Alabama |
HB 259
This bill allows local boards of education to offer instruction in the life skills of personal finance literacy, personal rights, and good citizenship in grades six to 12 as an elective course or as a component in the health education and physical education state courses of study.
Alabama |
HJR 64 Signed by governor 4/13/22, Act 305
Supports the importance of financial education. Directs the state treasurer to research financial education programs and events within this state and other states, and to provide the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives with a written course of possible action promoting financial literacy that would benefit all Alabamians on or before the first day of the 2023 Regular Session.
Alaska |
Arizona |
HB 2278 Passed House 2/15/22
Instructs the State Board of Education to develop and adopt academic competency requirements for an alternative mathematics graduation pathway that includes algebra, geometry and another advanced mathematics course. Specifies that the advanced mathematics course may include personal finance, computer science, statistics or business mathematics.
Arizona |
HB 2860 Signed by governor 6/28/22, Chapter 311
Creates a community treatment program for imprisoned women and their children. The community treatment program shall provide programs and support services to assist mothers and their children in developing the skills necessary to become functioning, self-sufficient families, including: 1. Substance abuse treatment. 2. Well-being and emotional supports. 3. Parenting skills. 4. Educational and employment skills. 5. Financial literacy. 6. Workforce skills training.
Arizona |
SB 1448
Authorizes a pretrial diversion program for primary caregivers. The primary caregiver diversion program may include all of the following components: 1. parenting classes. 2. family and individual counseling. 3. mental health screening, education and treatment. 4. family case management services. 5. drug and alcohol treatment. 6. domestic violence education and prevention. 7. physical and sexual abuse counseling. 8. anger management. 9. vocational and educational services. 10. job training and placement. 11. affordable and safe housing assistance. 12. financial literacy courses.
Arizona |
SB 1727
Creates a community treatment program for imprisoned women and their children. The community treatment program shall provide programs and support services to assist mothers and their children in developing the skills necessary to become functioning, self-sufficient families, including: 1. Substance abuse treatment. 2. Well-being and emotional supports. 3. Parenting skills. 4. Educational and employment skills. 5. Financial literacy. 6. Workforce skills training.
Arkansas |
California |
AB 193 Passed Assembly 2/25/21
This bill, until June 30, 2026, establishes the Local Government Immigrant Integration Initiative and, upon appropriation, requires GO-Biz to administer competitive grants to local governments to develop or expand local immigrant integration initiatives according to specified grant criteria, and prioritization of equitable distribution of funds across local government jurisdictions. Grants may be used for, but are not limited to, the following activities: Funding immigrant integration focused positions and services, such as financial assistance, training or financial literacy programs, referral services for immigrant workers or entrepreneurs, or other local government efforts to improve immigrant access and use of economic mobility and opportunity services.
California |
AB 423 Died pursuant to Art. IV, §10(c) of the Constitution 2/2/22
Requires the State Department of Education to implement, commencing with the 2022‑23 school year, a financial literacy pilot program. Authorizes a school district or charter school to voluntarily incorporate a financial literacy program into a course, for pupils in grade 11 or 12, offered by the local educational agency. Requires the department to submit a report with findings on the pilot program to the Legislature on or before January 1, 2026.
California |
AB 639 Died pursuant to Art. IV, §10(c) of the Constitution 2/2/22
Authorizes a school district or charter school to incorporate a financial literacy program into an economics course offered by the local educational agency. Authorizes the curriculum for the financial literacy program to include specified topics.
California |
AB 1928
Authorizes the counties of San Joaquin, Santa Clara, and Yolo to develop, manage, staff, and offer a secured residential treatment pilot program, known as Hope California, for individuals suffering from substance use disorders who have been convicted of qualifying drug‑motivated felony crimes, as specified. The bill requires Hope California facilities to provide participants with an individualized medically assisted treatment program and provide participants with support services, including instruction on, among other things, money management, career planning, and applying for employment.
California |
AB 2051 Passed Assembly 5/25/22
This bill requires the superintendent of public instruction, subject to an appropriation of one-time funds for this purpose in the annual Budget Act or another statute, to allocate funding for the purchase of standards-aligned instructional materials in financial literacy for kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and for professional development in that content, as provided. The bill requires the superintendent to allocate these funds to school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and the state special schools on the basis of an equal amount per unit of average daily attendance, as those numbers were reported at the time of the first principal apportionment for the 2019–20 fiscal year. The bill requires a school district, county office of education, charter school, or state special school to expend allocated funds for professional development or instructional materials in financial literacy that is aligned to the history-social science curriculum framework adopted by the state board and the financial literacy subject matter recommended considered by the commission, as provided.
California |
AB 2215 Passed Assembly 5/25/22
This bill requires the State Department of Education to develop, among other things, curriculum, instructional materials, and professional development resources related to personal finance topics, as provided. The bill also requires the department to communicate to school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools the financial literacy content in the history-social science framework and in other frameworks, as well as strategies for expanding the provision, and increasing the quality, of financial education instruction. The bill requires the department to review financial education curriculum available to local educational agencies and update on an ongoing basis the financial literacy resources listed on its internet website. The bill makes implementation of all of its provisions contingent upon an appropriation of funds by the Legislature for these purposes in the annual Budget Act or another statute.
California |
AB 2250
The bill, contingent upon an appropriation by the Legislature, creates a three-phasepilot program for women being released from prison that would, among other things, be responsive to each woman’s gender and culture, create an individualized reentry program, develop professional skills including financial literacy, provide assistance in the form of subsidies, and focus on family reunification, as provided.
