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Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force Site Tour and Meeting | May 16-17, 2024 | Quebec City

  • Thursday, May 16, 2024
    • In-Person Event
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Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force at the La Citadelle de Quebec – Quebec City – May 2024
Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force at the La Citadelle de Quebec – Quebec City – May 2024

The NCSL Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force met on May 16-17, 2024, in Quebec City. The task force meeting and associated tours were held in conjunction with NCSL's Spring Executive Committee Meeting at the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac. A full day guided walking tour of the Citadelle of Quebec (an active military installation and a Canadian National Historic Site) and of the National Assembly of Quebec occurred on May 16.

Sessions covered a variety of topics, including:

  • Overview of military services in Canada and briefings on national and international security.
  • Spotlight on Military and Veterans Affairs in Canada.
  • Wildfires: The Ongoing Threat to Military Installation in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Joint session on Military Installation Energy Security with the NCSL Energy Supply Task Force.
  • Update from the Department of Defense, Defense State Liaison Office
  • Veterans and Mental Health Workforce Update.
  • Task Force Planning for the next meeting on Aug 4, 2024, held at as a preconference to the NCSL Legislative Summit in Louisville, Ky.

The Task Force gratefully acknowledges the support of the U.S. Department of Defense Readiness and Environmental Integration Program (REPI), Amazon, Bombardier, Everytown for Gun Safety, Maximus, the Nuclear Energy Institute and Walmart.

Thursday, May 16, 2024 (Tour)
La Citadelle de Quebec
9:30 a.m. Briefing on the Royal 22nd Regiment, Room Lomer Gagnon
10:30 a.m. Guided walking tour of the Museum of La Citadelle de Quebec.
1 p.m. End of visit to La Citadelle
National Assembly of Quebec
1:10 p.m Walk to the Parliament Building of Quebec, home to the National Assembly of Quebec
1:30 p.m. Presentation on Canadian military affairs. Speaker: Colonel (retired) François Riffou, who served several years in the Canadian Forces and has worked closely with Americans on deployment.
3:30 p.m. Tour of the Parliament Building of Quebec and the National Assembly of Quebec.
5 p.m. Conclude tour
Friday, May 17, 2024
The Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac Hotel
8 a.m.

NCSL Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force Convenes

  • Opening Remarks by Task Force Leadership
  • Sen. Bryce Reeves, co-chair, Virginia
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Rep. Marvin Abney, co-chair, Rhode Island
  • Rep. Tina Orwall, past co-chair, Washington
  • Sen. Stephan Pappas, vice-chair, Wyoming
  • Participant introductions around the room
  • Tribute to Rep. Tina Orwall for her service as Task Force Co-Chair
8:45 a.m.

Spotlight on Military and Veterans Affairs in Canada

Presiding: Co-Chair Rep. Marvin Abney, Rhode Island

Speaker: Dennis Manning, senior director, Financial and Re-establishment Policy, Veterans Affairs Canada

9:30 a.m.

Presiding: Co-Chair Sen. Bryce Reeves, Virginia

Featured Sponsor: Bombardier, Montreal-based aviation manufacturing company.


  • Dan Lubowitz, director of government affairs, Bombardier
  • Simon Jackson, Bombardier U.S. Defense Team 
10:30 a.m.

Wildfires: The Ongoing Threat to Military Installations in the U.S. and Canada

Canada experienced its worst fire season ever in 2023. Wildfires are becoming larger, more frequent, and more widespread and budgets are being stressed at all levels of government in the U.S. and Canada. As well, wildfires are a constant concern for the military as they impact the ability to conduct military training and put personnel at risk.

Presiding: Sen. Stephan Pappas, Wyoming

Sylvain Guitard, manager – International Partnerships and Interagency, Provincial Fire Center – Quebec Ops Base, Société de Protection des Forêts Contre le Feu (SOPFEU) | Presentation

11:30 a.m

Military Installation Energy Security

(Joint Session with the NCSL Energy Supply Task Force)

Presiding: Energy co-chair Sen. Chris Hansen, Colorado and Military co-chairs Rep. Marvin Abney and Sen. Bryce Reeves

NCSL's Energy Supply Task Force and Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force convene for a conversation on energy security and resilience for military installations. Nevada Sen. Pat Spearman, Georgia Rep. Don Parsons and Virginia Sen. Bryce Reeves have been invited to share their experiences with bases near their districts. Christine Csizmadia with the Nuclear Energy Institute will also provide brief remarks on advanced nuclear power for on- and off-base energy security. Each speaker will have about 10 minutes to present followed by Q&A after all have spoken.

Each speaker will address what steps their state and the military installations within their state's borders are taking to ensure the resilience of the energy supply needed by the base. Also, what is being done by the state in terms of policy to assist the military to ensure energy security/resilience on military bases and in the nearby communities, specifically concerning planning for natural disasters and human threats like cyberattacks?

1:15 p.m.

Task Force Member Roundtable

Facilitators: Co-Chairs Rep. Abney and Sen. Reeves

Each task force member is invited to give a brief three-minute overview of state legislation enacted in 2024 that addresses military and veterans' issues.

2:15 p.m.

Update from the DOD (Department of Defense) Defense State Liaison Office (DSLO)

The Defense-State Liaison Office provides state policymakers with expert insight on priorities affecting military families and their quality of life.

Presiding: Rep. Mari Leavitt, Washington

Speaker: Michelle Richart, Midwest regional liaison, Defense State Liaison Office | Handout

3 p.m.

Veterans and Mental Health Workforce Update

The Mental Health Matters National Task Force convened by the State Exchange on Employment and Disability created a transformative policy framework for promoting workforce mental health. This session gives an overview of the framework along with its application to military veterans.

Presiding: Rep. Tina Orwall, Washington

Speaker: Suzanne Hultin, director, NCSL Employment, Labor and Retirement Program | Presentation

3:45 p.m.

Preview of Military and Veterans Affairs Sessions at Legislative Summit

August 4-7, 2024, Louisville, Ky.

Facilitators: Co-Chairs Rep. Abney and Sen. Reeves

Speaker: Jim Reed, director, NCSL Environment, Energy and Transportation Program

4:15 p.m.

Task Force Adjourns

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