applicants who qualify for the grants.
Rhode Island
H 7673
First Time Home Buyer Savings Program Act
Establishes the first-time homebuyer savings program fund for first time homebuyers; allows modifications to federal adjusted gross income for $50,000 in contributions and $150,000 of interest and dividends.
Rhode Island
H 7776
Down Payment Assistance Program Funding
(Joint Resolution) Authorizes the appropriation of the specified sum to support the Down Payment Assistance program.
Rhode Island
S 2349
Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation
Establishes a revolving fund to assist first-time homebuyers and veterans to purchase a home in the state by issuing grants of up to $40,000; provides that the revolving fund would be administered by the state Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation; authorizes the State Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation to issue low interest loans to applicants who qualify for the grants.
Rhode Island
S 2555
Housing Down Payment Assistance Program Funding
(Joint Resolution) Authorizes the appropriation of the specified sum to support the Down Payment Assistance program.
Rhode Island
S 2556
First Time Home Buyer Savings Program Act
Establishes the first-time homebuyer savings program fund for first time homebuyers; allows modifications to federal adjusted gross income for $50,000 in contributions and $150,000 of interest and dividends; takes effect upon passage.
A. Samoa
Not available
South Carolina
South Dakota
H 2342
Grant Program for First Time Home Buyers
Failed - Adjourned
Directs the department to promulgate rules to establish a grant program for first-time homebuyers.
S 2462
Grant Program for First Time Home Buyers
Failed - Adjourned
Directs the department to promulgate rules to establish a grant program for first-time homebuyers.
No 2024 regular session
S 168
Affordable Building Amendments
Adopts a statewide building code for modular building units; modifies the membership of the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund Board by adding a member representing the interests of modular housing; modifies provisions of the First-Time Homebuyer Assistance Program; authorizes a municipality or county to create a home ownership promotion zone; allows a home ownership promotion zone to capture tax increment for up to a specified number of years to finance the objectives of the home ownership promotion zone.
S 268
First Home Investment Zone Act
Allows a municipality to create a first home investment zone to provide affordable, owner-occupied housing, encourage mixed use development, encourage strategic and efficient land use planning, improve access to opportunities; and increase opportunities for home ownership, allows a first home investment zone to capture tax increment to finance the objectives of a first home investment zone.
S 555
First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit
Relates to first-time homebuyer tax credit; creates a tax credit for taxable years 2024 through 2028 for individuals or married couples filing jointly who sell residential real property that is the taxpayer's primary residence and is in the commonwealth to a first-time homebuyer; provides that such credit will be equal to 2% of the sales price of the property, not to exceed specified amount.
U.S. Virgin Islands
H 1709
Housing Programs
Failed - Adjourned
Concerns housing programs administered by the Department of Commerce.
H 2063
Real Estate Excise Tax
Failed - Adjourned
Provides an exemption from the real estate excise tax for transfers of property to qualifying low-income first-time homebuyers.
H 2064
Real Estate Excise Tax
Failed - Adjourned
Provides for an exemption from the real estate excise tax for transfers of property to qualifying low-income first-time homebuyers.
H 2200
Failed - Adjourned
Eliminates certain inactive accounts. Makes the Department of Commerce responsible for authorizing expenditures from the Down Payment Assistance Account. Creates the Fern Lodge Maintenance Account and the Clean Fuels Credit Account.
S 6098
Provides that the director of the Department of Commerce may authorize expenditures from the Down Payment Assistance Account; relates to the State Heritage Barn Preservation Program; creates the Fern Lodge Maintenance Account and the Inflation Reduction Elective Pay Account; provides that all receipts to the State from clean fuel credits generated from transportation investments funded in an omnibus transportation appropriations act must be deposited in the Clean Fuels Transportation Investment Account.
S 6317
American Dream Homes
Failed - Adjourned
Promotes housing affordability by incentivizing the construction of American dream homes.
West Virginia
H 4947
First Time Home Buyer Savings Account Act
Failed - Adjourned
Creates the First Time Home Buyer Savings Account Act.
West Virginia
S 261
West Virginia Veterans Home Loan Mortgage Program Act
Creates the West Virginia Veterans Home Loan Mortgage Program of 2024; establishes a fund known as the West Virginia Veterans Home Loan Mortgage Fund; provides that the West Virginia Housing Development Fund shall administer the fund; authorizes the West Virginia Housing Development Fund to make certain mortgage loans from the fund; authorizes the Unclaimed Property Administrator to transfer a certain amount from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the fund.
A 1094
Workforce Home Loan Program
Concerns a workforce home loan program.
A 1137
Down Payment Assistance Grant Program
Concerns feasibility study concerning the establishment of a down payment assistance grant program.
S 975
Workforce Home Loan Program
Concerns a workforce home loan program.
S 1037
Down Payment Assistance Grant Program
Concerns feasibility study concerning the establishment of a down payment assistance grant program.