California |
SB 181 Passed Senate 2/22/21
Enacts the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer. Appropriates for the 2022-23 fiscal year, the sum of $3.6 billion from the state General Fund to the State Department of Education to establish the Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant, for allocation to county offices of education, school districts, charter schools, and the state special schools to: (1) Obtain standards-aligned professional development and acquire instructional materials, in the following subject areas: (A) Visual and performing arts. (B) World languages. (C) Mathematics. (D) Science. (E) English language arts, including early literacy. (F) Ethnic studies. (G) Financial literacy, including the content specified in §51284.5 of the Education Code. (H) Media literacy. (I) Computer science.
Colorado |
HB 1107 Signed by governor 5/26/22, Chapter 235
Creates in the Department of Higher Education the Inclusive Higher Education Grant Program to provide grants to state institutions of higher education for the purpose of establishing, or expanding existing, inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities; requires the department to contract with an organization that has demonstrated success in assisting students with intellectual and developmental disabilities attend such institutions; appropriates funds. Grant awards may be used to provide programs and supports for the students to develop independent living skills, including self-care, socialization, career readiness, healthy lifestyle choices, and financial literacy.
Colorado |
HB 1366 Signed by governor 5/26/22, Chapter 244
The bill establishes a number of new programs concerning postsecondary career and education options for students, including updating the financial literacy resource bank to include more information and training concerning postsecondary financial aid.
Colorado |
HB 1389 Signed by governor 6/2/22, Chapter 314
The bill establishes the financial literacy and exchange program (program) within the division of housing (division). The program allows the division to create FLEX accounts for certain people who sign FLEX agreements and participate in eligible housing assistance voucher programs.
Connecticut |
HB 5315 Passed House 4/27/22
This bill: 1. creates the Financial Wellness Trust Fund, to be held by the state treasurer, to promote state residents’ financial education; 2. establishes an eight-member Financial Wellness Trust Fund Advisory Committee; and 3. authorizes the state treasurer to (a) create a Center for Financial Wellness in his office to improve state residents’ financial wellness and (b) use the Financial Wellness Trust Fund to support the center, among other things.
Delaware |
HB 271 Signed by governor 5/3/22, Chapter 300
Charges the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families with providing transitional and independent living services for youth of a specified ages; relates to the Division of Family Services contracts for case management services for youth of a specified ages, with services designed to promote self-sufficiency and responsible living for young adults who are aging out of foster care; relates to participants receive life skills training and personal development.
Delaware |
HCR 22 Adopted 4/6/22
Proclaims the month of April 2022 as “Financial Literacy Month,” in the state of Delaware.
District of Columbia |
Amends the Financial Literacy Council Establishment Act of 2007 to establish a financial literacy education program.
District of Columbia |
Provides for the creation and governance of a program giving youth who have aged out of the foster care system a $1,000 stipend each month for economic support; and provides access to financial literacy advice and tools for money management.
District of Columbia |
Permits collegiate student athletes to earn compensation from third parties for the use of their name, image, or likeness; prohibits student athletes from earning compensation for an endorsement of a certain product; prohibits institutions of higher education and athletic associations from unduly limiting the ability of student athletes to earn compensation for the use of their name, image, and likeness; requires institutions of higher education to offer certain financial literacy programming to athletes.
District of Columba |
B24-714 Under Congressional Review 8/9/22
Creates the School Year Internship Program. Requires grantees to conduct at least four hours of intern training a month on subjects that may include workforce readiness, self-advocacy and personal agency, health (physical, mental, sexual), career exploration, life skills, and financial literacy.
District of Columbia |
B24-845 Signed by mayor 7/19/22, Expires 10/11/22, Act A24-0470
Enacts and amends, on an emergency basis provisions of law necessary to support the Fiscal Year 2023 budget. Creates the School Year Internship Program. Requires grantees to conduct at least four hours of intern training a month on subjects that may include workforce readiness, self-advocacy and personal agency, health (physical, mental, sexual), career exploration, life skills, and financial literacy.
Florida |
HB 1115
Relates to high school graduation requirements in personal finance; revises required credits for standard high school diploma to include one‑half credit of instruction in personal financial literacy and money management and seven and one‑half, rather than eight, credits in electives; authorizes students to earn one‑half credit in personal financial literacy and money management as elective.
Florida |
HB 3613 Withdrawn from consideration 3/12/22
Provides an appropriation for the Housing and Financial Education Center ‑ Kissimmee.
Florida |
HB 7065 Signed by governor 4/11/22, Chapter 67
Provides that beginning in specified fiscal year, the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Juvenile Justice shall identify children who are dually involved with both systems of care; provides that the departments shall collaboratively take appropriate action within available resources to meet the needs of dually involved children more effectively and shall jointly submit to the Legislature a quarterly report; provides for Responsible Fatherhood Month. Before a young adult receives funding for postsecondary education, the department, or an agency under contract with the department, shall assess the young adult’s financial literacy and executive functioning, self-regulation, and similar skills that are important for successful independent living and the completion of postsecondary education. The assessment must be included as part of the transition plan required under §39.6035. Within a reasonable time after completing the assessment, the department, or an agency under contract with the department, must provide information and referrals for any voluntary services that are recommended by the assessment to the young adult to assist in strengthening any necessary s
Florida |
HB 9245 Withdrawn from consideration 3/12/22
Provides an appropriation for the Supporting Financial Education and Stability ‑ United Way Suncoast.
