May May 18 20 In-Person Event Rural Health Regional Roundtable: Western States Thursday, May 18, 2023 In-Person Event View Event Details: Overview Overview Overview This meeting brings together legislators and legislative staff from several Western states (Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming) to explore strategies for strengthening rural health in their states and the region. Participants will also tour a rural health care facility and have discussions with facility leadership. Meeting objectives include: Learn from state, regional and national experts about improving rural health through policy. Network with legislative colleagues to discuss rural health opportunities. Share concerns, interests, challenges and successes around rural health care. Session presentations: May 18, 2023 Plenary Presentation: Rural Health Challenges and Opportunities (Presenter: Timothy McBride, Ph.D., Washington University) May 19, 2023 Roundtable Discussion: Rural Health Care Facilities (Presenters: Samantha Scotti, NCSL; Kevin Davenport, NCSL; Sarah Heppner, HRSA) Panel Discussion: Rural Health Stakeholders (Presenters: Tahra Johnson, NCSL; Sarah Heppner, HRSA; Timothy McBride, Washington University; Scott Miller, CDC; Kailyn Mock, Montana Office of Rural Health) Overview of Federally Qualified Health Centers and Community Health Partners, Inc. (Presenter: Lander Cooney, CEO, CHP) Overview of Montana Primary Care Association (Presenter: Stacey Anderson, MPCA) May 20, 2023 Roundtable Discussion: Access to Care (Presenter: Ruth Thomas-Squance, Build Healthy Places Network) Roundtable Discussion: Health Workforce (Presenter: Dr. Davis Patterson, WWAMI) Roundtable Discussion: Behavioral Health (Presenter: Kevin Martone, L.S.W., Technical Assistance Collaborative) The meeting is sponsored by NCSL’s Health Program and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Sponsors