Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024
Session Description
5:30-7 p.m.
Welcome Reception at The Pew Charitable Trusts Office
Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024
8-9 a.m.
9-9:45 a.m.
Welcome and Introductions
- Emily Maher, project manager, NCSL Fiscal Affairs Program
- Alison Wakefield, manager, State Fiscal Health, The Pew Charitable Trusts
9:45-11 a.m.
Watch Session 1: How to Choose Economic Modeling Tools
- Moderator: Sarah Parker, senior research and strategy officer for Infrastructure, Environmental and Economic Analysis, New York City Independent Budget Office
- Carlos Güereca, budget analyst, Minnesota Legislative Budget Office
Panelist: Sondra Collins, senior economist, Office of the State Economist
Panelist: Anoushka Mohnot, senior economic and policy analyst, Office of Revenue Analysis, Rhode Island Department of Revenue
Panelist: Madiha Zaffou, Ph.D., deputy chief, Office of Revenue Analysis, Rhode Island Department of Revenue
11-11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Watch Session 2: AI in Evaluations
- Andy Brienzo, principal auditor, Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
Moderator: Sanam Hooshidary, legislative specialist, NCSL State-Federal Affairs
Panelist: Paul Jasper, data innovation lead, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning, Oxford Policy Management (virtual)
Panelist: Izzy Thornton, Ph.D., principal evaluation associate, Center for Research Evaluation, University of Mississippi
Panelist: Cade Graber, senior auditor, Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit (virtual)
12:30-1:30 p.m.
1:30-2:45 p.m.
Watch Session 3: Evaluating Beyond Fiscal and Economic Indicators
- Moderator: Josh Goodman, senior officer, State Fiscal Health, The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Panelist: Andy Brienzo, principal auditor, Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
- Panelist: Noah Enders, associate auditor, Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
- Panelist: Laurel Berman, Ph.D., environmental health scientist, Office of Capacity Development and Applied Prevention Science, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Panelist: William Congdon, Ph.D. senior fellow, Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population, Urban Institute
2:45-3 p.m.
Snack Break.
3-4:15 p.m.
Watch Session 4: Evaluating Evaluation Processes
Moderator: Alison Wakefield, manager, State Fiscal Health, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Panelist: Farhad Niami, director of economic affairs administration, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, District of Columbia Office of Revenue Analysis
Panelist: Ellen Miller, chief economic development and quantitative analyst, Virginia Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
Panelist: Jennifer Henderson, senior analyst, Maine Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (virtual)
Panelist: Peter Schleck, director, Maine Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability
4:15-4:30 p.m.
Wrap-Up Discussion/End
6-8 p.m.
(at the Big Easy bar/lounge)
915 F St. NW
Washington, DC
Reception and Dinner
Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
8-9 a.m.
9-10:15 a.m.
Watch Session 5: Synthetic Control Model
- Moderator: Jim Landers, associate professor, Enarson Fellow, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University (virtual)
- Panelist: Robert McClelland, senior fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Urban Institute
- Panelist: Adam Scavette, regional economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (virtual)
- Panelist: Peter Bluestone, associate director, Center for State and Local Finance, Georgia State University
10:15-10:30 a.m.
Session 6: Small Group Sample Evaluation Process
- Elizabeth Gray, associate, State Fiscal Health, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Facilitator: Elizabeth Gray, associate, State Fiscal Health, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Facilitator: Bob Isaacson, senior vice president for economic research and policy, Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness
Boxed lunches will be provided.