The NCSL Task Force on Military and Veterans Affairs held a one-hour virtual roundtable meeting on Friday, January 8, 2021.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Welcome and Housekeeping: Jim Reed, NCSL
Opening Remarks by Task Force Co-Chairs:
- Representative Tina Orwall, Washington
- Representative Dean Dohrman, Missouri
Pledge of Allegiance, led by Representative Dohrman
Special Presentation to departing Co-Chair Dohrman:
- Co-Chair Representative Orwall and Brooke Oleen, NCSL
NCSL Update
- Feb. 26, 2021, NCSL “State Policy 101” session on military and veteran’s affairs: Jim Reed
- Recent NCSL-DoD Webinar “Designed for Disaster: The Impact of State and Federal Policies on Military Installation Resilience:” Jen Schultz
- Federal update: Jon Jukuri
Task Force Roundtable Breakout Group Discussion
During this session, Task Force members discussed military and veteran’s issues for the upcoming legislative session and how Legislatures will be operating in 2021.
Wrap up and adjournment
- Moderator: Representative Tina Orwall, Washington