Florida |
SB 1054 Signed by governor 3/22/22, Chapter 17
Relates to financial literacy instruction in public schools; provides a short title; amends §1003.41, F.S.; revises the requirements regarding financial literacy for the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards; amends §1003.4282, F.S.; revises the required credits for a standard high school diploma to include one-half credit of instruction in personal financial literacy and money management and seven and one-half, rather than eight, credits in electives; specifies the requirements of the one-half credit of instruction in personal financial literacy and money management; modifies the requirements for the career and technical education graduation pathway option; amends §1002.3105, F.S.; modifies the requirements for the award of a standard high school diploma for Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning options; provides an effective date.
Georgia |
HB 681 To House for concurrence 4/4/22
Amends Part 2 of Article 6 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to competencies and core curriculum relative to quality basic education, so as to provide for a course of study in financial literacy for students in 10th or 11th grade; provides for related matters; provides for an effective date; repeals conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Georgia |
SB 220 Signed by governor 4/28/22, Act 723
Amends Part 2 of Article 6 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to competencies and core curriculum relative to quality basic education, so as to provide for a program of study in financial literacy for students in 10th or 11th grade; provides for related matters; provides for an effective date; repeals conflicting five laws; and for other purposes.
Guam |
R 348
Requests the Guam Department of Education to incorporate financial literacy into its high school curriculum as a stand-alone course and require successful completion of the course as a graduation prerequisite beginning with School Year 2023-2024.
Hawaii |
HCR 68 HR 61 SCR 11
Urges the Department of Education to include the teaching of financial literacy in the existing personal transition plan course requirement for each student.
Hawaii |
SB 2201
Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, requires the Department of Education to include the teaching of financial literacy in the personal transition plan requirement for each student.
Hawaii |
SB 2532 Passed Senate 3/8/22
Requires the department of public safety to establish a working group to create a pilot program designed to reduce recidivism by providing business and entrepreneurial skills and financial literacy education to inmates. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates moneys.
Idaho |
HB 535
Requires the state treasurer to provide financial education, as the treasurer deems appropriate, to the general public for the purpose of increasing financial literacy and preparedness for individual retirement, including but not limited to partnering with other state agencies to leverage outreach and public education opportunities.
Illinois |
HB 1175 Signed by governor 5/20/22, Public Act 102-892
Amends the Student-Athlete Endorsement Rights Act. Adds a provision encouraging postsecondary educational institutions to provide financial literacy, brand management, and life skills programming designed for student athletes. Makes other changes.
Illinois |
HB 4391
Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Requires students in grades nine through 12 to study and successfully complete (rather than just study) courses that include instruction in the area of consumer education. Requires the instruction in consumer education to include planning and paying for postsecondary education and studying economics. Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, provides that the State Board of Education shall require at least one full school year of instruction in consumer education.
Illinois |
HB 4571
Amends the State Finance Act and the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Renames the Financial Literacy Fund the High School Financial Literacy Fund. With respect to consumer education, provides that, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, a school district shall require an individual to have a professional educator license with a validation in financial literacy to provide financial literacy instruction, unless the individual holds a professional educator license with an endorsement in social studies, family and consumer sciences, or business education. Sets forth provisions concerning the validation. With respect to the three years of mathematics required to receive a high school diploma, provides that a one semester course on financial literacy instruction may count toward one semester of mathematics, unless a pupil counts an Advanced Placement computer science course toward the three years of mathematics.
Illinois |
HB 4582
Creates the Second Chance State Housing Program under which the Department of Returning Resident Affairs shall provide decent, affordable single-family and multi-family housing opportunities to returning residents who have been prescreened for and referred to the program by a hub site operator and have completed a 12-hour course conducted by or through a hub site operator using a U.S. No person shall participate in the Second Chance State Housing Program unless the person is a returning resident who: (A) has been prescreened for and referred to the Second Chance State Housing Program by a hub site operator; and (B) has completed a 12-hour course conducted by or through a hub site operator using a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-approved housing counselor to prepare the returning resident to be a homeowner or tenant. The course shall include, without limitation, training on financial literacy and responsibility, budgeting and financial management, the rental and homebuying process, basic elements of a real estate contract or lease, residential financing, title insurance, real estate taxes, utilities, insurance, basic home maintenance, delinquency and foreclosure prevention, Second Chance State Housing Program requirements, and other practical and legal requirements pertaining to being a homeowner or tenant.
Illinois |
HB 5740
Amends the School Code. Provides that one-half year of personal financial literacy is required as a prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma. Provides the topics of instruction for the personal financial literacy requirement.
Illinois |
SB 3414
Creates the Second Chance State Housing Program under which the Department of Returning Resident Affairs shall provide decent, affordable single-family and multi-family housing opportunities to returning residents who have been prescreened for and referred to the Program by a hub site operator and have completed a 12-hour course conducted by or through a hub site operator using a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-approved housing counselor. The course shall include, without limitation, training on financial literacy and responsibility, budgeting and financial management, the rental and homebuying process, basic elements of a real estate contract or lease, residential financing, title insurance, real estate taxes, utilities, insurance, basic home maintenance, delinquency and foreclosure prevention, Second Chance State Housing Program requirements, and other practical and legal requirements pertaining to being a homeowner or tenant.
Illinois |
SB 3902 Signed by governor 5/13/22, Public Act 102-864
Provides for required high school courses, including for pupils entering the ninth grade in specified school years, one year of a course that includes intensive instruction in computer literacy, which may be English, social studies, or any other subject and which may be counted toward the fulfillment of other graduation requirements; provides that beginning with pupils entering the ninth grade in the 2021 to 2022 school year, one semester, or part of one semester, may include a financial literacy course.
