Sept. 16-19, 2024 | Richmond, Va.
The NALIT Professional Development Seminar brings together state legislative IT professionals who are interested in advancing the effectiveness and efficiency of state legislatures through technology. The 2024 seminar provides a combination of educational sessions, legislative application showcases, tours and briefings, best practices, a vendors’ reception and networking opportunities.
The agenda offers a mix of technical, policy and management sessions and provides opportunities to share solutions and discuss innovative uses of technology. Speakers combine the knowledge of industry experts and the experience and expertise of legislative information technology staff.
As always, the seminar will feature the following signature NALIT events:
- Five Minutes of Fame: One person from each participating chamber or legislative IT has five minutes (strictly enforced) to share anything they choose about IT. You can talk about hardware, software, infrastructure, application development, staffing, budgeting … You name it. Advance sign-up is required.
- Application Showcases: Each legislative IT office that submits a showcase will have a table in the ballroom. They will do several demonstrations of their application as our attendees move around the room to visit each showcase. Advance sign-up is required.
- Birds of a Feather Roundtables: Meet in small groups with your colleagues to discuss questions directly relevant to your position—whether management, support/help desk, infrastructure and systems administration, or applications development and programming.