The NCSL Task Force on Energy Supply explored a range of topics on Nov. 2 during its first in-person meeting in two years at NCSL's Legislative Summit meeting in Tampa. The hybrid meeting also included a virtual component via Zoom. Topics included how COVID has affected utilities and ratepayers, offshore wind, advanced nuclear technologies and examining regional energy markets.
The task force explores issues and opportunities faced by state policymakers as they shape energy policies and grow a reliable, affordable and resilient energy system to power the nation. The task force also provides NCSL with guidance as it develops energy policy resources for legislators and legislative staff.
Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021
Welcome and Introductions
NCSL Energy Supply Task Force Co-Chairs:
- Senator Eric Koch, Indiana
- Senator Dave Koehler, Illinois
Siting New Energy Infrastructure
Meeting growing energy demand and enabling the transformation of energy systems will require new infrastructure, including transmission, generation, storage and end-use technology. This session explored the challenges of siting energy infrastructure and discussed concrete steps that lawmakers can take to ensure their states enable the development of needed infrastructure while protecting land use-values.
- Chris Kunkle, director of state affairs, Apex Clean Energy, Inc. | Presentation
- Christina Hayes, vice president, Federal Regulatory Affairs, Berkshire Hathaway Energy | Presentation
Offshore Wind
U.S. waters contain an estimated 2 terawatts of potential offshore wind capacity—equivalent to approximately twice the capacity of current U.S. electricity generation and enough energy to power roughly 1.6 billion homes. However, numerous challenges exist to significantly expanding offshore wind development, including siting and transmission hurdles. This session examined how states are addressing these hurdles and opportunities for states to facilitate the responsible development of offshore wind resources.
- Walter Cruickshank, deputy director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, U.S. Department of the Interior | No Presentation
- William Murray, senior vice president, Dominion Energy | No Presentation
- Ricardo Renedo Williams, policy officer, European Union | Presentation
The Cost of COVID: How COVID has impacted utilities and ratepayers
The coronavirus pandemic has affected many sectors, including energy. From workforce challenges to protecting access to energy for households facing financial hardship as a result of the pandemic and the lost utility revenue that has accrued, state policymakers were faced with important questions about how to support the energy sector and protect consumers throughout the pandemic. This session explored the challenges the sector experienced, state policy responses, and lessons for the future.
- Kate Marks, deputy assistant secretary, Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response, U.S. Department of Energy | Presentation
- Mark Wolfe, executive director, National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association | Presentation
- Katrina McMurrian, executive director, Critical Consumer Issues Forum | Presentation
- Terry Torres, director of customer experience, Orlando Utilities Commission | Presentation
Advanced Nuclear Technologies
There are a number of next-generation nuclear technologies under development, including small modular reactors and micro-reactors. These new, smaller designs are renewing interest and investment in nuclear power due to the increased safety, lower costs and carbon-free energy they can provide. This keynote presentation explored the unique characteristics of these new technologies, their potential role in the clean energy transition and the remaining challenges to nuclear development.
- Marc Nichol, senior director, new reactors, Nuclear Energy Institute | Presentation
- Carol Lane, government affairs, X-energy | Presentation
Business Meeting
Task Force members shared energy-related legislation from the 2021 Session.
Maintaining Resilience as the Resource Mix Changes
The electric grid is facing unprecedented challenges both from natural and human-caused disruptions (e.g., floods, fires, cybersecurity incidents), while at the same time incorporating new resources and technologies that change the way electricity is generated and managed. These changes are likely to accelerate in the coming decade, as the resource mix shifts to include more distributed generation and more intermittent resources. In recent years, states have taken numerous steps to improve grid resilience. This session examined how the changing resource mix presents new challenges and opportunities for the grid and how state legislatures can promote resilience to ensure reliable and affordable access to power.
- Peter Larsen, leader, electricity markets and policy department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Presentation
- Cindy Clemmons, manager of legislative and regulatory relations, Lakeland Electric | No Presentation
Examining Regional Markets: How they work and how pending proposals might impact the Southeast and West
Regional electricity markets can enhance economic and operational efficiencies by deploying the lowest-cost energy from across a region to meet the needs of an expanded geographic footprint. Existing markets have lowered customer costs and enabled new technologies, leading some states and utilities to pursue joining or creating regional markets. However, market design and implementation are key to realizing these benefits and several states in existing markets have expressed concerns over their ability to achieve state policy goals. This session examined the opportunities and challenges of regional markets.
- Craig Glazer, vice president, federal government policy, PJM | Presentation
- Stacey Crowley, vice president, external affairs, CAISO | Presentation
- Jeff Riles, global energy markets and policy, Google | Presentation
Meeting Adjourned