Indiana |
Iowa |
HF 2263
This bill relates to education, including modifying provisions related to required social studies instruction, personal financial literacy instruction, and high school equivalency diplomas. The bill provides that the personal financial literacy instruction provided in school districts and nonpublic schools in grades nine through 12, beginning with the students in the 2022-2023 graduating class, shall require students to attain a passing score on an assessment of the student’s knowledge of personal financial literacy as a condition of graduation. The bill authorizes a student who fails to attain a passing score on the assessment to retake the assessment as many times as necessary.
Iowa |
HF 2377
Creates the office of financial wellness under the department of commerce as an independent office to promote the financial well-being and education of Iowans. The office of financial wellness shall coordinate the state’s efforts and convene interested parties to increase the financial literacy and well-being of Iowans.
Kansas |
Kentucky |
SB 6 Signed by governor 3/9/22, Act 12
Provides that an institution or an association shall not prohibit a student athlete from lawfully earning compensation through a name, image, and likeness agreement with a third party or from obtaining an athlete agent and shall not penalize an athlete for doing so. Requires that an institution provide the institution's student athletes with a financial literacy and life skills education workshop for a minimum of five hours at the beginning of the athlete's first and third academic years.
Louisiana |
HB 207 Signed by governor 6/15/22, Act 447
For a student graduating during or after the 2017-2018 school year but prior to the 2026-2027 school year, to be eligible for a TOPS-Tech Award pursuant to this Chapter, the student shall have successfully completed the core curriculum requirements as specified. Includes financial literacy as one of the eligible math units.
Louisiana |
HB 929
Provides the state content standards in social studies for grades K to 12. In Economics, students shall be expected to be able to: (1) Identify examples of goods and services and explain why people purchase them. For example: (a) Goods: food, toys, and clothing. (b) Services: medical care, fire protection, law enforcement, and library resources. (2) Describe and compare reasons to save and spend money. (3) Differentiate between wants and needs. (4) Identify jobs and industries within a school and community. (5) Describe the concept of scarcity using examples.
Maine |
Maryland |
HB 200
Requires the State Department of Education to update the Maryland State Curriculum for Personal Financial Literacy Education and corresponding financial literacy standards to include certain content; requires the State Board of Education to establish a financial literacy education week; requires each county board of education to require schools in the county to host public discussions on financial literacy during financial literacy education week; requiring the State Board to develop fully online/virtual curriculum content for certain courses in financial literacy; requires each county board to offer the financial literacy curriculum content in every public high school in the county for credit, beginning in a certain school year; and requires each county board to provide a certificate of completion for all students who complete the financial literacy course provided by the school district.
Maryland |
HB 443 SB 228 Became law without governor’s signature 4/9/22, Chapter 37
Alters certain purposes of the Maryland Corps Program; establishes that the Program is exempt from certain provisions of law relating to procurement but is subject to a certain review by the Office of Legislative Audits. Includes financial literacy programming in the definition of wrap-around services.
Maryland |
HB 630
Requires the State Board of Education to establish a Financial Literacy Pilot Program and develop curriculum content for certain public school students; authorizes each public school to implement the curriculum content beginning in a certain school year; and generally relates to a Financial Literacy Pilot Program in public schools.
Maryland |
HB 985 Passed House 3/16/22
Requires the State Board of Education to develop curriculum content for a certain financial literacy course; requires each county board of education to implement the financial literacy curriculum content in every public high school in the county; repeals a provision of law requiring the State Department of Education to report on certain changes to financial literacy curricula at a certain interval; and generally relates to the development and implementation of a financial literacy curriculum for public high schools in the state.
Maryland |
HB 1437 SB 699
Requires the State Board of Education, with the assistance of the Maryland Council on Economic Education, to develop curriculum content for a certain course in financial literacy; requires each county board of education to implement the curriculum in every public high school beginning in a certain school year; requires a student to complete a certain financial literacy course in order to graduate from high school; requires the State Department of Education to provide a professional development course for teachers implementing the curriculum; requires each teacher implementing the curriculum to complete a certain number of hours of professional development in financial literacy; and generally relates to the development and implementation of a financial literacy course in public high schools.
Massachusetts |
HB 40
Submits recommendations of the Department of the State Treasurer as relates to financial literacy for individuals and families.
Massachusetts |
HB 42
Submits recommendations of the Department of the State Treasurer as relates to requiring financial education in schools.
Massachusetts |
HB 220
Establishes an interagency child welfare task force. Requires the department, in consultation with the area boards created in §13 of chapter 18B and the statewide advisory council created in §16 of chapter 18B, to create an age-appropriate, culturally-appropriate, life-skills curriculum for children in the foster care system. The curriculum shall begin for children age 11 and continue through age 18 and shall include, but not be limited to, the following areas: interpersonal skills; completing household duties; running a home; grocery shopping; opening a bank account; interviewing for jobs and/or college; filling out job applications; managing bills; and financial literacy education. The curriculum shall be approved by the secretary of health and human services and shall include a timeframe and cost analysis of implementation within three years of implementation of this act.
Massachusetts |
HB 231
Relates to financial literacy.
Massachusetts |
HB 578
Relates to establishing a personal financial literacy curriculum in schools.
Massachusetts |
HB 1343
Relates to financial literacy counseling for students accepted at public institutions of higher education.
Massachusetts |
SB 346
Relates to high school financial literacy education.
Massachusetts |
SB 380
Relates to student financial literacy.
Massachusetts |
SB 381
Requires financial education in schools. Establishes a separate fund to be known as the Financial Literacy Trust Fund.
Michigan |
HB 4590
Revises mathematics requirement for Michigan merit curriculum. Provides that the board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall not award a high school diploma to a pupil unless the pupil successfully completes at least four credits in mathematics that are aligned with subject area content expectations developed by the department and approved by the state board under §1278b, including completion of at least algebra I, geometry, and algebra II, statistics, or a course in financial literacy as described in §1165 if that course aligns with the subject area content expectations for mathematics developed by the department and approved by the state board under §1278b, or an integrated sequence of this course content that consists of three credits, and an additional mathematics credit, such as trigonometry, precalculus, calculus, applied math, accounting, business math, or a retake of algebra II.
