The National Legislative Program Evaluation Society is hosting a special virtual training event for NLPES members Mondays in April. The four-part Management 101 webinar series is geared primarily toward newer or emerging managers, although all NLPES members are invited to attend.
Monday, April 4
Jonathan Raymond will talk about becoming a good authority and boss for your team. Learn about applying effective leadership tactics and why coaching and supporting staff is important, but solving all their problems is not.
Speaker: Jonathan Raymond, founder & CEO, Refound
Monday, April 11
Lucinda Kenning will examine the importance of creating a culture that makes employees feel valued and relevant. Discover how to develop and increase employee passion and energy and earn about the role of grit and a growth mindset in achievement. You'll also get practical tips on how to use measurement and accountability to engage employees.
Speaker: Lucinda Kenning, founding partner, Holliday | Kenning
Monday, April 18
Part 3: Roundtable Discussion for Management 101 Participants
During this segment, participants will have time to network and learn from each other, share management experiences, and discuss current practices, new ideas, what has worked and what hasn’t. Bring your questions, too!
Moderator: Jennifer Sebren, deputy director, Mississippi Joint Legislative PEER Committee
Monday, April 25
Jonathan Raymond will continue his discussion about effective leadership tactics and respond to questions posed by participants.
Speaker: Jonathan Raymond, founder & CEO, Refound