Catriona Macdonald, executive director, Association of State and Tribal Home Visiting Initiatives
Catriona Macdonald is the founder and president of Linchpin Strategies, LLC, a Washington, D.C, strategic consulting and government relations firm. In 2015, she assisted in founding the Association of State and Tribal Home Visiting Initiatives, an independent, nonlobbying organization of state, tribal and territorial administrators of voluntary home visiting programs, and continues to serve as the ASTHVI executive director.
Ruth-Ann Bucknor, Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) program graduate
Ruth-Ann Bucknor is a compassionate and dedicated leader committed to driving positive change. Her passion lies in the improvement of policies and legislation concerning families, children, and historically marginalized groups. Her impactful contributions include roles on the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood Parent Cabinet and the governor-appointed Early Childhood Cabinet.
Michigan Sen. Sylvia Santana (D)
Sen. Sylvia Santana is a dedicated wife, mother and public servant who has successfully helped reform the state’s justice system for adults and juveniles alike. She is serving her second term in the Michigan Senate. Santana is very involved in her community, where she supports uplifting local organizations and individuals who are working hard to make the area the best place to live, work, and play. She majored in finance at Eastern Michigan University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business. She and her husband, Harvey, reside in Warrendale with their three children.
Wisconsin Rep. Patrick Snyder (R)
Rep. Patrick Snyder has always loved Wisconsin—from growing up in Milwaukee during the sixties and seventies to returning to Wisconsin in November 2000 and becoming the morning radio host on AM 550 WSAU. He is a member of several community organizations including United Way's Hunger Coalition and Housing and Homelessness Committee. He is on the Marathon County Department of Social Services Administrative Review Panel and an Aspirus Hospice Volunteer. He also spent time on the Schofield City Council. He serves on the Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board and the Wisconsin Council on Domestic Abuse.