Michigan |
HB 5025
Provides that consistent with federal law, when the department serves as the representative payee or in any other fiduciary capacity for a foster child receiving Veterans Administration benefits, federal Supplemental Security Income, or Social Security benefits, the department shall Provide the child with financial literacy training when the child has attained the age of 14 years.
Michigan |
HB 5190 Signed by governor 6/16/22, Public Act 105
Amends the Revised School Code to do the following: Prohibits a school district or public school academy (PSA) from awarding a high school diploma to a pupil, beginning with pupils entering grade 8 in 2023, unless the pupil successfully completed a course in financial literacy that satisfied the bill's requirements. Requires the Department of Education (MDE) to develop a half-credit course in personal finance. Specifies that the half-credit in personal finance could be fulfilled through an MDE-approved formal career and technical education program or curriculum that aligned with the subject area expectations developed by the MDE and approved by the State Board. Specifies that the half-credit economics course requirement prescribed in the Code could not be fulfilled with the completion of the half-credit course in personal finance. Deletes provisions allowing districts to apply for a contract that waives certain state or federal requirements.
Michigan |
HR 261 Adopted 3/24/22
Declares April 2022 as Financial Literacy Month in the state of Michigan.
Minnesota |
HF 2752 SF 3799
Relates to higher education; provides supplemental financing to the University of Minnesota to increase access and reduce costs to students; appropriates $5 million is to increase student academic advising, mental health and well-being, tutoring needs, and financial literacy services at the University of Minnesota.
Minnesota |
HF 3063
Relates to commerce; establishes a student loan advocate and requires a student loan education course.
Minnesota |
HF 3393 SF 3426
Relates to education finance; makes permanent the funding for the State Council on Economic Education; appropriates money.
Minnesota |
HF 3795 SF 362
Relates to education; modifies graduation requirements to include personal finance.
Minnesota |
HF 4207 SF 4384
Relates to education; requires a personal finance class for high school graduation.
Minnesota |
HF 4307 SF 4013
Relates to state government; modifies provisions governing child care assistance, economic assistance, behavioral health, health care, and health insurance access; makes forecast adjustments; requires reports; transfers money; makes technical and conforming changes; allocates funds for a specific purpose; establishes certain grants; appropriates money. For the Minnesota family assets for independence initiative, provides that a financial coach shall provide the following to program participants: (1) financial education relating to budgeting, debt reduction, asset-specific training, credit building, and financial stability activities; (2) asset-specific training related to buying a home or vehicle, acquiring postsecondary education, starting or expanding a small business, saving for emergencies, or saving for a child's education; and (3) financial stability education and training to improve and sustain financial security.
Minnesota |
HF 4368 SF 4095
Modifies the family assets for independence program; appropriates money; amends Minnesota Statutes 2020, §256E.35, subdivisions 1, 2, 4a, 6, 7; 256P.02, by adding a subdivision. Provides that a financial coach shall provide the following to program participants: (1) financial education relating to budgeting, debt reduction, asset-specific training, credit building, and financial stability activities; (2) asset-specific training related to buying a home or vehicle, acquiring postsecondary education, starting or expanding a small business, saving for emergencies, or saving for a child's education; and (3) financial stability education and training to improve and sustain financial security.
Minnesota |
HF 4555 SF 4157
Appropriates money for a grant to support savings accounts for children and supports financial education for families on their child's college and career pathway in St. Paul.
Minnesota |
HF 4608 Indefinitely postponed 4/27/22 SF 4039
Relates to public safety; includes financial education in the definition of housing supports, the services and supports used to enable domestic violence and sexual assault victims to secure and maintain transitional and permanent housing placement designed for independent living.
Minnesota |
SF 4195
Relates to public safety; includes financial education in the definition of housing supports, the services and supports used to enable domestic violence and sexual assault victims to secure and maintain transitional and permanent housing placement designed for independent living.
Minnesota |
SF 4253
Relates to economic development; requires a report; appropriates money to make workforce training and entrepreneurship investments intended to help close the state's opportunity gaps for Minnesotans of color. Appropriates money to Central Minnesota Workforce Development Collective Impact Partners to provide driver education, financial literacy training, and job placement and retention services.
Mississippi |
HB 994 Died in committee 2/1/22
Requires that the state department of education develop a financial credit counseling curriculum for use by each school district; requires that the department work with nonprofit credit unions who are interested in community service opportunities; requires that the curriculum be taught as an elective class that is required for graduation; requires that the curriculum include instruction in check writing, understanding fico scores, what qualifies as good and bad credit, compounding interest and other financial components dealing with investments and for related purposes.
Mississippi |
HB 1388 Signed by governor 3/23/22, Chapter 370
Creates the "comprehensive career and technical education reform act"; requires the office of workforce development, subject to appropriation by the legislature, to pilot a career coaching program to support middle schools and high schools as students are exposed, prepared and connected to career avenues within and beyond the classroom setting; provides that students pursuing a career technical education pathway must complete the 24 course unit requirements for a regular high school diploma, which may include a course on personal finance.
Mississippi |
SB 2438 Died in committee 2/1/22
Enacts the State Financial Literacy Act; requires local school boards of every public school district to adopt a policy to implement a financial literacy education program into its curriculum for students in grades 10 and 11; provides that the instruction in those subjects shall be implemented not later than the start of a specified school year; provides that the State Department of Education shall approve each district's curriculum for financial literacy related education and shall establish a protocol.
Missouri |
HB 1732 Passed House 3/10/22
Establishes provisions relating to workplace retirement savings plans. To develop and disseminate educational information designed to educate participants and citizens about the benefits of planning and saving for retirement and to help participants and citizens decide the level of participation and savings strategies that may be appropriate, including information in furtherance of financial capability and financial literacy.
Missouri |
HB 1847
Creates a civil cause of action allowing claimants to seek damages from the state for wrongful conviction. Provides that a claimant may also be awarded other nonmonetary relief including, but not limited to, counseling, housing assistance, and personal financial literacy assistance, as appropriate.
Missouri |
HB 2412
Establishes provisions relating to restitution for individuals found to be actually innocent through any evidentiary method; an individual may also be awarded other nonmonetary relief including, but not limited to, counseling, housing assistance, and personal financial literacy assistance, as appropriate.
Missouri |
SB 1056
Creates a civil cause of action allowing claimants to seek damages from the state for wrongful conviction. Provides that a claimant may also be awarded other nonmonetary relief including, but not limited to, counseling, housing assistance, and personal financial literacy assistance, as appropriate.
Missouri |
SB 1132
Relates to compensation for wrongful conviction. Provides that a claimant may also be awarded other nonmonetary relief as sought in the complaint including, but not limited to, counseling, housing assistance, and personal financial literacy assistance.
Montana |
No regular 2022 legislative session
Nebraska |
LB 450 Signed by governor 4/18/22
Adopts the Nebraska Innovation Hub Act and the Small Business Assistance Act. Provides counseling and technical assistance to entrepreneurs, either by direct or indirect services, in financing and the use of credit; financial account management, bookkeeping, and budgeting; and financial literacy education, among others.
Nebraska |
LB 831
Provides for caregiver diversion programs and conditional release of pregnant and postpartum inmates. A caregiver diversion program may include financial literacy courses.
Nebraska |
LB 888 Signed by governor 4/19/22
Changes a requirement relating to academic standards for social studies; repeals the original section; adopts measurable academic content standards for financial literacy and education on the Holocaust and other acts of genocide as recognized by the Congress of the United States or the United Nations as of specified date.
Nebraska |
LB 1072
Appropriates federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for a financial success program. Provide education to participants of the program in financial literacy.
Nebraska |
LB 1115
Relating to property taxes; requires the development of certain property in order for it to retain its property tax exemption; defines terms; and creates the High-Poverty Area Assistance Fund. The fund shall be used to provide mental health services, family counseling services and financial literacy training.
Nebraska |
LB 1137 Signed by governor 4/18/22
Renames and changes provisions of the Fair Pay to Play Act. Provides that a postsecondary institution may offer education and training to student-athletes to aid them in understanding the opportunities that may become available to them for the use of their name, image, or likeness, including education in the areas of networking and communication, brand building and management, financial literacy, and compliance.
Nevada |
No regular 2022 legislative session
New Hampshire |
HB 1671 Signed by governor 6/24/22, Chapter 273
Revises the requirements for the content, definition, and accountability for an adequate public education. Includes personal financial literacy in the learning areas starting in the 2023-2024 school year.
New Jersey |
AB 1296
Requires the State Board of Education high school graduation requirements to include instruction on tuition assistance programs and student loan debt; requires high school students to meet with a guidance counselor to discuss tuition assistance and dual enrollment.
New Jersey |
AB 4355
Requires public high school students to receive financial literacy instruction on higher education costs, student financial assistance, and cryptocurrencies.
New Jersey |
AJR 49
Designates April of each year as "Financial Literacy Month" in New Jersey.
New Jersey |
AR 41
Urges State Board of Education to require school districts to incorporate financial literary instruction into mathematics and social studies curriculum.
New Mexico |
HB 130
Relates to public education; allows personal finance to count as an elective in sixth through eighth grades; amends graduation requirements; allows one-half unit of personal finance to count as an elective unit prior to graduation; makes an appropriation.
New Mexico |
SB 177
Relates to public education; amends graduation requirements; requires one-half unit of personal finance and economics prior to graduation; requires certain licenses for personal finance instruction.
New Mexico |
SB 181
Relates to public education; allows personal finance to count as an elective in sixth through eighth grades; amends graduation requirements; allows one-half unit of personal finance to count as an elective unit prior to graduation; makes an appropriation.
New York |
AB 5115 Substituted 6/3/22 SB 5891 Passed Assembly 6/3/22
Provides that a college shall not uphold any rule, requirement, standard, or other limitation that prevents a student athlete from earning compensation as a result of the use of the student athletes name, image, or likeness; provides that an athletic association, conference, or other group or organization with authority over intercollegiate athletics, including, but not limited to, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, shall not prevent a student athlete from earning compensation as specified. Provides that the student-athlete assistance program may include but not be limited to access to broad-based financial literacy training, with a specific emphasis on the issues and opportunities relevant to student-athletes, during and beyond their tenure at the college.
New York |
AB 5490
Relates to establishing a program for financial transitional living services for foster children; establishes independent development savings accounts for foster children over the age of 16; requires foster children to attend financial literacy and independent living classes.
New York |
AB 5516 Enacting clause stricken 2/8/22 SB 1927
Relates to establishing instruction in financial literacy for students in sixth through eighth grade; requires such instruction to include content on budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, investment, and other issues associated with personal financial responsibility as determined by the education department.
New York |
AB 7220 SB 5827
Requires senior high schools to provide a course in financial literacy; requires students to complete such course as a condition of graduation.
New York |
AB 8289 SB 670 Passed Senate 6/2/22
Allows credit unions, savings banks, savings and loan associations and federal savings associations to accept and secure deposits from municipal corporations. Includes financial literacy as community investment by credit union to accept municipal deposits.
New York |
AB 8596
Directs the Department of Labor to provide notice of job skills training programs and employment services available to taxicab drivers seeking alternate employment who may need assistance with language instruction, financial literacy, social services, computer training and career counseling.
New York |
AB 9493 Passed both houses 5/25/22 SB 8670 Substituted 5/25/22
Provides that a veteran seeking a housing loan under chapter 37 of title 38 of the U.S. Code be offered loan counseling services prior to the processing of such application by a banking institution or mortgage lender.
New York |
AB 9637
Establishes community literacy programs and the community literacy fund to provide grants to non-profit organizations that assist adults in reading, writing, math, English language proficiency, and problem-solving skills.
New York |
AB 9652 SB 1927
Relates to establishing instruction in financial literacy for students in sixth through eighth grade; requires such instruction to include content on budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, investment, and other issues associated with personal financial responsibility as determined by the education department.
New York |
AB 10329
Requires instruction in owning and operating a business including, but not limited to, basic financial literacy necessary for sound financial decision-making, leadership, management, communication, budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, taxation, and other issues associated with owning and operating a business.
New York |
AB 10703
Requires mental health services for incarcerated individuals with post-traumatic prison disorder upon reentry and reintegration into society upon release. Includes money management assistance for an incarcerated individual who receives clinical intervention for post-traumatic prison disorder in the services received upon reentry and reintegration into society upon release.
New York |
SB 9150
Establishes a program to provide immediate assistance to persons to whom an appearance ticket has been issued in order to address the critical needs of such persons for housing, medical treatment, legal representation, and other requirements. Includes financial literacy programs.
North Carolina |
North Dakota |
No regular 2022 legislative session
N. Mariana Islands |
Not available
Ohio |
HB 656
Amends §§5747.08 and 5747.98 and enacts §§5747.83 of the Revised Code to authorize an income tax credit for senior citizens who complete an adult financial literacy course.
Oklahoma |
HB 4409 Passed House 3/21/22
Relates to schools; relates to subject matter standards; modifies graduation requirement to complete a personal financial literacy course; relates to personal financial literacy education; modifies areas of instruction to be included; requires certain students to complete certain course in financial literacy to graduate from high school; mandates instruction to be provided in separate one semester course; removes language allowing districts to offer instruction in certain grades.
Oklahoma |
SB 1145 Title stricken 3/1/22
Provides that a personal financial literacy education shall be taught in the public schools of this state; provides that personal financial literacy education shall include, but is not limited to, specified areas of instruction, including planning for retirement including individual retirement accounts, plans established under §401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and other avenues for saving and investing for retirement, managing an online bank account, and understanding credit scores.
Oregon |
HB 4079
Establishes Oregon Freedom Pilot Program in Department of Human Services to provide monthly stipends to low‑income families. The Department of Human Services shall prescribe by rule eligibility requirements for the program that must give priority to Oregonians with incomes furthest below the federal poverty guidelines and that must include attendance at a financial literacy program.
Oregon |
SB 1584 Signed by governor 3/24/22, Chapter 105
Creates procedure for filing a petition for compensation for wrongful conviction. Compensation may include access to existing state, local or other programs that provide services, including, but not limited to, counseling, housing assistance, eligibility for medical assistance as defined in ORS 414.025, educational assistance, job training, legal services to regain custody of children, assistance with food and transportation and personal financial literacy assistance, as appropriate.
Pennsylvania |
HB 242
Provides for subjects of instruction and flag code and for economic education and personal financial literacy programs; provides for personal finance instruction and for capstone course in personal finance as graduation requirement and establishing the Personal Finance Education Fund; makes an appropriation.
Pennsylvania |
HB 2777
Relates to terms and courses of study; provides for economics and personal finance course graduation requirement; provides for economic education and personal financial literacy programs; abrogates inconsistent regulations.
Pennsylvania |
SB 34
Relates to courses of study; provides for subjects of instruction and flag code and for economic education and personal financial literacy programs; provides for personal finance instruction and for capstone course in personal finance as graduation requirement; establishes the Personal Finance Education Fund; makes an appropriation.
Pennsylvania |
SB 400
Provides for student loan debt data collection and report, for procedures for student loans, for disclosure of higher education costs, for a student loan ombudsman, for higher education assistance by employers, for duties of the Department of Education, Department of Banking and Securities and Department of Revenue; establishes the Student Loan Refinancing Program.
Pennsylvania |
SB 1243
Relates to terms and courses of study; provides for economics and personal finance course graduation requirement; provides for economic education and personal financial literacy programs; abrogates regulations.
Pennsylvania |
SR 270
Recognizes the month of April 2022 as "Financial Literacy Month" in Pennsylvania.
Puerto Rico |
HB 345 Passed House 5/17/22
Creates the Law of Training and Planning for the Financial Security and Economic Development of the Workforce in Puerto Rico; establish the public policy of financial training that should be promoted in the workforce in Puerto Rico to promote financial security and the preparation of people who work for their retirement; activates the mandatory financial training program for all employees of the public system.
Puerto Rico |
HB 1246
Relates to declare October as Financial Responsibility Awareness Month, in order to promote good management of the personal, family, business, and government economy; provides that, during October of each year, the Department of Education, in coordination with the Institute of Financial Education of Puerto Rico, will carry out, in all public schools in the country, a campaign on financial responsibility aimed at students of all school levels and their parents and/or guardians.
Puerto Rico |
HB 1404
Relates to Education Reform Act; provides for the purpose of establishing financial learning programs for Department of Education students from the elementary level. This in order to promote financial education and promote students' understanding of new trends in the financial market both locally and globally.
Puerto Rico |
HJR 341
Relates to financial education; orders the secretary of the Department of Education of the Government to establish a curriculum for the country's public schools; provides that it is designed for all levels, which will be included as a graduation requirement for our students at that level.
Puerto Rico |
HR 701
Relates to order the Committee on Education, Arts and Culture to investigate whether the secretary of education has included, in the teaching curriculum of the public schools, topics oriented towards planning and financial management, including, but not limited to debt management, savings, credit management and importance, purchasing a home, fraud prevention, and retirement planning, in accordance with the provisions.
Puerto Rico |
SB 330
Amends Law 4 of 1985, the Law of the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions, for the purposes of grouping and consolidating into a single Act, the functions, powers and duties of the so‑called Institute of Financial Education of Puerto Rico; provides for the transfer of all property, documents, unspent amounts of assignments, items and other funds held and under the custody of the aforementioned Institute, to the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions.
Rhode Island |
HB 8127 Adopted 4/12/22, Resolution 233 SB 2871 Adopted 4/12/22, Resolution 230
Proclaims April 2022, to be "Financial Literacy Month" in the state of Rhode Island.
A. Samoa |
Not available
South Carolina |
HB 4582
Amends §59-29-410, relating to instructional topics required in high school financial literacy programs, so as to also require instruction in certain additional life skills topics, to make the provisions applicable upon the next adoption of revisions to the social studies academic standards by the state board of education, and to provide the board shall integrate these topics in such revisions.
South Carolina |
HB 5150 Signed by governor with line item vetoes 6/22/22, Act 239
Makes appropriations and to provide revenues to meet the ordinary expenses of state government for the fiscal year beginning on a specified date; regulates the expenditure of such funds; provides further for the operation of state government during this fiscal year and for other purposes. Directs thte Department of Education, trhough the State Board of Education, to promulgate regulations to update the current graduation requirements to include within the existing credits a required half credit in personal finance.
South Carolina |
SB 16 To conference committee 2/23/22
Adds §59-29-17 so as to require completion of certain basic personal finance coursework for high school graduation instead of existing economics coursework requirements, to provide high schools may continue to offer such coursework, to provide for the development and content of related standards, to provide the state department of education shall develop related measuring and reporting requirements and shall make related recommendations, and to make these provisions applicable to students entering ninth grade beginning with the 2022-2023 school year; and repeals §59-29-165 relating to required instruction in personal finance.
South Dakota |
Tennessee |
HB 2294 Passed House 4/11/22 SB 2174
Requires that students in grades six through eight complete a financial literacy course.
Tennessee |
HB 2421
Establishes deadline of February 1 for the Tennessee financial literacy commission to submit its annual report concerning its activities during the preceding year to the general assembly.
Texas |
No regular 2022 legislative session
Utah |
SB 71 Enacting clause struck 3/4/22
Creates the Parental Coaching to Encourage Student Savings Program; provides for financial training to parents of certain children experiencing intergenerational poverty and a financial contribution to the 529 savings accounts of such children if certain conditions are met; creates the Parental Coaching to Encourage Student Savings Program Restricted Account.
Vermont |
HB 464 Signed by governor 5/24/22, Act 133
This bill proposes to: (1) remove the medical review process in the Reach Up program; and (2) enable both parents in a qualifying two-parent family to participate in the Postsecondary Education Program. Includes financial capability classes and coaching as a program participation activity.
U.S. Virgin Islands |
Washington |
HB 1938
Amends provisions regarding the financial education public-private partnership. Requires, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, and subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the educational service districts must have staff positions solely dedicated to student financial education.
Washington |
SB 5720 Signed by governor 3/30/22, Chapter 238
Provides student financial literacy education; provides that the financial education public private partnership shall establish a grant program to provide assistance to school districts for the purpose of integrating financial literacy education into professional development for certificated staff.
Washington |
SB 5824
Provides dependent youth with financial education and support.
West Virginia |
HB 2092
Requires one credit required course of study with end of course exam in personal finance in high school; requires state board to develop curriculum; requires cursive to taught in certain grades; requires state board to develop a program of instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides integrated into curriculum of appropriate course or courses in the middle and high school grades.
West Virginia |
HB 4437
Relates to creation of a task force to provide comprehensive reentry transitional services to offenders reentering communities. Requires the task force to create a program to provide and coordinate the delivery of community services to juvenile and adult offenders, including: (1) Housing assistance; (2) Literacy and education; (3) Job training and job placement; (4) Conflict resolution skills training; (5) Batterer intervention programs; (6) Health and nutrition information, including mental health treatment; (7) Personal finance and consumer skills; and (8) Other appropriate social services, including, but not limited to, (i) Release requirements and procedures, (ii) drug and alcohol testing and assessment for treatment, and (iii) additional community resources.
West Virginia |
HB 4812
Requires the State Board of Education to establish a personal finance literacy pilot program to be implemented in at least five public high schools.
West Virginia |
SB 60 Passed Senate 1/24/22
Allows the State Board of Education to develop a program of instruction in family and consumer sciences, or specific subjects within family and consumer sciences, that may be integrated into the curriculum for students in secondary schools.
Wisconsin |
AB 899 Failed to pass pursuant to SJR 1 3/15/22
Requires one credit of personal financial literacy for high school graduation.
Wisconsin |
SB 841 Failed to pass pursuant to SJR 1 3/15/22
Requires one credit of personal financial literacy for high school graduation.
Wyoming |